Beef, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

Beef is the meat of cattle (bulls, heifers, cows,
bulls and oxen).

The quality of their meat depends on age, type of feed, content
and the sex of the animal. Aging of meat, that is, the process of maturation of meat,
as well as the stress that animals experience before slaughter is also in
to a large extent determine the quality of meat.

Beef is divided into 3 grades. The highest grade is
dorsal, breast, fillet, sirloin, rump and rump;
to the first – the scapular and shoulder parts, as well as the flank;
to the second – an incision, front and back shank.

The most prized beef is obtained from meat breeds.
livestock, and especially the more tender veal – obtained
from immature gobies and heifers.

Meat quality – beef should be juicy red
color, have a pleasant smell of fresh meat, as well as tender
fibrous marble structure. At the same time, fat should
be soft and whitish-cream in color. When pressed
and cutting, the meat must be sufficiently elastic and in
places of the cut – shiny, easily giving in to pressure
finger, and the place of pressure after a while
should align itself. The meat of the old animal is different
a dark red tint, fat has an abundance of films, and tissues
flabby meat

Calorie content of beef

Beef is considered the lowest calorie type of meat, as the content
fat in it is minimal (in the meat itself there is a small fat layer).
It is important to remember that different parts of the animal’s body have different fat content,
on average from 150 kcal to 500 kcal. 100 g of beef contains 187
kcal. In boiled beef – 153 kcal per 100 g of meat. In roast beef
– 180 kcal. Eating this type of meat in moderation
shown to everyone, including obese people.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Beef contains 315-334 mg% potassium, 60-65 mg% sodium, 9-10
mg% calcium, 21-26 mg% magnesium, 198-210 mg% phosphorus, 2,6-2,8 mg%
iron, B vitamins,
PP. Low-value collagen and elastin proteins in beef are 2,6%.

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 17 17,4 – 0,8 65 150-180

Useful properties of beef

Beef liver contains vitamin A (8.2 mg%),
E (1 mg%), C (33 mg%),
B6 (0.7 mg%), B12 (60 mg%),
PP (9 mg%), B2 (2.19 mg%),
B1 (0.3 mg%), etc. Beef meat is also a supplier of
mineral salts (sodium, potassium,
magnesium, phosphorus,
iron, copper,
zinc, cobalt, etc.). The highest iron content established
in beef liver, is 8.4 mg%.

Beef is one of the main suppliers of complete
proteins in human nutrition. When cooking, beef loses
up to 40% water, 2% protein and 1% fat. Almost proteins in
power supply are fully utilized. For the most valuable
protein nutrition is best to use tenderloin –
the softest part of the mascara.

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Vitamin B12 (formed due to the fact that the cow
chews gum – green grass), participates in the assimilation process
iron in our body. Beef helps successfully
coping with fatigue, useful for iron deficiency
anemia, and British doctors advise men who have
high bad cholesterol, eat up to 200
gr. a day of lean beef. They found that when
such a diet, cholesterol is reduced by almost 20%.

Old beef is harder to digest and is not recommended
to eat for children and the elderly – it is better to replace it with veal.

Beef liver is recommended for the prevention of heart attack,
in the treatment of urolithiasis. Boiled veal
helps to recover from infectious diseases,
injuries, burns.

Among the record holders for the presence of sulfur

Dangerous properties of beef

It should be remembered that in addition to nutrients, meat contains purine
bases, in the process of exchange of which in the body can form
uric acid. The accumulation of uric acid occurs with excess
meat diet, can disrupt the permeability of renal capillaries
nephrons, promote the development of gout, osteochondrosis and other
diseases. Excessive meat consumption has been shown to reduce immunity
organism, its resistance to various diseases.

The presence of cholesterol in beef contributes to the development of cardiovascular
diseases, as well as diseases of the kidneys and liver.

See also  Halibut, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

In addition, when boiling beef, it is necessary to change the water a little
times to drain the harmful substances that are in beef.
Doctors do not recommend eating fried beef, as
it produces carcinogens that can cause cancer.

The author of the video will tell you in an interesting way how to cook
tasty and healthy beef.

See also properties of other products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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