How will propolis help for coughing?

Since ancient times, propolis has been known for its medicinal properties. Our ancestors highly appreciated this beekeeping product. Tinctures, decoctions, ointments prepared from it were used in the form of compresses, rubbing and simply chewed like chewing gum.

Propolis is a substance that bees produce during their life. Has a bitter taste and a spicy smell. The yellowish-brown mass is called “bee glue” or “uza”. Resinous gum is a powerful natural medicine recognized by mainstream medicine.

Indications for use

Cough propolis helps with colds and serious respiratory diseases. Recommended for the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • cold;
  • infectious sore throat;
  • pharyngitis;
  • angina;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • chronic cough.

The product does not violate the biobalance. Acts exclusively on harmful pathogens. The antibiotic included in the preparation is not addictive to pathogenic microflora.

Ways to use propolis for coughing

Propolis for cough is effective and is widely used both for the treatment of diseases in adults and in small patients. Using a variety of therapy methods, you can beat a cough quickly enough. The remedy is used in the form of compresses on the area of ​​the bronchi and vocal cords. It is possible to use the drug by a point, application method. The drug gives a powerful therapeutic effect when taken orally and rubbed. The simplest and most effective treatment is to chew the pure substance and rinse the throat with a solution.

The main benefits of propolis:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • active action against many types of pathogenic mycobacteria;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • the possibility of using the drug at the first symptoms of the disease without the use of drug therapy;
  • liquefaction of sputum and facilitate its withdrawal;
  • fortifying properties;
  • no need for a complex composition and the addition of many ingredients.

Bee glue chewing gum

The easiest and most effective way to treat a cough is to chew propolis. This does not require special preparation of the product or special preparation methods.

For the prevention of various diseases, it is recommended to use propolis from one to three grams per day. During the treatment, the volume of the product increases to 5 – 10 grams. At the beginning of therapy, it is enough to chew a small amount of the drug for up to 10 minutes three to four times a day. The dosage is gradually increased if there are no allergic reactions.

“Propolis chewing gum” demonstrates a pronounced therapeutic effect in the following diseases:

  • ORVI, ORZ;
  • problems with the throat and vocal cords;
  • problems with teeth, gums and oral cavity in general;
  • disorders and ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

To stop the first signs of a cold, a small “gum” of pure substance is chewed for half an hour. Repeat the action with a fresh portion every three hours. With rhinitis, coughing or soreness, two days of use are enough.


Infectious diseases with a cough and sore throat are a fairly common problem, starting at the beginning of autumn and ending with the first summer month. Taking antibiotics, suspensions, and cough syrups can be easily replaced by gargling.

The antiseptic properties and anti-inflammatory qualities of the drug quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms and relieve complications. With severe attacks of coughing, a solution of propolis, made by yourself, helps well.

  1. 20 grams of the substance is mixed in a small container with a glass of water. Keep the product in a water bath for no more than half an hour. The rinsing procedure is carried out every hour.
  2. The finished solution is added to the decoction of St. John’s wort to enhance the therapeutic effect. Prepare herbal infusion. After cooling, the broth is filtered. Add 1 large spoonful of propolis solution. An improvement in the condition can be observed almost immediately.
  3. One spoon of ethanol-based tincture of any concentration is added to the prepared cooled liquid. Gargle at least 5 times a day. The treatment lasts up to four days.


This procedure helps to relieve dry, deep bronchitis or “barking” laryngitis cough. Inhalation of propolis vapors soothes irritated, sore throat. The composition for inhalation is simply prepared:

  • no more than 50 grams of dry matter is turned into powder, stirred in boiling water;
  • instead of dry matter, you can add about two tablespoons of “bee glue” based on alcohol-containing liquids;
  • breathing over steam is recommended in the morning and in the evening.

Uza with milk

The medicinal milk drink is easy to prepare. Add to boiled milk:

  • up to 10 drops of tincture;
  • some butter;
  • honey.

Propolis, combined with milk, is absorbed in the body much easier. For coughs, it is recommended to drink it warm. The hot “cocktail” has a relaxing effect, soothes the irritated throat. The nose begins to breathe freely. For children under 12 years old, a small amount of “propolis ointment” is added to the milk.


Homemade ointment is effective against coughs. Step-by-step recipe for this remedy:

  1. Mix the uzu with the fat. Any interior fat is usually used. The components are mixed at a ratio of 1: 5.
  2. Put on a water bath or small fire.
  3. Heat until a homogeneous composition is obtained.

Rub the chest and throat at night. It is better to cover the place of application of the drug with an additional scarf, shawl or wrap it with a scarf. You can also add ethanol-based tincture to the melted fat. The effect will be similar.

How to dilute the tincture correctly

Propolis tincture is useful for those who care about health!

You need to know exactly how to dilute propolis tincture for gargling. The solution must be of the correct concentration to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. Excessive ethanol content can dry out the oral mucosa or cause burn injuries. If the alcohol content is insufficient, the expected result may not be achieved.

The finished medication is purchased at the pharmacy. If you have the right components, you can make it yourself. This requires:

  1. grind 50 grams of dry matter to a powdery state;
  2. pour alcohol;
  3. insist away from sunlight for more than seven days;
  4. the finished product can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator and not lose its qualities.

A properly formulated adult cough solution should contain a dessert spoon of the product in a glass of water. The recipe for propolis solution for coughing children differs in concentration. For a glass of liquid, the permissible rate of medicine is a teaspoon. Each time a new line-up is being prepared.

Propolis decoction

Propolis tincture for cough for children can be replaced with a decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour two large tablespoons of dry matter powder with water. They are heated mainly in a water bath for no more than 20 minutes. Then filter. Gargle with a cooled broth: adults – one minute, children – about 30 seconds. The product is not swallowed. For one rinse, two approaches are enough.

Water tincture

For some patients and children, ethanol-based medicines are prohibited. In this case, a water-based composition is prepared. The disadvantage of this tool can be considered only a short period of use. It’s easy to prepare the drug:

  1. propolis is added to purified or boiled water in a ratio of 2: 1;
  2. the product warms up at a temperature of no more than 800WITH;
  3. cool and filter.

Propolis tincture for children for cough is added to milk at the rate of one drop per year of life. For a child after 14 years of age, the dose is calculated as for an adult patient.

Tincture of propolis for angina

There are many options for using the drug for severe sore throat.

  • It is possible to gargle with propolis tincture for angina both with an alcohol-containing composition, and on a water basis, having previously diluted the product with clean or boiled water.
  • Alcohol tincture is consumed one tablespoon before meals.
  • To remove tonsil plugs with purulent sore throat, the tincture must be diluted fifty percent with water. This is necessary to protect the mucous surface of the oral cavity from burns. The finished substance is taken into the mouth. It is necessary to hold it so that it touches the tonsils. The procedure is performed every two hours for several days until the condition is relieved.
  • To lubricate the almond-shaped processes, the tincture is also diluted with water. Adding honey will enhance the healing effect.
  • If rinsing is used in combination with a compress, then recovery will come much earlier.
  • If, when rinsing the throat, discomfort appears in the form of dryness, then the tincture is interfered in equal parts with honey and sunflower, corn oil.
  • Taking the drug by mouth can significantly speed up recovery. To do this, a small amount of the substance is diluted in milk and drunk in the morning and evening.
  • You can soften the taste of the drug by dropping it on a piece of sugar and keeping it in your mouth until it dissolves. Three or four pieces are enough a day.
  • Two to three drops of tincture and a little honey are added to slightly cooled herbal tea. Do not forget that this is not easy tea, and it is not recommended to use a medicinal product more than four times a day.
  • The tincture is also effective for inhalation procedures. It is enough to add a few tablespoons of the preparation to hot water. Breathe steam, covered with a blanket or towel, for 10 minutes twice a day. Inhalation is not recommended for a child under seven years old. It is impossible to carry out the procedure in the presence of temperature.
  • When rinsing to enhance the therapeutic effect, the tincture is mixed with a decoction of eucalyptus, chamomile flowers, linden and flax. For use, add 30 – 40 drops of alcohol-containing tincture to the broth.
  • Of the herbs, plantain is very effective. The leaves of the plant are boiled for a quarter of an hour and left to cool. The tincture is added just before rinsing.


Propolis is a strong allergen, in fact, like all beekeeping products. If there is no intolerance, then the agent can be used in the treatment of various diseases, observing a reasonable dosage. Do not forget that propolis is difficult for the body to absorb. Allergy Signs:

  • itching of the skin;
  • burning;
  • temperature;
  • nausea.

It is not recommended to use the drug if:

  • a history of any type of allergy;
  • history of diabetes mellitus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • there are contraindications for use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • there are no doctor’s recommendations on the use of the drug in a child under 12 years old.

It is categorically impossible to carry out treatment with propolis and drugs that contain it in the presence of such pathologies:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • diathesis;
  • hives;
  • eczema;
  • asthma.

Cautions and Tips

Approach the use of propolis extremely responsibly, as it is a potent substance. Follow the main recommendations:

  • when treating diseases in children, if possible, use a water-based tincture;
  • it is not recommended to keep propolis in the mouth for more than half an hour;
  • do not exceed the recommended dosage;
  • for complex diseases, you do not need to rely solely on this drug. Combine treatment with medication prescribed by your doctor.

Propolis is a universal drug. Its properties and effectiveness have been proven both by science and time.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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