Longan (Lam Yai), Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

Longan (Lam Yai) – the fruit of an evergreen longan tree,
common in China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia.

Longan’s skin is thin and dense, but in fact
it peels off very easily. Longan color varies
brown to yellowish red, fruit pulp
translucent, white or pinkish. Juicy Longan Pulp
has a sweet, juicy, very aromatic taste, with a distinct
aftertaste of musk. Longan tastes like lychee and
in general, these two fruits are very similar. Like Chinese
lychee, the fruit of the longan contains a hard dark red or
black seed. Longan grows in clusters on evergreens
trees, the height of which can reach from ten to
twenty meters.

Harvesting season: June-August. Longan grows predominantly
in the northern regions of Thailand, in the town of Chiang Mai and

Longan’s homeland is either land west of Burma,
or the area of ​​origin of Litchi in China. It is in these
regions, they are grown on a large scale. Longan
has another name – “longyan” – which in Chinese
means “dragon’s eye”. Longan is believed to be originally
grown in southern India and the island of Sri Lanka.

Longan is sold like grapes
bunches. The skin of a ripe fruit should be firm,
skin cracks are unacceptable. More ripe is not considered
the longan that was just plucked from the tree, and the one
which has already lain a little on the store counter. Try
longan before buying, since the fruits are more
sweet or vice versa more sour.

See also  Ivan tea, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Longan can be stored for two to three days at room temperature.
or five to seven days in the refrigerator.

Useful properties of longan (lam yaya)

Fresh Longan Contains:

Calories 60 Kcal

Longan contains many vitamins and minerals, including iron,
magnesium, phosphorus and
as well as a large amount of vitamins A and C.
Recent studies of euphoria have shown that the fruit contains
also contains phenols such as gallic acid,
ellagic and corylagic acid, which indicates
that the fruit may have antioxidant properties, reduce
the negative effects of chemotherapy and protect the liver.

Longan contains riboflavin and is a natural source
polysaccharides, supporting health at the cellular level.

Longan is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine
mainly as a tonic. Toning mainly
necessary for diseases whose symptoms are
fatigue, dizziness, heart palpitations, pallor
and impaired vision. In addition, the fruit is also used
to normalize sleep, reduce unnecessary anxiety,
calming and revitalizing attention.

Dangerous properties of longan (lam yaya)

An allergic reaction to this fruit is possible.

See also properties of other exotic fruits:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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