Dogwood, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Dogwood is in most cases a shrub with a height
5-7 meters, sometimes a small tree. Dogwood with very
long ago cultivated by mankind, historians
report on dogwood bones found more than 5 thousand years
back on the excavations of human settlements located
on the territory of modern Switzerland.

Today, 4 types of dogwood are cultivated on the territory
most of Europe (France, Italy, Eastern
Europe, Ukraine, Moldova,.), In the Caucasus, in the Middle
Asia, China, Japan and North America.

Dogwood fruits – small in size, oblong
forms (there are also fruits with spherical and pear-shaped
shape), berries. Outside, the berry is covered with a smooth skin
various shades (light red, red, dark red,
dark purple and almost black), under which
there is a juicy sweet and sour or sweet pulp that covers
a hard, inedible bone. Average weight of one berry
is about 2-6 g of which 65-90% is
on the pulp.

In the wild, dogwood grows in the Crimea, Moldova, the Caucasus,
in Transcarpathia. It blooms very early, from mid-March,
abundantly, bright yellow flowers, from the moment of tying
and 5-6 months pass before the fruits ripen. None
the fruit tree does not have such a long period
ovary growth and fruit ripening. Leaves have characteristic
pronounced longitudinal veins.

Dogwood flowers are rich in nectar and attract many pollinators to the garden;
this plant is a good honey plant.

Calorie dogwood

Low-calorie product, 100 g of which contains only
40,5 kcal. The calorie content of dogwood compote is 25 kcal, and
100 g of dogwood jam – 172 kcal. Excessive use of such
jam can cause obesity, but fresh berries will
many useful substances without harm to the figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 1.2 – 9.8 0.7 85 40.5

Dogwood blooms

Useful properties of dogwood

Dogwood berries are very useful – they contain a lot of glucose,
fructose, organic acids, especially malic, nicotinic,
tannins, nitrogenous and coloring substances, essential oil,
phytancides, vitamins C and P.

Dogwood berries are recommended for gout, anemia, hemorrhoids, dysentery,
typhoid, gastrointestinal diseases, arthritis and skin diseases.
Cornel has a choleretic, diuretic, antiscorbutic, bactericidal
antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action.

Thanks to the pectins they contain, dogwood berries
accelerate the process of cleansing the body from metabolic products.
Cornel promotes the excretion of oxalic and uric acid.

Biologically active substances that make up the fruit
dogwood, normalize blood pressure, pressure
cerebral vessels, eliminate headaches, warn

Dogwood, like wild rose,
helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents
fragility of capillaries, used for venous insufficiency,
swelling of the legs, inflammation of the veins.

Dogwood berries improve appetite and restore metabolism
substances in the human body. Also, the fruits of dogwood are very
useful in case of illness or tendency to diabetes mellitus,
since do not increase blood glucose levels and at the same time
enhance the enzymatic activity of the pancreas,
facilitating the digestion of food.

See also  Pollock, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

For preventive purposes, dogwood is eaten when
the danger of poisoning with mercury vapors, lead and other toxic

In folk medicine, dogwood was used for diarrhea, they
also restored the metabolism in the human body.

Dogwood berries are advised to be included in the diet for skin diseases
and eczema.

Drinks and infusions from dogwood berries are recommended for gastrointestinal
disorders and bleeding, with diseases of the cavity
the mouth.

Cornel juice has a pronounced tonic and invigorating

For gastric hemorrhages, dogwood tea is useful.
Daily dose: 10 grams of dry fruits per glass of boiling water.
Single dose of decoctions: 5 grams of berries per glass of water.
They relieve tuberculous intoxication, strengthen urinary
bladder, relieve back pain.

Almost all preparations made from dogwood
useful in diabetes. They relieve sugar overloads.

With diarrhea, it is good for children to give cornel jelly, which
boiled at the rate of: 3 tablespoons soaked or fresh
fruits in 1 glass of water. Take 70 g 3 times
the day before meals.

In acute gastroenterocolitis, jelly is included in the dietary

A decoction from the leaves also helps with diarrhea.
and the fruit of the dogwood. For its preparation 2 tablespoons
fresh or dry leaves and fruits are boiled for 10 minutes in 1
a glass of water, then insist 8 hours, knead the pulp
fruits and take 0,5 cups 3 times a day.

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Dogwood leaves contain up to 14 percent tannins. Infusions
from foliage and branches have an astringent effect, are used
as a choleretic and diuretic. One dining room
a spoonful of chopped leaves and twigs, infused on
water (a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water), will save you
from ailments if you drink a quarter of a glass
three times per day.

The bark and roots of dogwood contain a glycoside, horse meat, which acts
as an antimalarial agent. Dogwood bark infusion before
used in the treatment of malaria. The wood of the plant
very durable and flexible, therefore the local population of the Black Sea
until the .th century used dogwood for the manufacture
bows and a variety of handicrafts. Thin twigs of dogwood
bend and weave perfectly, they make strong
durable baskets.

Leaves are harvested in June – July, bark – during the period of sap flow,
fruits – when ripe, roots – in early spring or autumn.
Leaves, bark and roots are dried under a canopy, spreading thin
layer. The fruits are in the dryer. Store in the usual way.
Shelf life is 3 years.

Cornel cleans the air of harmful bacteria and insects.

It is also known that in ancient times the Krymchaks did
from dogwood vitamin-medicinal pita bread. Mass of rubbed
berries were poured into flat molds, dried in the sun and
in ovens, and then rolled tightly. Were healed
such cakes for scurvy in the years of famine. Lavash wrapped
deep purulent wounds. He disinfected them, and the wounds quickly

See also  Grape leaves - Useful and dangerous properties of grape leaves, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

In the record holders for the presence of iron

Dried dogwood

Dangerous properties of dogwood

Cornel and cornel juice are not recommended: in case of high acidity
gastric juice, people suffering from constipation,
people with an excitable nervous system.

Dogwood and dogwood juice are undesirable to use at night.

Cornel is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, as well as in children
and old age, as it has a pronounced tonic
action and can lead to insomnia,
as well as nervous overexcitation (in large quantities).

You can make a delicious tincture from dogwood with a unique aroma and unusually beautiful color.

See also the properties of other berries:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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