Langoustines, Calories, benefits and harms


Langoustines are the closest relatives of lobsters,
but outwardly they look more like lobsters.
They are classified as decapod crustaceans. These marine life
have a strong bright orange or pink strong shell, and
their size ranges from 15 to 25 centimeters. Thin, oblong
ring-shaped claws are a distinctive feature of langoustines. Yet
they have ten legs and slender long pincers, also pointed
dorsal carapace from top to bottom.

Langoustines are found in the waters of the Atlantic, Mediterranean and North
seas. They live on soft areas of the bottom at a depth of 45-250 meters, they dig
caves, and they leave their home only at night, going in search of
food. Langoustines are also bred and caught in Norway.

It is pointless to butcher the beautiful claws of langoustine, since the meat
is in the tail.

How to choose

Langoustines hitting the shelves of modern seafood stores
can be divided into two types: medium langoustine (about twelve
centimeters) and large (up to twenty-five). During the transportation
of these crustaceans, certain difficulties often arise, because
that they cannot exist without water. Yes and freeze
langoustines are undesirable, as their meat melts when frozen
very loose and loses most of its excellent taste.
But there are frozen and boiled langoustines on sale.

When choosing seafood, you need to determine its quality by smell.
Lack of characteristic fish smell in the fold between tail and shell
speaks of freshness. Quality langoustine meat found in
the tail part has a very refined, slightly sweet and delicate taste.

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How to store

Langoustines are best prepared immediately after purchase. But if
you bought frozen seafood, then you can still save it
in the freezer by placing in a plastic bag.

Reflection in culture

This crustacean has many names. In Europe langoustine
bears the name Norwegian lobster, in Italy it is called “scampi»
on the British islands – Dublin shrimp.

Calorie content of langoustines

Low and is only 98 calories, this makes it possible to use
them during various
diets and include in the menu of healthy food.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 19,7 2.3 – 0.2 77 98

Useful properties of langoustines

Composition and presence of nutrients

The composition of langoustine meat contains a large number of useful
substances. It is a natural source of fats, proteins and a whole list of healthy
elements such as: phosphorus,
iron, zinc, selenium. One hundred grams of the product contains 33% of the daily value
copper and iodine, 20% magnesium, 10% calcium.

Useful and healing properties

The wonderful combination of elements in langoustine meat preserves
health of hair, skin, strengthens bones, improves vision. Regular
eating langoustines improves metabolism and promotes
effective work of the brain. Also the meat of these crustaceans
has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and is wonderful

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Langoustines, like all seafood, contain fatty acids,
quickly assimilated proteins, macro and microelements. Seafood is much
healthier and more nutritious than meat products. By including
in the diet of langoustines, you can significantly increase immunity. Copper, potassium,
zinc prevents premature aging. Phosphorus stimulates
brain activity.

Scientists have determined that people who include seafood in their diet,
in particular langoustines, are much less likely to suffer from all kinds of diseases,
since these products are easy to digest and saturate the human body
minerals. Langoustines, like all other marine
residents, due to the rich mineral environment, create in their body
deposits of minerals in the form of organic compounds, so necessary
in the treatment of diseases.

In cooking

Due to their delicate, delicate taste, langoustines confidently occupy
one of the first places on the list of seafood delicacies. The meat needs to be looked for
in the tail, not in the claws. This crustacean becomes culinary
dish, going through three stages: cooking,
cleaning and taking out meat, cooking and serving.

Before cleaning, place langoustines in batches of 10
into boiling water for about thirty seconds. You should be very careful
and do not overexpose the crustaceans in boiling water, as after being digested,
they become tough. It is important to note that when cooking, the color of the langoustines
does not change.

The second stage of preparation should be started almost immediately.
after cooking. The head is carefully separated from the body, splits
the blunt side of the knife is the shell and the meat is squeezed out of the tail. Claws,
heads and shells can be saved and used for sauce or broth,
because they are very fragrant.

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Langoustines are also served boiled whole, with lettuce leaves,
lemon, olives,
cooked on the grill, greasing the boiled meat with butter
with mint and basil. They are also included in various dishes. This
world famous seafood: the Spanish cook with langoustines
paella, Italians – ravioli and risotto, French people
orthosis soup, the Japanese fry meat in airy batter,
and the Chinese and Vietnamese often use langoustines instead of shrimp.

In cosmetology

Langoustine meat will be useful for those who are struggling with excess weight.
The high protein content is excellent for satisfying the appetite, and the low calorie content
Allows crustaceans to be included in calorie-based diets.

Dangerous properties of langoustines

You should refrain from eating langoustine meat when
individual intolerance and possible allergic
manifestations. Nutritionists also advise not to get carried away with seafood.
and it is recommended to use them no more than twice a week.

It is also contraindicated to eat langoustine meat in the diet.
people with chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Also not worth it
use the head of langoustine, as it contains cholesterol.

In the video, Chinese Chef Ching-He Huang explains how to cook
langoustines with vegetables, based on the best traditions of philosophy

See also properties of other seafood:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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