Cherry plum benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

Strongly thorny, branched, multi-stemmed trees, sometimes
shrub, with thin brownish-green shoots, tall
3-10 meters. Flowers are white or pink, solitary. Blooms
in early May. The fruits ripen in August-September.

Excellent honey plant and rootstock for plums.

Cherry plum was found in Transcaucasia and Western Asia before

Fruits are round juicy yellow, red or almost black drupes
from a small cherry to 3 cm in size, sometimes elongated or flattened,
yellow, red, purple or almost black, with a slight waxy
bloom and weak longitudinal groove.

Cherry plum is not very demanding on the soil and is used against many diseases.

Caloric content of cherry plum

A dietary and low-fat product containing only 30
kcal. You can eat it without fear for your figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Caloric value, kcal 0,2 0,1 8 0,6 89 30

Useful properties of cherry plum

Cherry plum contains: vitamins PP, A,
B1, B2,
as well as minerals calcium, magnesium,
sodium, potassium,
phosphorus, iron.

Cherry plum is useful both fresh and processed.
It is recommended for children to improve growth, pregnant women
women, nursing mothers, elderly people,
as well as for chronic inflammatory liver damage
and biliary tract.

Cherry plum is used for the prevention and treatment of scurvy,
night blindness and other vitamin deficiencies, as well as constipation.

See also  Flaxseed, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Due to the high content of pectins and fiber, the fruits
cherry plums promote the elimination of radionuclides.

Juice, often mixed with camphor, is used to treat
poorly healing wounds, as well as an antitussive and
diaphoretic for colds.

Water infusion of cherry plum flowers is used for diseases
liver, kidney and impotence. Gum mucus is applied
with gastric ulcer, as well as an antitussive
and an antiemetic.

Cherry plum bones also benefit. Of them get
oil, close in composition to almond – it is in the seeds
up to 41-43% by weight (excluding the shell). Cherry
oil, like almond oil,
contains the glycoside amygdalin, which has the ability
decompose in the presence of water and the enzyme emulsin
for glucose, benzoic aldehyde and hydrocyanic acid.
However, cherry plum oil is mainly used in perfumery.
and in the production of medical soaps.

The bottom line:
used by:
with chronic inflammatory lesions of the liver and bile
with colds;
with kidney disease;
with impotence;
with beriberi;
with constipation.

Dangerous properties of cherry plum

Excessive consumption of cherry plum can cause the disorder
stomach or intestines. As you know, cherry plum contains in large quantities
organic acids, so it should not be consumed by those who
suffering from gastritis,
an increased level of acidity in gastric juice, as well as stomach ulcers.

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It is also not recommended to eat cherry plum for people with sugar
diabetes, because it contains a lot of sugar.

Do you like aromatic liqueurs? Then try to make a delicious cherry plum tincture according to the recipe from this video.

See also the properties of other fruits:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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