Coconut oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Healthy Coconut Oil is derived from Copra (Dried Nut Pulp)
coconut tree. Hardened coconut pulp from oil production
first, they are separated from its shell, then the cleaned copra is dried,
crushed, and after that oil is obtained from it by pressing.

The most commonly used method for coconut oil is hot pressing.
Although it is also used to obtain it, it is cold pressed, which allows
get the highest biological and nutritional value
Coconut oil.

This product has a characteristic sweetish, delicate aroma and
pleasant nutty flavor. Today they produce refined and
unrefined oil. Also, oil is food and cosmetic.

Today, the world’s top producers of coconut oil
are India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia.

How to choose

It is best to choose unrefined cold-pressed oil that
is considered the most useful and high quality.

How to store

Edible coconut oil is advised to be stored at a temperature no more than
+20 degrees or in the refrigerator.

The cosmetic product can be safely stored in the bathroom, where it is
will thicken less. Well, if you want to use exactly
thickened oil, you can also store it in the refrigerator or
cool place. You can use this oil as a cream.

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In cooking

Due to its saturated fatty acid content, coconut oil is practically
does not undergo oxidation, which is why it has a rather long
shelf life. It practically does not react with air,
therefore, even outside the refrigerator, remains usable throughout the entire
expiration date.

Coconut oil will also not lose its beneficial properties and taste.
when heated to high temperatures, not prone to rancidity,
therefore, unlike other oils, it can be used for
frying and deep-fat cooking, and it does not become carcinogenic.

Coconut oil can be substituted for butter in cooking.
For more economical use, you can cook a dish with ghee
or vegetable oil, and add a little coconut at the end
cooking. This oil is able to transform the ordinary and simple
food into a gourmet dish.

This product is used to prepare a wide variety of
hot dishes: soups, pasta, cereal side dishes, vegetable
dishes, sauces and hot snacks. It can also be added to pastry shops.
products and baked goods. Delicious with coconut oil
cookies, cakes, muffins, cheesecakes, pancakes, curd casseroles and pancakes.
Baking with this oil retains its splendor and freshness for much longer.

In coconut oil, you can simmer
vegetables and cook any vegetable stew. Regular pilaf or rice, cooked
with this oil, it will transform and become an unusual, sophisticated dish.

Coconut oil is excellent for adding to milk porridge cooked
for breakfast, for example, millet, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat
and corn. It can also be added to milk soups, milk
cocktails and hot chocolate. Coconut oil can be spread over toast
and bread. Delicious sweets can be made with coconut oil
and sweet balls of dried fruits and nuts.

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In summer, you can prepare fruit and vegetable salads with coconut oil.
Only vegetables should not be cold, but at room temperature,
otherwise the oil may crystallize.

Caloric value

The calorie content of coconut oil reaches 892 kcal. It is completely
absorbed without being deposited in fatty deposits, which means especially
useful for those who play sports and lead an active lifestyle.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 99,9 – – 0,1 892

Useful properties of coconut oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

Coconut oil contains saturated fatty acids (almost
83%), including lauric, nylon, caprylic, oleic,
capric, palmitic, myristic, stearic.

These saturated fats are not harmful to health, as they are different from
animal fats.

Also in coconut oil there are phytosterols, vitamins (K, choline,
E) and minerals: calcium, zinc and iron.

Useful and healing properties

Lauric acid – the most powerful component in mother’s milk, necessary
to strengthen the immunity of the baby. It is very useful to use 1-2
teaspoons of coconut oil in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime. This will help
strengthen the immune system, will have a beneficial effect on digestion
and can improve the overall well-being of adults and kids.

Lauric acid has pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial
and bactericidal properties. Oleic acid will help to activate
lipid metabolism and maintain moisture balance in the skin. Caprylic
acid is needed to restore and maintain the balance of bacteria
in the intestine.

Coconut oil will improve the cardiovascular system, inhibit
the development of thrombosis,
ischemic disease and arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis.
Vitamin E, found in coconut oil, can help reduce increased
blood viscosity and strengthen the walls of the arteries.

Also, this oil can reduce the risk of developing organ ailments.
digestive system: ulcers and gastritis.
Coconut oil, among other things, stimulates the healing of mucous membranes
Gastrointestinal tract and therefore is especially useful for patients with ulcerative colitis and disease

Coconut oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bactericidal,
as well as antifungal action, thereby strengthening the immune system.
The oil can be used in the treatment of mycoses, candidiasis,
viral infections, infectious and inflammatory diseases of organs
breathing, flu, ailments of the reproductive and urinary systems.

Walnut oil is able to activate and accelerate metabolic processes,
the development of obesity, restore normal glucose levels
with diabetes. In addition, this product prevents the development of gallstone
and urolithiasis, fatty degeneration of the liver. Beneficially
oil also affects the condition of the thyroid gland.

Coconut oil also has an antioxidant effect, preventing
premature aging, which can reduce the risk of developing cancer
and disease
Alzheimer’s. However, it also has a calming, anti-stress
and relaxing action.

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Prevents coconut oil from the development of caries and osteoporosis, reduces
the risk of developing joint diseases. This product is capable of increasing
efficiency of assimilation of magnesium and calcium necessary for the formation
tooth enamel and bone tissue.

It is beneficial to use coconut oil for women during
time of breastfeeding. This oil is quite different.
high content of lauric acid, which is a component
breast milk.

Used topically, coconut oil speeds up healing
various skin lesions and treats many dermatological
diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema.

Use in cosmetology

Coconut oil is excellent for the daily care of flaky,
dry, irritated, rough, sore, withering, or mature
body and face skin. The oil can be used for permanent care
behind the sensitive skin of the face around the eyes, as well as behind the skin of the area
neckline and bust. Apply coconut oil to care for oily or
problem skin is not recommended, as it can provoke
the appearance of comedones on the skin.

The melting point of coconut oil is about +25 degrees. If the product
thickened, this only confirms its naturalness. To
the coconut oil has melted, you need to place a container with this
into a glass of hot water or heat its oil on
water bath.

The oil is also versatile and suitable for the skin
head, neckline, neck, face, feet and hands.

Coconut oil is recommended for use in cosmetology as a base oil.
oil for enriching masks, creams, shampoos, lotions, balms
and tonics designed to soften, nourish or moisturize

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Coconut oil can also be used as a nourishing and restorative
products for damaged, thin, split ends, brittle or colored

In addition, this herbal product is suitable can be applied
for massage, make-up removal and skin cleansing.

It is advised to use coconut oil as a rinse for
mouth, shower cream or lip balm.

Protects coconut oil from the harmful effects of frost on the skin and
wind, so it can be applied to the face before going outside
in winter.

You can also use coconut oil for nail care
cuticles and skin of the hands, as a soothing and softening
skin means after pedicure, manicure, shaving, hair removal.

Used coconut oil and as a sunscreen “before”
and “after” sunburn, as well as for gentle care of sensitive
skin of children, as this product is hypoallergenic and has an emollient
and anti-inflammatory effects.

Cosmetic properties of coconut oil:

  • Tones the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity, promotes
    smoothing wrinkles.
  • Absorbs quickly without leaving a shine or feel
    stickiness, nourishing and softening the skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of acne
    and acne.
  • Helps to retain moisture in the skin and restore its protective
    functions, protects against peeling and drying, promotes recovery
    acid-base balance.
  • Accelerates the skin regeneration process.
  • Prevents Age Spots and Aging
  • Restores the lipid-protein balance of the skin, disturbed due to
    frequent use of substandard soaps, gels and shampoos.
  • Soothes inflamed or irritated skin.
  • Protects against excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Able to soften rough skin on the legs.
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Coconut oil is also considered to be an excellent restorative.
for the care of thinned, damaged, dull, brittle, split ends
or undergoing fairly frequent dyeing hair. When
the constant use of coconut oil, hair becomes
shiny, strong, soft, manageable and silky.

The oil creates a good protective film that prevents washing out
from the structure of the hair protein, well moisturizes and nourishes the skin, activates
hair growth and preventing hair loss. This herbal product
also helps to restore structure and protects against the occurrence
split ends, relieving skin irritation and helping to fight
with dandruff due to anti-inflammatory and antifungal

Coconut oil will protect hair from the bad effects of frequent dyeing
and washing, from mechanical damage when combing, from drying out
and frequent perms. Also, the oil protects hair from sun exposure.
rays, sea wind and salt water, therefore it is advised to apply it
on hair before taking sea or sunbathing.

Coconut oil spreads evenly and easily over the entire length of the hair,
quickly absorbed by the skin and does not leave an oily sheen on the hair.

This product is also used as a mask before washing. So, oil
Apply from root to tip with massage movements. During
washing it is washed off with shampoo. In addition, you can apply a little
oil on already clean hair: lubricate the ends and roots.

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As part of different hair masks, it is recommended to use refined
coconut oil, and unrefined oil is best used for caring
split ends.

Avoid applying unrefined coconut to the scalp.
oils due to comedogenicity. True, everything is individual and impossible
say with certainty that a remedy called comedogenic
will be equally harmful to different people. Therefore, it is necessary to check
on itself the action of the product.

Dangerous properties of coconut oil

You can not use coconut oil for individual intolerance.
It is also worth remembering that a high fat content can cause
irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbation of chronic
cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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