Tench, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


Lin is the only member of the genus Tinca.
He is very thermophilic and inactive. Lin grows rather slowly
and most often sticks to the bottom. Its habitat is coastal
zone. Lin is not just a name, it is a characteristic, since
this fish was so named because of its ability to change color when hit
into the air. It kind of sheds, the mucus covering it begins to darken,
and dark spots appear on the body. After a while, this slime
peels off, and yellow spots appear in this place. Should
note that there is also a decoratively derived species in the world – gold

Tench is a freshwater fish, therefore it can be found in lakes, ponds,
reservoirs. It can also be found in rivers, but very rarely. Tench
prefers to hide in algae and loves large bodies of water, because
there he is much more comfortable. These places are so attractive for the tench with their
thickets of reeds, sedges and reeds. He likes places with a weak
flow. It gets along well in water with a low oxygen content.
The tench is able to survive even in places where the rest of the fish will immediately

He has a thick, tall and covered with elongated scales, which
sits tightly in the skin and secretes mucus abundantly. The tench has a finite and
rather small mouth, in the corners of which there are short antennae.
The eyes are small, bordered with a reddish iris. All fins
rounded in shape, and in the caudal fin there is a small notch.
He does not have a specific color, since he depends on the reservoir,
in which the fish lives. Most individuals have a dark back with a greenish
shade, and the sides are light sometimes yellow. The fins are all gray
but in basal and ventral areas the base is yellowish. Distinguish males from
females are quite simple, since the first have a thickened second ray
pelvic fins.

Most often, the weight of an individual is only 600 g, but sometimes specimens come across,
reached 50 cm, with a weight of about 2-3 kg. Life expectancy is
18 years.

The tench’s diet is quite diverse, it consists of insect larvae,
worms, molluscs, aquatic plants and detritus.

How to choose

The choice of a tench should be approached with special responsibility, because
your well-being depends on it. The first tip is to buy exclusively
fresh fish. Now this is quite possible, since this fish is sold
and in aquariums. If you buy from the counter, then carefully examine
gills, because they are the main sign of freshness. Then sniff
Do not take the seller’s word for it. Fresh fish never smells like fish
it gives off a scent of freshness. The tench’s eyes should be clear
and transparent. Any deviation is a sign of poor quality. Push it down
on the fish, the remaining fossa is a clear sign of insufficient freshness. Meat
fresh fish is firm, quick to recover and elastic. If you
acquired a tench, and when they came home and began to butcher it, they found
that the bones are falling behind the meat, carry it back or throw it in the trash
bucket, you should definitely not eat such fish.

How to store

Fresh tench can be stored for only three days. However, don’t forget
gut it, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. After it
can be wrapped in white paper that has been pre-soaked
strong saline solution. Then you can wrap it again in a clean
a napkin.

Cooked fish can be stored for quite a long time.
in the refrigerator, at a temperature not exceeding 5 ° C.

Reflection in culture

In Hungary, tench is called “gypsy fish”, this is due to the fact
that he is completely unpopular there.

It should be noted that healing properties were also attributed to the tench. it
was in the Middle Ages and at that time it was believed that if this fish was cut
in half and put on the wound, then the pain will pass, the fever will decrease. People
believed that tench relieves even jaundice. It was believed that he was positively
affects not only humans, but also other fish. Sick relatives
it was only required to rub against the tench and everything will pass.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 7 1,8 1 1 1 40

Useful properties of tench

Composition and presence of nutrients

Despite such a low calorie content, tench is very rich in various
vitamins and nutrients. This fish has high quality
protein, iodine, vitamins B, A,
E, C and PP.
It also contains zinc, copper, sodium, chromium, polyunsaturated fatty
acids, phosphorus,
fluorine, manganese and potassium.

Useful and healing properties

Lin is one of the few products that contains high quality
a protein that contains essential amino acids. Doctors strongly
recommend eating tench for people who complain of poor
the work of the stomach,
or problems with the thyroid
iron. Scientists have proven that if you systematically use
cooked over a fire or baked fish, it will be beneficial
affect the body as a whole. The tench affects the most
on the work of the heart, namely, it prevents the occurrence of arrhythmias.

In cooking

It should be noted that tench is not suitable for food during the spawning season.
The highest gustatory quality is possessed by fish caught in
late April or early May. This species prefers to live in a swampy
or musty water, so the meat smells like mold and silt. But it is possible
can be easily fixed by running a live tench into a bath of water, or
after keeping for 12 hours in running water.

Lin is suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes. His
can be boiled, fried, baked, stuffed, stewed, marinated,
cooks in sour cream or wine. It should be noted that it turns out
excellent jellied meat.

A properly prepared tench is comparable in taste.
with chicken
meat, and even its skin resembles an appetizing bird skin.

Dangerous properties of tench

The only caveat is individual portability,
but this happens quite rarely.

Here is a great tench recipe. Most of the ingredients are always at hand, so housewives should take note of it.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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