Mustard is a spicy-aromatic annual plant,
40-50 cm high. Taproot, relatively complex.
Stems are straight, branching, glabrous. Leaves are simple, on
as they rise along the stem, they decrease, their plates become
less separate, and the roots are shortened; topmost
– glaucous. Flowers are collected in corymbose racemes, yellow
colors. The fruit is a linear pod, thin, with intertwining
veins on the valves and a thin spout. The seeds are small,
ball-shaped, black-gray, brown or pale yellow.
Blossoms in May; fruits ripen in June.
There are many varieties of it, but the most famous are:
white mustard, brown mustard and black mustard.
White mustard comes from the Mediterranean region,
brown – grew at the foot of the Himalayan mountains, and black
came to us from the Middle East. Interestingly, mustard
seeds are mentioned in ancient Sanskrit manuscripts,
which date back five thousand years ago! Already ancient
the Greeks used mustard seeds for cooking
food, but mustard paste in the form in which we
eating it is now invented by the Romans.
Ready-made mustard – spicy with a tart flavor, ideal
for meat, fish, vegetable dishes, for snacks and sandwiches, sandwiches,
Useful properties of mustard
Сырые семена горчицы содержат (в 100 г):
Calories 508 Kcal
B4 122,7 Phosphorus,
Р 828 Витамин С 7,1 Калий, К 738 Витамин Е 5,07 Магний, Mg 370 Витамин
B3 4,733 Кальций, Ca 266 Витамин B5 0,81 Натрий,
Na 13
Full composition
Mustard seeds contain 25-35% fatty oil, which
obtained by pressing, and also contains essential oil,
which consists of allyl mustard (40%), crotonyl mustard
oils and traces of carbon disulfide.
After pressing the edible oil from the seeds, cake remains
– mustard powder, raw material for the production of mustard plasters
and mustard antirheumatic plaster.
Mustard not only stimulates appetite by increasing production
saliva eight times (!), but also promotes digestion
food, is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant
and a slightly laxative. In small quantities
this spice neutralizes toxins and helps with disorder
stomach, but overdose can lead to irritation
the mucous membrane of the esophagus.
Scientists have proven that mustard is one of the most healthy
spices. It is excellent for digestion,
helps to digest fatty foods that do not fit into
stomach “like lead”, and very quickly it is processed
and further in the intestine is finally digested. In the elderly
people mustard, stimulating digestion, significantly improves
metabolism. It is used for various cardiovascular
diseases (atherosclerosis, hypertension), diseases
liver and gallbladder, digestive disorders,
flatulence, rheumatism.
When young children have no appetite, they often grab
mustard, instinctively choosing what will help them. Drugs
from mustard have a local irritating, enveloping
action. The volatile mustard vapors are antibacterial,
phytoncidal action: on this basis, it is widely used
currently in the food storage industry
perishable products.
Mustard dissolves hot tumors, it is applied
to a sore spot with sulfur in “mumps”. If a
pound mustard and drink with water sweetened with honey,
it eliminates the persistent sore throat.
Mustard opens blockages in ethmoid bones, helps
for impotence and is useful for “suffocation of the uterus.”
There is an opinion that if you drink mustard on an empty stomach, it is
sharpens quick wits. Mustard helps with poisoning
any poisons, clarifies vision.
Mustard oil
Mustard oil contains beta-sitosterol, choline, chlorophylls,
nicotinic acid, vitamin A,
E, D,
K and R,
and is also a natural antibiotic.
Mustard oil has an original pleasant taste and
wonderful aroma. The oil contains beta-sitosterol
(exhibits estrogen-like, anti-atherosclerotic,
antifungal, bacteriostatic activity), chlorophylls
(improve blood composition, increase the number of leukocytes,
erythrocytes, hemoglobin). Mustard oil is rich in natural
antibiotics (isothiocyanates, synegrin, essential mustard
oil), therefore it has a bactericidal and anthelmintic
Improves appetite, stimulates the digestion process.
Weakly and slowly oxidizes when added to others
contributes to their conservation.
Mustard oil retains vitamin A for a long time
time (up to 8 months), retinol promotes growth and development
organism, ensures the normal function of the epithelium
mucous membranes and skin, increases the body’s resistance
to infections. It is an effective remedy for
treatment of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases,
external wounds, burns. Useful for disorders of fat
exchange and atherosclerosis; promotes lactation in nursing
Mustard oil not only contains vitamin B6 itself,
but also promotes the production of this vitamin by microorganisms,
inhabiting the intestines. Vitamin B6 occupies key positions
in nitrogen metabolism, in the processes of synthesis and decomposition of amino acids.
In mustard oil, vitamin PP is in the assimilable
form. Nicotinic acid improves carbohydrate metabolism,
participates in tissue respiration, has a vasodilator
Mustard oil contains 1,5 times more vitamin D than
in sunflower.
Vitamin E is stored in it 4-5 times more than in
sunflower. Its deficiency leads to impaired exchange
substances, the development of local oxygen starvation.
Mustard oil is rich in choline and contains
vitamins K and P, which increase strength and elasticity
capillaries, improves their permeability.
Mustard powder
The effectiveness of mustard powder, enhances wetting
before using it with warm water, not hot
or cold, because enzymes are mustard compounds
unstable and hot water with a temperature above 60 ° C destroys
them. Therefore, if you put mustard plasters in boiling water, they
will have no effect: without the enzyme, the glycoside does not
will split.
Mustard compresses (1 tsp. Mustard powder per glass
warm water). Used in children’s practice in addition to
mustard plasters for colds. The compress is applied
for 1-10 minutes.
Mustard powder mixed with honey, mixed with broth
white lily flowers are used for freckles.
Dangerous properties of mustard
Mustard preparations are contraindicated in kidney inflammation and tuberculosis.
Overdose can lead to irritation of the esophageal mucosa.
Mustard is contraindicated in hypertension, cardiovascular diseases
system, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with
individual intolerance to the product.