What are the benefits of bees?

The benefits of bees are not in doubt and have been known to mankind since the period BC. This is evidenced by the ancient apiaries discovered during archaeological excavations, which captured their folklore. Hymenoptera are important for the preservation of nature and the life of the person who tamed them in order to receive life’s benefits.

Bee in nature

Honey bees participate in the pollination process of plants, bringing benefits in increasing productivity and vitality. Because of their tireless work, the mass of green spaces on the globe is increasing, which is food for living organisms. What’s the bottom line? The atmosphere is replenished with oxygen, losing carbon dioxide, solar energy is stimulated, on which the biospheric state of the planet directly depends.

Functions of a bee in nature

What are the benefits of bees?

What are the benefits of winged workers? They carry out pollination of medicinal, fruit, berry and vegetable plants. Without this, many cultures of the Earth will surely die. Individuals destroy pests that threaten gardens. They are part of the ecosystem that supports healthy vegetation growth and provides food for other creatures. From bees, a person receives products enriched with vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

Honey, as a food of the gods, at all times gave strength and relieved of diseases, acting as a natural antibiotic.


What are the benefits of bees?

Studies have shown that bees originally lived in tropical climates in woodlands. Today they are not present only in Antarctica. They usefully inhabit climatic zones, preferring gardens, forests, meadows, replenished with flowering melliferous plants. The nests of wild swarms are located in the cavities of trees, in secluded corners that are not accessible to predators.

Bee breeds

What are the benefits of bees?

Hymenoptera differ in color, size, proboscis length, uterus fertility, malice, disease resistance, productivity. What varieties of 20 thousand species of insects are common in Russia:

  1. Central Russian frost-resistant aggressive individual.
  2. Peaceful mountain Caucasian type.
  3. Peaceful Carpathian variety.
  4. Italians with a friendly disposition and a yellow body.
  5. Gray Ukrainian steppe bee.
  6. Silver Krainka.
  7. English hybrid Buckfast.
  8. Small Kuban breed.

Evolution has contributed to the presence of peculiar features and external differences in their appearance.

Bee for man

What are the benefits of bees?

Aerial toilers, when collecting nectar, usefully transfer pollen, increasing yields. The production of honey and other raw materials is also the result of their actions. What diligence one must possess, flying out 25000 times to bring a kilogram of sweet “gold”, and with a weak melliferousness, the flights quadruple.

Beekeeping farms provide jobs for hundreds of thousands of people, which contributes to economic prosperity.

The benefits of bees for humans can hardly be overestimated. They ensure the presence of fruits and vegetables in his diet. For industrial crops of cotton for production needs, clover, which serves as food for cattle, these are the main pollinators.

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Why are bees bred?

What are the benefits of bees?

What is the use of such insects, mankind has known since ancient times. Ancient rock carvings depict hunters for tasty prey. After the domestication of bees, people usefully use medicinal honey, other substances that their vital activity brings, which appear:

  • royal jelly;
  • propolis;
  • wax;
  • poison, submergence;
  • pergoy.

The products of bee labor are used in medicine, pharmacology, cooking, and cosmetology. If the benefits and harms of a bee are considered, then the harm lies in the bite, which brings unpleasant sensations, and for allergy sufferers is fraught with serious consequences. But poison is also treated!

Scientists state that with the disappearance of tireless fliers, earthlings will die of starvation and lack of oxygen after 4 years.

As a producer of honey and other products

What are the benefits of bees?

Working bees, queen bees, drones live in hive-houses, each of them performs its own task. The nectar and pollen of the plants are brought by workers, filling the stomach and passing the composition, like a baton, to “colleagues” who pack it into honeycombs and seal with wax. What a sophisticated technology!

Bees carry a load equal to their weight, which is beyond the strength of an airplane.

The larvae are fed with the obtained “bread” from the extracted mixture. From the age of three weeks, foragers fly to work. They have less than 50 days to live. Podmore of bee origin – these are the deceased inhabitants of the hive, which, even after death, benefit human health, improving blood formation and normalizing metabolism. For a short existence, the family fills the hive with honey, wax, propolis, perga.

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Beekeeping stages

What are the benefits of bees?

Fossilized insect specimens have been found in strata dating back to the Cretaceous. Humanity is millions of years younger than them. The cradle of beekeeping is Egypt, whose experience has been profitably taken up by other countries. What was this story that went through a lot of changes? At the first stage, primitive man managed to extract honey from bees from their dwellings in tree hollows, rock crevices, destroying families.

The second step was the development of beekeeping, when the beekeeper helped the wards with top dressing left for the winter, building beads.

At the third stage, hive apiaries appeared. Taking away part of the product, the owner provided the residents with food for the winter.

The frame method was useful, replacing the log method, when the American Langstroth invented in 1851 frames that were easily removed from the outside..


What are the benefits of bees?

Beekeeping raw materials used by alternative medicine are useful when the body is affected by:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • infections;
  • shingles;
  • tuberculosis;
  • wounds, burns.

The funds are used externally and internally. Bee propolis pollen wax is an apitherapy tool, along with royal jelly and poison. What are the benefits they bring: reduce the intake of medications, resist the recurrence of joint ailments, diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, improve overall health, strengthen the immune system. The honey composition has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties.

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Bee treatment products are not suitable for allergy sufferers.

Bees in Slavic mythology

What are the benefits of bees?

The Slavs called the bee “God’s saint”, attributing wisdom and holiness to it. It was believed that sinners are destined to suffer from a sting, and only good people are able to maintain a swarm. There is a well-known sign of lightning, which does not harm the hives. Folk legend says about the appearance of hairy creatures from the tears of a maiden sitting on a stone block among the sea surface.

The head of the womb family is named after the Mother of God. People believed that the Mother of God gave protection to the owners of apiaries.

The benefits that insects bring are priceless. The decreasing population trend has prompted the creation of programs to support beekeeping. What contribution can be made to help hardworking individuals? Protect the environment by not spraying crops at the time of flowering. Everyday human activity, destroying the natural environment, the use of chemicals in fertilizers lead to sad consequences.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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