Pineapple benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

The content of the article

That sweet ripe pineapple is added to salads, yoghurts and
everyone knows pies. Fewer people know that pineapples can be sour
and cook cabbage soup from them. Even less – have you heard that pineapple
leaves produce a lightweight and durable leather substitute, new types of
fabrics, nanofiber, which has become an alternative to plastic.

And very few people know that scientists today, with the help of the contained
in pineapple bromelain enzyme, find new ways to treat diseases
respiratory organs, angina pectoris, ischemia, and also actively investigate
potential of the enzyme in the fight against cancer cells.

Useful properties of pineapple

Composition and calorie content

Fresh pineapple contains (per 100 g): .

Calories 50 Kcal

Vitamin C 47.8 Potassium, K 109 Vitamin
B4 5.5 Calcium, Ca 13 Vitamin
Magnesium, Mg
Vitamin B5
P 8 Vitamin
B6 0.112 Sodium,
On 1

Full composition

When preserved, pineapples lose a significant amount of vitamins
and fiber. At the same time, they become more nutritious and contain
a lot more sugar. Especially in this regard, the fruits stand out,
canned in thick syrup.

Pineapple wedges

Medicinal properties

Pineapple is rich in various vitamins and minerals and is mainly
has a positive effect on the body. However, often
they value it not for the standard set of nutrients that can
found in any other fruit, but for a certain enzyme bromelain,
concentrated mainly in the heart of the fruit. There are even legends
that this enzyme breaks down fats, which is why pineapple is often called
fruit number 1 for weight loss.

However, seizing a late heavy dinner in a few slices
pineapple will absolutely not help you burn those extra calories. Today
day science knows that the proteolytic enzyme bromelain contributes to
breakdown of proteins, but there is no evidence of its involvement
to the process of fat breakdown. Thus, pineapple, and in particular
the enzyme contained in it can help to better assimilate the protein
food (meat, fish, dairy products), but will not get rid of excess

In addition to participating in the breakdown of proteins, bromelain also
has anti-inflammatory effects and fights
with edema. Together with the fiber in pineapple, this
the enzyme contributes to the normalization of intestinal motility, beneficial
affects digestion and helps to get rid of
from constipation. Scientists say bromelain warns
thrombus formation, since it exhibits anticoagulant activity.

As for the vitamin cocktail contained in pineapple, then
the highest concentration is vitamin C. Being strong
antioxidant, it helps to protect healthy cells undergoing
free radical attacks, contributes to the body’s defenses
against bacterial and viral infections, and also helps to absorb

Eat in pineapple and vitamins
group B. For example, vitamin B1 promotes the absorption of fats
and carbohydrates. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the body when
overwork and nervous exhaustion. Vitamin B2 regulates metabolism
substances in the body, supports the work of the visual organs.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which is present in the composition
pineapple in a significant amount, takes part in carbohydrate
and protein metabolism, stimulates the pancreas and
regulates the secretion of its juice. In addition, it has an expanding
effect on blood vessels.

Albeit not in too large doses, but pineapple also has
vitamin E and beta-carotene, which is acquired in the human body
form of vitamin A. The first is necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive
systems. In addition, it provides cardiac and ocular strengthening.
muscles, thus supporting the work of the cardiovascular and
visual systems. Has a positive effect on eye health
and vitamin A. In addition, it contributes to the normal development of
growing organism and is responsible for the condition of the skin and
mucous membranes.

Pineapple peel close up

In addition to vitamins, pineapple contains many beneficial minerals
substances. For example, this exotic fruit is a rich source of
potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Potassium is actively involved in the process
water-salt metabolism. Calcium plays an important role in renewal
bone tissue. The level of phosphorus compounds in the body affects
on the mental and physical activity of a person. And magnesium regulates
heart rate and is involved in a large number of enzymatic

See also  Capercaillie, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Trace minerals in pineapple like manganese and copper also
are of great importance to the body. So, manganese is necessary
for the formation of bone and connective tissue, activation of some
digestive enzymes, improving sperm quality in men ..
And copper favors the absorption of iron, regulates blood
pressure and heart rate..

In medicine

Since the 60s. scientists have actively studied the characteristics and capabilities
applications in various fields, including medicine, contained
in pineapple the substance bromelain. During research and experiments
it was revealed that this enzyme has a mass of multidirectional
useful properties. In particular, it is able to destroy blood clots, normalize
blood pressure, regulate metabolism, fight
urinary tract infections, anti-inflammatory
and restore connective tissue.

Nowadays, bromelain can be obtained not only from fresh overseas
fruit, but also with the intake of a dietary supplement with the same name
title. Typically, the enzyme is not obtained from pineapple pulp,
but from the leaves and stem of the plant, which contains it at times
more. Usually the drug comes in the form of tablets or capsules.
500 mg each. Before using it, you should definitely consult
with a doctor.

Bromelain is recommended to be taken as a prophylaxis for various
diseases, and with problems that have already arisen. For example, for
digestive disorders, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
glands, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, inflammatory
processes of any nature. By the way, this drug has a special
popular among athletes as it helps to recover faster
after various injuries and injuries.… In addition, its often
taken in the postoperative period.

Unfortunately, very often the sale of bromelain is accompanied by speculative
advertising that promises to burn those extra calories. Actually
the effect of the drug is not aimed at weight loss. He of course
can indirectly contribute to the achievement of harmony by allowing
problems in the digestive tract, but for other reasons for gaining excess weight
does not affect in any way. In the same way, science is not often proven
the advertised anti-aging effect of bromelain.

Pineapple field

In folk medicine

Treatment with alternative methods usually involves the use of
in recipes for simple and readily available ingredients. In our latitudes
pineapple is difficult to call affordable, therefore, the range of its application
not too wide. But the indigenous people of South America have long used
all parts of this fruit are for the treatment of various diseases. With the spread
pineapple plantations in other tropical countries folk recipes
began to appear there as well.

So, for example, in Africa, dried and ground into powder root
plants are used to get rid of edema. Shredded rind
used in wound healing, and its decoction with the addition of rosemary
considered effective when
hemorrhoids. Indians in Panama drink juice from the leaves of the plant in
as a laxative and anthelmintic..
Bangladesh treats fever with pineapple juice
and the juice from the leaves of the plant – jaundice..

In addition, pineapple leaf juice is believed to lower levels of
blood sugar, so in countries with a low standard of living and lack of
access to medicines, he is advised as an alternative to drugs
for diabetics.… In some places it is believed that the pulp of unripe
fruit with honey, taken three days in a row on an empty stomach, can provoke
miscarriage and get rid of unwanted pregnancy.

Considering that pineapples are not grown in our country, get roots
and the leaves of the plant are simply nowhere, so traditional healers
usually suggest using only the pulp of the fruit. Crumpled into gruel
it is recommended to add it to various vitamin mixtures based on
berries, lemon,
etc. to activate the protective functions of the body and during the fight
with colds. For the same purpose, finely chopped
the pulp of the fruit is poured into 2 liters of vodka, a little lemon juice is added
and kept in the refrigerator for 3 weeks, and then take 50 mg per

See also  Carambola, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Alcohol tincture is also used for blockage of blood vessels.
To prepare the medicine, you need to grind the pineapple pulp,
pour 1 liter of vodka over it, close tightly and leave in a cool dark
place for 2 weeks. You need to take this drug in 1 dining room
spoon 15 minutes before meals. Naturally, with just one tincture
pineapple with vascular obstruction cannot be fought. With approval
a doctor can use it as an additional remedy.

In oriental medicine

In Chinese medical tracts, foods were usually categorized according to
the level of content in them began Yin and Yang. And a person’s diet should
was formulated in such a way that the body retains
balance of two energies. Moreover, food must be selected according to the season,
as it helps to stay in harmony with nature.… It is believed
that pineapple has the feminine Yin energy and has a cooling
effect on the body, therefore it is recommended to use it in a roast
summer time.

Pineapple juice is considered an effective protector against heat
strokes, and the pulp of the fruit is used to eliminate digestive problems.
By the way, in Asia there is a tradition to end meals with papaya.
or pineapple with salt and pepper. Due to their enzyme systems,
these fruits help food to be digested and absorbed faster.

Dried pineapple and other dried fruits

In scientific research

Recently, pineapple is increasingly becoming an object of scientific
research. Scientists are carefully studying the properties of the enzyme bromelain,
which shows great promise in the field of medicine. Have already been identified
its anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory and even anticarcinogenic
effects. Other parts do not fall out of sight of researchers
plants that can be useful, both in medicine and
in other areas.

If we talk about bromelain, then it should be noted that the mechanism
his actions are not yet entirely clear, but it is known for sure that this
an enzyme and a dietary supplement that is made from it,
well tolerated by the body and have no side effects
even with prolonged use.

One of the most important properties of bromelain is to relieve angina symptoms.
and transient ischemic attack. Experiments on rats have demonstrated
the ability of the enzyme to have a protective effect on the myocardium..
In addition, scientists have proven its effectiveness in preventing
and the treatment of thrombophlebitis..

Researchers Believe Bromelain Has Good Potential
fight cancer cells. Experiments on mouse cells
and humans have demonstrated that this enzyme is capable of destroying
protein and thereby deprive the tumor of the building material..

Recently considered the possibility of treatment with bromelain
allergic respiratory diseases (for example, asthma).
There was also a study that tested the effectiveness of
this enzyme in the fight against cough in tuberculosis. Scientists have come
conclude that a mixture of pineapple juice, salt, pepper, and honey can
help dissolve mucus in the lungs..

In combination with trypsin and rutin, bromelain has anti-inflammatory
acting on par with a well-known non-steroidal drug diclofenac.
This is evidenced by the observation of the treatment of 103 patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee.… In addition, the reception
this enzyme before any surgical operation can
reduce the period of time required for the disappearance of postoperative
pain syndrome.

Diet Pineapple Salad

In dietetics

As noted above, pineapple is often associated with
with a product that provides fast and painless weight loss.
However, this is not entirely true, since this fruit can only contribute to
improving digestion, but in no way directly related to the direct
weight loss. In addition, nutritionists insist that
there are no products, the use of which in itself led
to lose weight.

However, pineapple should not be discounted by shaping
your dietary diet, because it is low in calories, rich in vitamins
and has a balanced set of minerals.… This fruit
at least does not add extra calories and at the same time supplies
a lot of nutrients into the body.

Famous actress Sophia Loren once admitted that she is being helped
keep fit pineapple fasting days she
suits 3-4 times a week. One such day, the actress eats
one fresh pineapple and does not limit yourself to drinking water.
However, nutritionists agree that the benefits of such a diet
extremely doubtful. In their opinion, the energy value of such
monotonous diet is too low, and such unloading is carried out
too often. All this can, as a result, provoke a pathological

See also  Pomelo, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

In order to minimize the harm caused by the diet to the body,
you should take at least 2 kg of fresh pineapple, 1 liter of pineapple
juice, 100 g boiled chicken breast, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese
and 30 g of rye flour bread. All these products are divided into 4 receptions
food for one day. Juice is usually drunk no earlier than after
an hour after eating.

In cooking

Pineapple is an ingredient used in almost all cuisines
the world. It is consumed fresh and canned, from it
make juice, jam and candy. Also, this fruit is added to salads,
yoghurts, ice cream, and pies. What’s more, pineapple is often cooked
with meat, and in Malaysia it is customary to put it in curry sauce. Lots of discussions
and the jokes are the cooking of pineapple pizza. Not so long ago
at a meeting with schoolchildren, the President of Iceland even said that,
if it were in his power, he would forever ban the preparation of “Hawaiian”

By the way, one of the most amazing ways to cook pineapple
was popular in the XNUMXth century in the Moscow region. In the estate Muranovo, owned by
family of the famous poet Fyodor Tyutchev, equipped greenhouses and
grown mushrooms, peaches in them
and pineapples. The latter in those days were treated as overseas
cabbage, and therefore cooked accordingly – fermented. And then
this was cooked from pickled fruit cabbage soup.

As for the compatibility of pineapples with other food, then, they are not
love to coexist with dairy products. Moreover, like
all acidic fruits, they slow down the digestion process and are not recommended
for breakfast.

Pineapple juice


Smoothies and various cocktails are made from pineapple, but the simplest
and the healthiest drink is freshly squeezed juice, which fills
the body with vitamins and minerals. Sometimes it is mixed with others
fruits and vegetables. One of these diet drinks can be prepared,
taking 1 stalk of celery,
1 cucumber,
bunch of parsley
and 3 slices of fresh pineapple. All ingredients must be ground
in a blender without added sugar and salt. You need to drink the juice within
15 minutes after cooking so that the pineapple vegetable mixture is not
lost its beneficial properties.

In tropical countries, pineapples are used to make alcoholic beverages.
For example, pineapple wine is popular in Costa Rica. World renown
found the Caribbean cocktail Pina Colada, which, in addition to pineapple
juice, add light rum and coconut
milk. But in Cuba and in some countries in South America they love
cooling mate with rum-soaked pineapple.

In cosmetology

The myth that pineapple burns calories and fights cellulite
is so firmly rooted in the public mind that in Latin American
countries, girls still believe in the magical power of this fruit.
They use the skins of fresh fruit, applying them with the pulp to
legs in the hips and wrapping with cling film. The girls believe
that during such a 30-minute procedure, the acid contained
in pineapples, destroys subcutaneous fat deposits.

Cosmetologists confirm that pineapple extract is commonly used
ingredient in cosmetology. It is added to various creams and lotions.
However, it provides antibacterial, regenerating and illuminating,
but not a fat burning effect. Moreover, experts warn
from using fresh fruit on its own. Best applied
it in combination with other components.

For example, you can prepare a cleansing face mask by mixing
1 tablespoon pineapple puree, 1 tablespoon corn
flour and 1 egg white. This mask must be applied in a thin layer
on the face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Considering that pineapple is an allergenic product, before application
mixture on the face, you should first do a test on the wrist.

Pineapple shoes and bags

Unconventional use

Scientists are looking for a use for biomass that remains after cultivation
pineapples, because the fibers of the stems and leaves of the plant are very strong.
For example, a Spanish researcher developed a production method
skin made from pineapple leaves. The result is very high quality material,
from which you can sew bags, shoes and use it in furniture
industry. Such leather is lighter and 30% cheaper than natural leather.

See also  Rosehip oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Hollywood designer Oliver Tolentino sews from pineapple fabric
clothes. For the manufacture of the material, fibers are taken from the leaves.
plants. They are processed and divided into threads, of which
an ivory-colored canvas is woven, which then lends itself easily

But American scientists invented pineapple leaves and stems
environmentally friendly alternative to plastic – durable and lightweight nanofiber,
which can be used in the automotive industry..

Dangerous properties of pineapple and contraindications

Pineapple has a lot of useful properties, and contained in
its composition of the enzyme bromelain has the potential to treat many
serious illness. Nevertheless, get carried away with the use of this
fruit is not worth it, because its consumption in large quantities is accompanied by
ingestion of acid and is fraught with irritation of the mucous membranes
membranes of the stomach and mouth. For this reason, fresh pineapple
you can not eat with ulcerative
illness and gastritis.

Dentists do not recommend to abuse this fruit, as its juice
has a destructive effect on tooth enamel. True, in this case, solve the problem
you can use an ordinary straw. Overweight people
do not lean on dried pineapples, because they are almost 7 times more caloric

Pregnant women should also be careful about pineapple.
You can eat this fruit, but in small quantities, since it contributes to
reduction and maintenance of muscle tissue tone. In addition, given the fact
that pineapple is considered a strong allergen, it is better to limit its use
during lactation. The fruit is not advised to be introduced into the diet for children under two years of age.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of pineapple
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

Useful properties of pineapple

Interesting Facts

  • In overseas countries, pineapple has long been considered a symbol of friendliness.
    and hospitality. It is for this reason in the Caribbean
    indigenous people often placed ripe
    fruits or their tops-tuft. This fruit is also depicted on the coats of arms.
    countries such as Jamaica and Antigua and Barbuda.
  • In Europe, by contrast, pineapple was considered a symbol of status and wealth.
    This was due to the fact that to get it, or even more so to allow
    themselves a greenhouse, in which it could be grown, could only
    very rich people. One of these was just the British
    Earl of Dunmore. In the XNUMXth century, he built on his estate in Scotland
    greenhouse, which was crowned with a giant 14-meter stone
    pineapple-shaped dome.

Monuments to pineapple in various countries

  • It should be noted that monuments to this fruit were opened and continue
    open all over the world. For example, you cannot walk past the 16-meter
    a giant in Australian Nambur or a little more humble,
    but no less pretty, a monument in the Damilag region of the Philippines.
    Although not as large-scale as the two previous ones, the monument
    pineapple is also in Europe – in the German estate of Baron Munchausen,
    who was considered a big weirdo and grew these fruits straight
    in my castle.
  • A beautiful multistage was opened in the American city of Charleston
    a pineapple-shaped fountain, but in Hawaii, the fruit was honored with an unusual
    by creating a large labyrinth near the Dole plantations
    from a hedge, the middle of which is in the shape of a fruit.
    By the way, in the well-known children’s cartoon “SpongeBob Square
    Pants ”, the dwelling of the main character is also made in the shape of a pineapple.
  • Pineapple was associated with something chic and expensive.,
    as evidenced by the lines of the famous poet Igor Severyanin:
    “Pineapples in champagne! Pineapples in champagne ”
    Amazingly tasty, sparkling and spicy! ”

    The rhyme of Vladimir Mayakovsky also gained great fame:
    “Eat pineapples, chew grouse,
    Your last day comes, bourgeois “

Botanical description

It is a tropical plant belonging to the family Bromeliads
and is a perennial evergreen herb. Pineapple
the fruit of this plant is also called, which received the scientific name “pineapple
“(Lat. ananas comosus) because of its lush

See also  Octopus, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Origin of the name

The word pineapple, used in many languages ​​of the world to denote
this exotic fruit, comes from the Tupi language, where it meant
«wonderful smell».… I wonder what in English
language overseas fruit “pineapple” has never been. Barely met
with him, the British named him pineapple – in a word,
then used to designate a lump (probably due to the external
similarities). Then the cones were called pinecone, and pineapple
stuck to the pineapple. By analogy in Spanish, pineapple is called
In short pineapple.

Cultivation history

The homeland of the heat-loving pineapple is the territory of Paraguay and southern
parts of Brazil where this fruit grew wild. A place,
where the pineapple was first cultivated by the scientist is still unknown, but exactly
the Indians spread it throughout South and Central America, Mexico,
and also brought to the islands of the Caribbean.… To Europe
pineapple, like many other exotic fruits and vegetables, came from
Christopher Columbus, who first saw him on the island of Guadeloupe
at the end of the XNUMXth century and called Indes pineapple (Spanish. cone

From Spain and Portugal, the pineapple began its wanderings on other
tropical countries. The Spaniards brought him to the Philippines, Hawaii and
Guam.and the Portuguese to India and the east coast of Africa.
As for the Old World, here the exotic fruit fell
to their liking, and they began to cultivate it in greenhouses and botanical
gardens, which became fashionable in Europe at the end of the XNUMXth century. Particularly popular
the cultivation of overseas fruits was enjoyed on the wealthy British estates.

They also grew their pineapples at the court of Catherine the Great. Since import
these fruits, as well as the costs of growing them in unfavorable conditions,
were not cheap, very quickly pineapple turned into a symbol of wealth.
By the way, in many aristocratic houses they resorted to tricks:
pineapples were simply put on display during receptions and
dinners, but never served. So expensive fruit
managed to be used many times until the fruits began to rot.

Unusual types of pineapples: Pink, Mini, Pineburr, Marine, Victoria


In nature, there are many different varieties of pineapple, which are insignificant,
but still differ from each other in the shape and size of the fruit, physical
pulp properties (crunchy, soft, juicy, etc.), as well as taste
shades. In addition, over the breeding of new cultivars tirelessly
breeders work. Their research aims to do
the fruit is even more useful. Although it does not do without economic
component, because unusual varieties instantly attract buyers.

Not so long ago, after many years of experiments, scientists have deduced
pink pineapple already on sale with approval
management on a dignity. United States Food Supervision Authority. Secret
this fruit is that it is dominated by carotenoid pigment
determining color of tomatoes
and watermelons..
The fruit differs only in the pink color of the pulp, on the outside it is absolutely
unremarkable. The producers of this variety also claim that
their pineapple tastes sweeter.

Sweeter are considered to be and are grown in many tropical
countries, especially Thailand, mini pineapples that weigh 200-500
gr and fits easily in the palm of your hand. And on the French island of Reunion
a special pineapple variety called Victoria is cultivated. His
the specificity is that, unlike other fruits, it has
quite edible and very sweet heart.

Two other interesting products cannot be ignored either, either
otherwise related to pineapple. First, we are talking about a hybrid of the Chilean
and virgin strawberry, which received the name pine berry
(from the English pineapple and strawberry). Visually, this fruit resembles
white strawberries
with red seeds, but at the same time it has taste and aroma

Secondly, we mean sea pineapples – a species ascidian,
grown in aquaculture. They owe their name to an external
resemblance to an exotic fruit. They are eaten mainly
in Asian countries. Sea pineapples have a very specific taste,
which is often described as rubber dipped in ammonia.

Growing pineapple

Peculiarities of growing

Pineapple is a short plant (0,75-1,5 m) with a short
strong stem and long, pointed leaves, covered with
thorns. Depending on the variety, the leaves can be either pure green,
either with red, yellow or light stripes. During flowering
the stem produces a peduncle with lilac or red inflorescences,
sitting in bracts.… Gradually they turn into large
yellow-brown compound fruits, similar to cones, since they consist of
a large number of ovaries fused with bracts. Pineapple fruit
do not have seeds.

Since it is a tropical plant, it is very thermophilic and comfortable.
feels at temperatures between 19 and 45 ° C. Colder conditions
slow down the growth and ripening of fruits and make them more acidic. Pineapple
tolerate the lack of moisture well, surviving at the expense of thick, strong
leaves accumulating it for future use. Excess water can seriously damage
harvest. As for the soil, it should rather be acidic, therefore
pineapples thrive so well on lands close to
volcanoes (Costa Rica, Hawaii, Reunion, etc.) and flavored with their minerals.

When planting pineapples, the distance between the bushes should be at least
30 cm, otherwise the fruits will be too small. After about 7 months
the bushes begin to bloom, and then fruits form on them. Harvesting
may occur at different times depending on the persecuted
goals. So, not fully ripe fruits are harvested for export, for
domestic sales are suitable for ripe pineapples, and for canning
slightly overripe fruits are needed. After harvest, bushes
divided into several parts and planted again.

Growing at home

With the right approach to the process, even at home, it is quite
you can grow pineapple, and with proper care you can achieve fruiting.
To do this, you need to cut off the top crest from a ripe fruit.
Some gardeners leave a little pulp on the outlet, others cut
her at the very bottom.

If you chose the first option, then you should leave the top
dry in a dark place for a week, and then put in a pot, previously
powdering the cut with charcoal powder. In the second option, it is necessary
rinse the tuft in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkle
base with wood ash and leave to dry for 5-6 hours.
Then the cutting must be planted in the ground.

A pineapple pot should be chosen low and wide (about
0,6 l), since the root system of this plant is distributed mainly
in breadth. Good drainage is also important for pineapple, so the bottom of the pot
should be covered with charcoal. Suitable for pineapple cutting
a mixture of leaf and sod land, birch sawdust, high-moor peat
and coarse sand.

After planting, pineapple is usually watered with a warm solution of potassium permanganate
and put in a well-lit place with a temperature regime of about
25 ° C. After 1-2 months, the cutting should also take root on the plant.
young leaves begin to appear. Recommended to replant annually
into a larger pot. Pineapple usually begins to bear fruit
3-4 years after planting.

Pests and diseases

Pineapple is susceptible to a large number of diseases and attacks of various
pests. For example, roundworms, mealybugs, red
ticks, lustrous beetles and even crows can damage both underground,
and the ground part of the plant. And some are dangerous
even for the fruit. Also, various types of fungi can provoke
rotting and wilting of the plant, therefore, on pineapple plantations, never
does not do without fungicides and pesticides. At home, apply
chemicals should only be used when needed.

How to choose a pineapple

Selection and storage

The most delicious and ripe pineapples can be found exclusively in places
their cultivation is in the tropics. Find Good Quality Fruit
on the shelves of our stores is very difficult, because practically
all pineapples come to us from distant South America on ships.
Since ripe fruits do not tolerate long-term transportation,
exports usually ship unripe pineapples. Moreover, before
shipment they undergo obligatory processing: rinsing in chlorinated
water, covering the crust with wax, and the tuft and the bottom with safe fungicides.

Despite all these measures, pineapples reach us, losing a little
the sweetness of the taste, but retaining all the beneficial elements (the ripeness of the fruit
when cutting, it affects only the amount of sugars in it, but in no way
does not diminish its benefit). However, given that we have these tropical
fruits are still not the most popular goods, after a long journey
on ships, they can lie for quite a long time in warehouses
or the shelves of our supermarkets.

See also  Passion fruit, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

In order to find not stale, but relatively fresh fruit,
you need to pay attention to the color of the peel – it should be even
yellow or green (green does not indicate the ripeness of the fruit),
free of brown spots that indicate bumps or deterioration
from the inside. The fruit should be free of mold or rot. He must
have a not very pungent sweet aroma.

A good pineapple has a solid and strong tuft with slightly wilted
with the tips of the leaves, but at the same time it is easily separated from the fruit. When
tapping the fruit makes a dull sound, and no dents remain on the peel.
The size does not really matter, since it does not affect the quality
fruit. But when buying, take into account the fact that the skin
quite thick and after cutting the pulp does not remain so

As for storage, whole unpeeled pineapple should be kept
at room temperature. After peeling and cutting, the fruit may
lie in the refrigerator for 1-2 days, but it is better to eat it right away. The fruit
it is not recommended to freeze, because at subzero temperatures
he loses a significant amount of his beneficial properties and loses
habitual taste, becoming insipid.

Information sources

  1. Davidson A. The Penguin Companion to Food. Penguin Books, 2008
  2. Morton J. Pineapple. In: Fruits of warm climates, p. 18-28. Miami, FL., 1987, источник
  3. Fruit of the Islands. Pittsburg Magazine. 39 (3): p. 92. 2008.
  4. Genetically-modified pink-fleshed “Rose” pineapples are safe, says FDA, источник
  5. National nutrient database, источник
  6. National nutrient database, источник
  7. National nutrient database, источник
  8. National nutrient database, источник
  9. Pineapple, source
  10. Debnath P, Dey P, Chanda A, Bhakta T. A Survey on pineapple and its medicinal value. Scholars Academic & Scientific Publishers (1), 2012
  11. Md. Farid Hossain, Shaheen Akhtar, Mustafa Anwar. Nutritional Value and Medicinal Benefits of Pineapple. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. Vol. 4, No. 1, 2015, pp. 84-88
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Anna Evans

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