Camembert and brie, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Camembert and Brie is made from cow’s milk
in Normandy, France. Camembert and Brie are some of the most
ancient French cheeses.

According to legend, during the French Revolution, the Norman
Marie saved from death a hiding from persecution
monk who, in gratitude, revealed to her the well-known
only to him the secret of making the most unusual of
all cheeses – Camembert cheese.

Bree is considered the progenitor of the famous Camembert. Nobody’s so up
the end and did not find out when his story began. It is only known
that it was one of the most popular cheeses back in the Middle Ages, and
the first written mention of this cheese dates back to 744,
when Charlemagne said: “I just tried one of
the most exquisite dishes ”. Actually, brie was recognized as the king of cheeses
in 1815 during negotiations on the fate of France after the defeat
troops of Napoleon at Waterloo.

Calories camembert and brie

Camembert cheese is high in protein and fat
and contains 291 kcal per 100 g. 100 g of brie cheese also contains 291 kcal. Use
such foods in large quantities can cause obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 21 23 – 0,5 55 291

Benefits of Camembert and Brie

One traditional Camembert circle is made from approximately
two liters of cow’s milk, poured in the old fashioned way
shape with a ladle and add salt. Camembert matures from
edges towards the center. During the ripening process, the cheese is covered
edible velvety white moldy crust. As
real Camembert is not subject to long-term storage
it is often sold a little immature. This cheese
a little mushroom and delicate taste. It is soft to the touch and should not crumble
when slicing. Camembert is usually consumed with red
young tart wines.

Brie is a soft cheese made from raw cow
milk. In shape, it is a flat cake with a diameter
30-60 cm and 3-5 cm thick.Good brie is moldy
color of white velvet. Under the crust you will find the most delicate
a fluid mass of creamy color, from which emanates a light
the aroma of hazelnuts. When you cut a fresh brie it seems
that it will now spread before our eyes, but this is not happening.

Bree ripens for at least a month (at first it ripens
outside, and only then – from the inside) and has white edges,
with light traces of yellow and red. Ripening passes
fast enough. For this reason, use this
the cheese needs to be done quickly before it goes bad. It is made
in round forms – “cakes” with a diameter of 20-30
centimeters, 3-4 cm high and weighing about half a kilogram.

Young brie tastes mild and delicate as it matures
the pulp becomes pungent. The thinner the cake, the
sharper cheese. Interestingly, ripening stops
as soon as the first piece is cut from the circle. Brie produce
at any time of the year, therefore it is one of the most
universal French cheeses. Brie cheese is made
manually, as to produce it industrially
almost impossible, it has a thin mold
a crust with white and reddish streaks; in this cheese
contains 46% moisture, 30% fats and 21% proteins.

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Quality cheese is very healthy. He is completely
digestible, contains eight essential amino acids
and a lot of vitamins and is even able to resist tooth decay. And mold (naturally,
“Blue”) further increases its healing properties.
It contains essential amino acids and bacteria that
improve bowel function, promote the synthesis of vitamins
Group B.

Moreover, Turkish scientists studying the influence of solar
baths on the human body, found that special substances,
which noble mold is rich in are the best
sunburn protection. Accumulating
under the skin, these substances contribute to the production of melanin.

Dangerous properties of camembert and brie

Camembert and brie cheeses are not advisable to use in case of hypertension, obesity
and high blood cholesterol levels, as they have a large
fat content.

In addition, they are contraindicated for allergy sufferers.
and those who cannot tolerate penicillin, as well as those who suffer from
fungal diseases due to the contained mold in their composition.

The use of these products is contraindicated for children and pregnant women.
due to the risk of developing listeriosis.

The video will tell you interesting facts about the Norman Camembert and how to prepare it.

See also properties of other dairy products:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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