Boletus, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

The boletus belongs to the genus obabok, grows in foliage,
mixed and pine forests singly and in groups from June
to October. He especially loves young aspen trees, but forms
mycorrhiza and with birch, pine and other trees. Hat
boletus up to 30 cm in diameter, young mushrooms have a floor
spherical, fitting tightly to the stem, later convex,
flat, dry, fleshy, velvety with variable color
from whitish to yellow-orange, bright red. Pulp
white, slightly pink or blue at the break, green,
then it turns black, without much smell or taste. Boletus leg
up to 20 cm long, up to 5 cm in diameter, solid, cylindrical,
thickened at the bottom, easily separated from the cap, white-gray,
covered with elongated flaky fibrous scales
white, brown-black. Aspen mushrooms are harvested
from mid-June to October.

Boletus is used like white
mushroom. During drying, it turns black, in the marinade it becomes
grayish brown. It is better not to pick large flabby mushrooms
in the basket, as they begin to rot before processing.

Edible boletuses differ from false ones in that
spongy layer of the second (false) pink, red, yellow,
red-brown, and on the leg there is a yellow or red mesh.

Useful properties of boletus

The boletus contains on average up to 90% water. Rest
10% are distributed like this: up to 4% are proteins,
up to 2% – fiber, up to 1,5% – carbohydrates, up to 1% – fat,
up to 1,5% – minerals.

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Mushroom proteins are high in amino acids,
including irreplaceable and assimilated by the body
by 70-80%. The nutritional value of mushrooms like others
products, largely determines the overall content
amino acids. By the content of the latter, mushroom proteins are comparable
with animal proteins, which is why mushrooms are often compared
with meat. The most complete set of amino acids (up to 22) was found
in a porcini mushroom. The content of proteins and amino acids in mushrooms
varies greatly depending on the species, habitat,
age and method of procurement. For example, in the young
mushrooms have more proteins than old ones; more in hats,
than in the legs; dried mushrooms have more than pickled ones.

Mushrooms contain a lot of salts, iron, phosphorus,
vitamin A,
B, B1, C and
Studies have shown that mushrooms in vitamin content
They are not inferior to grain products. Vitamin PP in them
as much as it is in yeast, liver,
and vitamin B is not less than in creamy
oil. In terms of protein content, they surpass any
vegetables. Protein substances in a kilogram of dried porcini mushrooms
twice as much as in a kilogram of beef,
and three times more than the same amount of fish. truth
mushroom proteins are absorbed slightly worse than animals

If the mushrooms are well cooked – chopped, boiled
and fried, their digestibility increases. Mushrooms contain
valuable fatty substances that are almost completely absorbed
the human body. Dried porcini mushroom broth
several times more caloric than meat.
Dried mushrooms are superior in nutritional value even to meat
and sausage. In mushrooms, a person receives the basic necessary
trace elements to him.

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Boletus in leaves

Dangerous properties of boletus

It is not advisable to abuse aspen mushrooms for children and people of the age,
as well as for those who suffer from liver and kidney diseases, since
when digested, they put a strain on these organs.

In addition, fresh boletus boletus must be cooked, as they
are not subject to storage. These mushrooms are contraindicated in the case of an individual

The video will tell you how to marinate boletus and boletus correctly, as well as the intricacies of boiling and freezing these mushrooms.

See also the properties of other mushrooms:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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