Momordica, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


This is a climbing annual herb that is classified as
family pumpkin… Distributed in many areas of the Southeast
Asia – India, Indonesia, Indochina, southern China, Japan, Taiwan,
in New Guinea, the Philippines. Wild momordica meets
in florida.

Momordica is cultivated on the balcony, in the room, in the garden, as a healing
and just a beautiful liana. This edible plant serves
decoration of southern windows, open terraces and balconies, gazebos, walls,
fences and decorative lattices.

Yellow flowers of Momordica with a pleasant aroma are unisexual, have a five-toothed
conglomerate corolla. The scent of her flowers is similar to that of a gardenia,
but not as intense.

Momordica fruit is an elongated rounded oval berry
unusual shape. Outside, it is covered with unusual papillary
protrusions. The color of the berries can be bright orange, white or yellow.

Momordica tastes like a ripe pumpkin.
True, the papillary surface is slightly bitter, which is why
the overall taste has a bitter tinge. This is why momordica is called
also “bitter gourd“. However, this quality does not interfere in any way
cook real delicious dishes from the fruits.

Inside the fruit, around each seed, there is a juicy pericarp, which has
dark ruby ​​shade. Its taste is pleasant, reminiscent of persimmon.

It should be noted that momordica is now widely cultivated in our
country. Even in a short summer, this plant manages to grow, and the method
its cultivation resembles the cultivation of zucchini
and pumpkins, but has some nuances.

How to choose

The pulp of the Momordica fruit is consumed in an unripe state when
it tastes like a cucumber.
Therefore, do not be surprised if you see unripe fruits on sale –
this is normal.

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When the fruits begin to ripen, their flesh will turn orange,
soft, but also bitter. When the fruit is fully ripe, its seeds
get a sweetish taste. Then they can be eaten raw,
although the fruits after heat treatment melt even softer.

How to store

Momordica can be stored for 2-3 weeks at a temperature no higher than 11-13 °
and high humidity – about 90%.

In cooking

All parts of Momordica – fruits, leaves and seeds – have beneficial properties.
and can be used. True, the fruits are rather bitter, because her
more commonly used in medicine than for culinary purposes.

Momordica pulp and seeds are widely used in Asian dishes. Them
boiled, fried, added to salads, stews and soups. Momordica
goes well with potatoes,
meat, unsweetened yoghurts, coconut, cucumbers. Love momordica
in Japanese Okinawa, which, according to scientists, can also explain
high life expectancy in the region.

Bitter gourd is widely used in dishes of the Amazonian tribes, where
its leaves and fruits are added to bean dishes or soups as
a spice that gives a piquant smell and sour or bitter taste.
To soften the bitter taste, the fruits are pre-boiled
in salted water.

Momordica is traditionally used to prepare national
dishes in the cuisine of Asian countries. The increased content of protein and vitamins,
nutritional value is determined by the variety of dishes with these fruits.
Salads, snacks and soups are seasoned with young leaves and shoots of the plant,
containing a lot of useful folic acid. Momordiki fruit is consumed
for food both unripe and ripe – it is equally useful and pleasant,
the difference in astringency and sharpness of taste.

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Momordica is also one of the main components of the national seasoning.
India – curry.

Momordica jam is also tasty and unusual. And adding
to this sweet mass of alcohol, you can get aromatic homemade wine,
tincture or liquor.

But the berries inside the fruit are especially valuable – this is a real
a source of trace elements and vitamins. Due to the nutty tropical
taste, seeds are used as an additive to various confectionery
products – cookies, cakes, buns.

Large fruits are especially tasty in
fried, but momordica is good both in marinade and together
with stew, strong broth and vegetables. Many canned
mixtures contain momordica as an essential component – it gives
the necessary piquancy for the products. Also borscht is made from momordika,
vegetable caviar, vegetable soups.

For pickling, fruits are used in technical ripeness. For this
they are cleaned of the upper layer that gives bitterness (lumpy
skin) and cut into pieces. The slices are placed in sterilized
jars, garlic is added
and spicy-aromatic herbs (dill, currant leaves), as well
seasonings (black pepper). For momordika, the marinade is prepared according to this
recipe: per liter of water – one tablespoon of sugar, salt and 9%
vinegar. The marinade is brought to a boil, poured into jars and rolled up
metal cover.

To make fried momordica, you need salt,
flour, butter, egg. The fruits are washed, the tips are cut off, the large ones are taken out
seeds, roll in egg and flour. Fry until golden brown.
This dish can be served as a side dish or as a separate dish.

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Stuffed momordica is also popular. Minced meat for this
the dishes are made as for peppers.
The fruits are peeled from seeds, stuffed, and then stewed in a small amount

The beneficial properties of momordica

Composition and presence of nutrients

Raw Momordica Contains (per 100 g):

Calories 17 Kcal

Momordica has an increased nutritional value far superior to
popular peppers and eggplants.
Its fruits contain a lot of proteins, sugars, carbohydrates, calcium, vitamins,
phosphorus. Vitamin E in momordica protects against premature
aging, and F gives vigor and strength.

These fruits are especially rich in folic acid, from the lack of which
the bone marrow can be damaged and there is a risk of
cancerous tumors.

Momordica contains several amino acids,
saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, phenols, resins and oils. This one
one of the few plants that contains harantin – reducing
sugar level substance.

The seeds also contain fatty oil and momordicin, an alkaloid whose content
reaches 0,16%. Due to this, the seeds are inherent in anti-febrile,
antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They also contribute to
removal of edema of various origins.

Useful and healing properties

Momordica is used as a natural medicine to fight cancer
cells, bacteria and viruses, for the treatment of hemorrhoids,
hypertension, increasing the protective functions of the body. She’s pretty fast
removes excess fat, speeds up metabolism, helping in the fight for
slim figure.

Making preparations and tinctures from all parts of Momordica is practiced
from ancient times. This plant occupies one of the main positions
in oriental medicine, and its components are in the composition of many medicines,
released into production.

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All healing parts of the plant can be used to treat momordica.
– leaves, roots, seeds, fruits and flowers.

The main uses of Momordica:

  • Leaves… Infusions of them help with high blood pressure,
    colds, coughs, various types of pain, etc. Broths can settle
    insulin production, sugar levels, which is important for those who
    suffering from sugar
  • seed… They are rich in fatty oils and carotene, which
    strengthen the immune system, increase the level of hemoglobin, reduce the level
    cholesterol. They are used to treat gastritis,
    ulcers, liver diseases;
  • Fruit… They are able to cleanse blood vessels, reduce the risk of vascular
    diseases and diseases of the heart, improve vision and help it
    normalization, suppress the activity of cancer cells.

Fruits and seeds also prevent the formation of cholesterol
plaque, reduce the likelihood of problems such as strokes and heart attacks,
cleanse blood vessels, cure leukemia, joint and headaches,
rheumatoid arthritis, depression, burns, psoriasis,
hepatitis, furunculosis.

The ability of this plant to remove excess fat is used when
development of programs for weight loss.

Momordica has been especially widely used for a long time in Tibetan-Chinese
medicine. They also use her there as a pain reliever,
for healing from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, ulcers, to reduce
sugar levels, insulin production. So, the fruits of momordika are capable of
enhance the secretory activity of the pancreas and increase production
insulin. Clinical trials have proven that the introduction of this plant
in the diet of those suffering from diabetes mellitus allows to reduce
doses of synthetic analogs of the required insulin.

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The anticancer activity of the plant has been repeatedly confirmed by the results
research. It has been established that metastasis of prostate cancer can
suspend with Momordica extract, which also exhibits
activity against sarcoma,
leukemia and melanoma.

Valuable momordica and how to slow down
aging processes. Modern science has proven that extracts
leaves and fruits of momordica are able to destroy streptococci, staphylococci
and even HIV.

Decoctions and tinctures help to heal from prostatitis, sclerosis,
urolithiasis, improve brain function and strengthen

To prepare a medicinal tincture, you need to cut the fruit without seeds.
into small slices. Fill a . liter jar with them tightly. Later
pour half a liter of vodka into the jar, close the lid. Soak in the dark
cool place for two weeks. Tincture of fruits is drunk for 3 days on an empty stomach
(half an hour before meals) a teaspoon three times a day. The tincture is effective
for colds, rheumatism and psoriasis. It is also used as
an excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system.

To prepare a decoction from seeds, you need to pour 15-20 chopped
seeds with a glass of boiling water and keep them on low heat for about 10 minutes.
Then the broth is infused for an hour and filtered. Drink a decoction of seeds at 50
mg three to four times a day, with
hemorrhoids and as a diuretic in febrile conditions.

Seed powder is also considered useful. For this, the seeds are crushed
on the grinder. The frequency of reception and indications are similar with the use
broth. The powder is prescribed in a dosage of three to five grams per dose.

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In Chinese medicine, bitter gourd has always been used for healing
infectious gastrointestinal diseases. In South America using
Momordics have treated all types of inflammation, malaria, diarrhea, measles, hepatitis,
scabies, got rid of all kinds of parasites. In India, this plant
used for snakebites, liver diseases, as a contraceptive
funds. Momordica helped with asthma, leukemia, insect bites,
arthritis, lupus and burns. Momordica root was considered a true aphrodisiac.

Use in cosmetology

Asian women have long appreciated cosmetic
properties of momordiki. Folk recipes include many concoctions,
ointments that are considered very useful due to the presence in the product
an increased dose of oils and vitamins

Momordica is also widely used in the treatment of skin diseases.
by applying compresses. Decoction of honey and chopped leaves
Momordiki can heal burns very quickly by minimizing
the possibility of scars. To accelerate skin regeneration
the mixture of honey and leaves can even be eaten.

Daily use of Momordica leaf tincture will help
improving the condition of the skin, making it younger and more velvety, and
smooths out wrinkles.

Also, this folk remedy has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
with the appearance of edema, psoriasis and inflammation. A decoction of the leaves has
beneficial effect on skin rashes and prickly heat.

Dangerous properties of Momordica

You can often hear about allergies when “overeating” fruits. Fairness
for the sake of it, it is worth noting that momordica is far from strawberry, but tastes
Europeans differ from the preferences of the Easterners, therefore
“Overeating” is almost eliminated. However, intolerance can
cause allergic
manifestations (itching, sore throat, rash, etc.) – to
Momordika has to get used to.

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If we talk about treatment with Momordica drugs, then they are not prescribed
during pregnancy, since there is information that some
biologically active substances that are part of this plant,
have abortive properties. In addition, pregnant women are advised not to
eat the fruits of momordika. Introduction to the diet of this product
during breastfeeding may cause allergies in the infant.

The biological effect of different parts of the plant on the body is different.
So, if the seed coat has a beneficial effect on the condition
Gastrointestinal tract (meaning when
ulcers), then leaf remedies can cause
serious exacerbation of diseases. It is necessary to take into account everything and when
the presence of such ailments as thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism, with diseases
Gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands.

The video will tell you not only about the benefits and uses of momordica, but also how to make a delicious alcoholic tincture from it.

See also properties of other exotic foods:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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