Mackerel, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


Mackerel is a fish from the mackerel family. Inhabitants of English-speaking
In other countries, mackerel is called mackerel, which often causes confusion. Fish
the mackerel families can vary greatly in size –
from 60 centimeters to 4,5 meters, but the whole family of these fish, regardless
from size, refers to predators.

Mackerels are slightly larger in size than real mackerels,
have an elongated body and powerful jaws with large triangular teeth.
This fish is very common in warm seas near rocky coasts.
and coral reefs.

Striped or Spanish mackerel is the largest
of this type. Lives off the coast of the Indian Ocean, western part
The Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The color of the striped mackerel is different
from other fish of this species with a large break in stripes and a lighter belly.
Japanese mackerel is common in the waters of Japan, Korea, North
China. Very rarely, with a weight of up to 5 kilograms, it reaches more in length
1 meter. Indian king mackerel lives off the coast of the Southeast
and South Asia and grows only up to 60 centimeters.

Mackerel fish are classified as predators, as in natural conditions
it feeds on cephalopods, sand eels,
herring fry, plankton, coastal fish, etc. Royal
mackerel is characterized by dense white meat with a huge amount
useful properties and the highest taste.

How to choose

Choose mackerel only with clear, transparent eyes and
pink gills. When you press your finger on the carcass formed
the dent should be leveled immediately.

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Fresh mackerel has a weak, slightly sweet smell, not
must be unpleasant, strongly fishy. The fish should look
being wet and shiny, not dull and dry, is also not acceptable
the presence of traces of blood and other stains on the carcass.

The more distant the place of sale of mackerel from the place of its catch, the less
it has value. And the reason is the possibility of poisoning stale
fish. The bacteria in it produce poison from those present in the composition
amino acids, which causes nausea, thirst, vomiting, itching,
headache and difficulty swallowing. This poisoning is not fatal
and passes in a day, but still it is best to choose fresh fish.

How to store

Store mackerel in a glass tray, sprinkled with crushed ice
and covered with a film.

Mackerel can only be stored in the freezer after it has been
will be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed and dried. Then the fish need
place in a vacuum container. The shelf life is no more than three months.

Reflection in culture

Mackerel is consumed in different ways in different countries. It is customary for the British
fry very hard
her, and the French prefer to bake
in foil. In the East, mackerel is lightly fried, or eaten raw
form with green horseradish and soy sauce.

Calorie content of mackerel

The large amount of fat in mackerel raises doubts about the low
calorie content. And therefore it is very rarely used in dietary
nutrition. But this is just a psychological aspect, since getting fat
from mackerel is very difficult. After all, even in the fattest fish there will be much
fewer calories than any flour products or cereals. So in the raw
mackerel contains only 113,4 kcal. Spanish, cooked
in the heat, mackerel has 158 kcal, and the same only raw – 139 kcal.
Raw king mackerel contains 105 kcal, and cooked in
heat – 134 kcal.

It can be concluded that this fish can be safely consumed during
diet time, since no cereal can replace that huge amount
useful substances that are present in it.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 20,7 3,4 – 1,4 74,5 113,4

Useful properties of mackerel

Composition and presence of nutrients

The composition of mackerel may vary depending on age, location
and catch time. Mackerel caught in winter in northern latitudes is the most
fat, and in other cases, the fat content can be up to two times less.
Mackerel meat is very rich in micro- and macroelements, vitamins.

This fish contains almost all vitamins from the group
B, including B12, vitamins C, D, PP, slightly less vitamins A, K,
N. It also includes macronutrients: sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, calcium,
sodium, magnesium. 300 grams of mackerel contains the daily requirement
phosphorus, and 400 grams will replenish the required daily potassium intake.

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The set of microelements in this product is not less. Mackerel contains:
zinc, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, fluorine, in small amounts
– nickel, mobile, chromium and cobalt.

Medicinal and useful properties

Mackerel is very useful, especially if it is caught in the fall. As
it contains more fat and, accordingly, more fatty acids
and the most valuable vitamins B12, D.
the positive effect of eating fatty fish on the body has been proven.
Arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer,
psoriasis, bronchitis is very often associated with a lack of fish oil
in organism. It is known that the Japanese eating much more
fish products have a long life span.

The main useful and medicinal properties of mackerel are:

  • Preservation of youthfulness of the arteries. After all, the more amino acids in
    cells, the lower the likelihood of blood clots. Fish oil contained
    in mackerel, has an effect similar to aspirin – it thins the blood.
    Omega-3 acids restore the elasticity of the artery walls.
  • Slowing down the aging process of the body. Conducted research
    in the UK found that the frequent use of mackerel and other
    oily fish has a beneficial effect on the health of both young people and people,
    suffering from heart disease.
  • Prevents the development of sugar
    diabetes. Eating mackerel regularly reduces the risk of developing
    type . diabetes several times, which was investigated by the Dutch
    by scientists.
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A very important vitamin B12 contained in mackerel. He’s very helpful
for health, because it takes part in metabolism and breakdown
fats, in their correct assimilation, as well as excretion from the body. Availability
of this vitamin allows fat to be absorbed into the tissues only in the necessary
quantity and not accumulate in them. Vitamin
B12 promotes DNA synthesis in cells, and this, in turn,
promotes rejuvenation and renewal of the body. With hypoxia, this
vitamin is able to increase the consumption of oxygen by cells.

contained in mackerel in large quantities, helps build
enzymes, which are the most important engines of reactions in cells.
Also from phosphate salts, directly, the skeleton tissue consists
– that is why mackerel is very useful for children, adolescents, and
and the elderly.

Mackerel is very helpful for joint problems. Minerals,
in which she is rich, contribute not only to nutrition necessary
oxygenation of cartilage and bone cells, as well as the growth of cartilage

And the high content of selenium and coenzyme Q-10 in mackerel is capable of
slow down aging.

In cooking

Mackerel is prepared in various ways, it is boiled, smoked,
fried or even baked over coals. Traditional dish in Israel from
mackerel is a mackerel casserole. In order to cook it you need
cut fillets into small pieces, add a small onion, tea
a spoonful of salt, white pepper, ground cumin, one medium-sized
boiled potatoes and a tablespoon of starch. All components are necessary
mix with a blender, and then fry over medium heat
in a frying pan. Serve the casserole with boiled potatoes or
the same with green salad.

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In order to cook mackerel like a king, it is flavored
salt, chopped garlic,
pepper, olive oil. Then, completely covering the fish with wedges
lemon, it is grilled in foil. Best of all, this dish will be
combine with dry wine.

In cosmetology

Mackerel itself is not used in cosmetology, but
eating it regularly is positive
affects the health of hair, bones and nails. All because
that it is very rich in phosphorus and potassium. Phosphorus is not synthesized
in the human body and enters it only with food, and the daily
not all food products can provide the norm of this macronutrient,
which does not apply to mackerel.

Dangerous properties of mackerel

A useful dose is considered to be eating fish no more than three
once a week. Oily fish in excess can increase bleeding,
reduce immunity. Be sure to be careful when
the use of mackerel together with anticoagulants or any other
blood thinning medications.

It is believed that only free-grown is good for health.

Boiled mackerel can be consumed by almost everyone, and smoked
and salty should not be eaten by people with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases and heart disease.

Very fatty mackerel is not advisable to use if you have problems
with liver and kidneys.

How mackerel is caught, canned and smoked, as well as how to cook it deliciously, you will learn from the video presented.

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See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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