Whale meat, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

According to historical data, as early as 800 AD in Europe was held
active hunting for whales. Her main goal was blubber
(whale fat), but meat began to be of interest only in the 20th century.

Due to large-scale whaling, the number of whales
gradually decreased, eventually decreasing to a critical level.
Due to the fact that at the end of the last century, a ban on commercial
fishing, the situation has improved slightly. But today, separate
the species of these mammals are on the verge of extinction. Among them
gray, large bowhead, and blue whale.

In addition, the state of the environment is also a cause for concern. Pollution
the environment lead to the fact that in the liver of whales and dolphins
a lot of mercury accumulates. Studies have proven that in the liver
whales, the mercury content exceeds the established norms practically
900 times. At a similar concentration, a 60-year-old who
ate 0,15 grams of liver, will exceed the weekly intake of mercury,
established by WHO. So you can easily get poisoned.

Mercury in the lungs and kidneys of whales also exceeds the norm.
– by about 2 orders of magnitude. This was the reason that the use
these mammals were banned from eating by-products. At the same time, the demand
on whale meat is still unabated.

Historically, the consumers of whale meat were representatives of the northern
peoples. Now the leading place among consumers of this product
occupied by Norway and Japan.

How to choose

There are many factors to consider when choosing whale meat. The first
turn, it is a bright pink or red shade of pulp without spots,
as well as a typical “fishy” smell, which indicates freshness
product. In addition, differences in cooking must be considered.
frozen meat
and chilled. It is considered more preferable for cooking
chilled whale meat.

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How to store

Fresh meat must be stored in the refrigerator, using it
for food no longer than a few days. For storage over a longer period
time (up to six months) it should be frozen, ensuring compliance
a certain mode, not higher than -18 degrees Celsius. Other popular
the way of storing meat is its canning, which is possible
even at home. For this, similar technologies are used.
processing, as when cooking canned food from regular meat.

In cooking

The weight of a whale can reach 160 tons, and this is a large amount of meat,
fat, bones and skin. This meat tastes very much like beef,
however, it has a pronounced aroma of fish
fat. The color of the whale meat is bright pink.

This product is most often used for making cutlets, sausages,
sausages, pates, jellied meat and other meat dishes. Very often meat
used in canned food. With obvious advantages, whale meat has
and a number of unusual features: a lot of connective tissues and quite
specific smell. Because of this, whale meat before cooking
must be pretreated with boiling water or blanching
for 20 minutes.

When eating frozen whale meat, you need to cut it into thin
slices and scald twice with boiling water, then the product
can be boiled until tender. With this processing, the taste is significantly
improves and meat can be safely added to okroshka, salads, use
for filling a variety of pies and pies, fry and bake.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with rice and whale meat are unusual. Also from this
You can cook a shish kebab: the classic cooking method is also suitable
– pickling in vinegar or with onions and spices. A good side dish
baked potatoes, various vegetables, especially
The taste of the whale meat dish is excellently emphasized by the red dry

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Whale meat is also used in jellied dishes, and on its basis
you can prepare broth for hot.

For home canned food, pieces of meat are placed in small sterilized
jars along with bay leaves and salt. Due to the characteristic features
whale meat is blanched with boiling water at a temperature
100 ° C or steam. Then the meat is cut into pieces of 120 grams and stacked
in jars with salt, laurel
leaf and black pepper.

On sale you can find canned food, sausages and various products from
beef fat with whale meat.

Whale meat goes well with vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes,
legumes), cereals, white and red dry wines, eggs, most
seasonings and spices.

Caloric value

The calorie content of whale meat is only 119 kcal. Moreover, in it
contains very little fat, which means that such a product is like
and for diet food.

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 22,5 3,2 – 1,2 73,1 119

Useful properties of whale meat

Composition and presence of nutrients

Whale meat is very similar in nutritional value to beef. In this product
contains 18-20 percent proteins and only about 2% fat. Meat
rich in vitamins PP, B2. In addition, it is rich in minerals: calcium,
chromium, sodium and magnesium, contains a lot of potassium, iron and phosphorus.

Useful and healing properties

Whale meat has many beneficial properties due to
its composition, which is a decent list of biologically
active substances that are vital for the body. In particular,
its constant use can reduce the level of content
and blood sugar, improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract,
heart and blood vessels. In addition, whale meat in the diet can reduce
nervous excitability, provide antioxidant,
wound healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects.

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Vitamin E is able to slow down the aging process, improve the appearance of the skin
and save from various skin diseases, strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
Vitamin C, which is also found in whale meat, will help activate
protective functions of the human body. B vitamins protect the body
from depression, improve blood circulation in the brain and memory.

The micro and macro elements included in whale meat contribute to
significant improvement in cardiac activity, as well as strengthening
bones, restoration of the functions of the pancreas and thyroid glands.

Dangerous properties of whale meat

As the dangerous properties of whale meat, only the individual
intolerance to the product.

Butchering a whale carcass.

See also the properties of other types of meat:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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