Pine nut, Calories, benefits and harm, Useful properties

Pine nut is a generalized name for the seeds of several
plant species from the Pine genus, the so-called cedar
pine trees that produce edible seeds. … more often
total pine nuts are called the seeds of pine pine
Siberian (Pinus sibirica).

Pine nuts are small, pale yellow kernels
with a rich taste, they are almost always sold free from
shells. The spicy taste of pine nuts becomes
brighter when toasted as they begin to exude

The endless Siberian expanses are considered the homeland of the cedar, where today
these majestic trees grow, the age of which can reach
3 years old.

Useful properties of pine nuts

Raw pine nuts contain (in 100 g):

Calories 673 Kcal

B4 55,8 Potassium, K 597 Vitamin E 9,33 Phosphorus,
P 575 Vitamin
B3 4,387 Magnesium, Mg 251 Vitamin C 0.8 Calcium, Ca 16 Vitamin
B1 0,364 Manganese,
Mn 8,802

Full composition

The kernel of a pine nut contains: fats, lecithin, nitrogenous
substances, including proteins, carbohydrates, ash, moisture,
glucose, fructose, sucrose, starch, dextrins, pentosans,

Also, pine nuts contain such macronutrients as phosphorus,
magnesium, potassium,
sodium and calcium;
trace elements – iron, manganese,
copper, zinc, molybdenum,
silicon, aluminum, iodine,
boron, nickel, cobalt,
lead, strontium, silver.

Even the amniotic membrane of seeds contains vital
for humans, macro- and microelements such as phosphorus,
sulfur, calcium, potassium, iron, manganese and silicon.

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100 g of cedar seed kernels contain such an amount
deficient micronutrients, which is able to provide
daily human need for manganese, copper, zinc
and cobalt ..

The protein of the cedar seed kernels contains 14 amino acids,
70% are irreplaceable, one of which is arginine
(about 20%) plays an irreplaceable role in the development of a growing

Pine nut contains almost all of the essential
amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins: A,
B, C,
D, E,
The biological value of pine nut kernels is due to
high in vitamin B1 and vitamin E.

Eating pine nuts allows you to compensate
“Protein hunger” for those who switched to vegetarian
food. Vegetable pine nut protein is ideal
balanced and close in composition to human tissue proteins
and is absorbed by the body by 99%. Another factor determining
high nutritional value of pine nuts is
the fact that pine nuts contain almost all of the irreplaceable
amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins,
mineral elements.

Natural food pine nut
has no contraindications to use as in food,
and for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Especially useful
pine nuts for immunodeficiency states, allergic
diseases, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease,
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcerative
and gallstone disease.

Pine nut oil, has high nutritional
and healing properties, it is easily absorbed by the body.
Cedar nut oil contains a huge amount of vitamins
(C, B1, B2, A, E, P, F), essential fatty ones, including
number of polyunsaturated (Omega-3) acids, promotes
regulation of the liver and gastrointestinal tract,
normalizes blood cholesterol levels; promotes
removal of toxic substances from the body, improves cellular
exchange, blood composition; has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
has a tonic effect; stimulates function
sex glands; increases physical and mental performance;
effective for dysbiosis and vitamin deficiencies; helpful
for the growth and development of the child’s body.

Valuable dietary and medicinal properties of pine nuts
help with high blood pressure and atherosclerosis,
give a positive effect with increased acidity
gastric juice, with stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers
intestines, against belching and heartburn.

The cedar nut shell in a crushed state can
used to feed animals. She possesses
average nutritional value in comparison with other types
feed, although it contains a lot of fiber, so the digestibility
its not high.

When extracting oil from the kernel of a pine nut (by cold pressing)
cedar cake remains, which is rich in biologically active substances,
microelements, proteins, vitamins E, A, C, C groups
B, unsaturated fatty acids, does not contain cholesterol.
It is an excellent dietary product that, when consumed, contributes to
normalization of metabolism, health maintenance and preservation
human performance for many years. It is recommended to add
in desserts, creams, fruit and vegetable salads. It lends thin
taste and aroma of cakes, pastries, ice cream and other pastry
products. You can also use it with cottage cheese,
muesli, honey, etc.

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Traditional medicine willingly and widely used cedar
nuts for the treatment of various diseases. For example,
Since ancient times, the population of Siberia considers pine nuts to be effective
a remedy for salt deposition.

Husks and cake of pine nuts were previously used
for the preparation of cleaning baths, they also added
bran. The bath had the most beneficial effect
on the skin, especially cracked, rough. Such
baths are recommended for diathesis, eczema, pustular
and other skin diseases. In addition, a bath with the addition of
decoction of husk and cake of pine nuts has a soothing
action on the nervous system. It is useful as when overexcited,
and with overwork.

Tincture of pine nuts (whole) was used to treat
articular rheumatism, gout, metabolic disorders
substances, vitamin deficiency. Crushed nuts with shells
poured with vodka, insisted for 7 days, filtered and took
within 1,5-2 months.

Pine nut shells are rich in tannins.
Tinctures and decoctions are prepared from it (2-3 tablespoons per glass),
which are used for inflammation of the mucous membranes
oral cavity and other organs, in the form of lotions and washings
– with skin diseases (lichen, pustular lesions,
eczema, etc.), burns.

Tincture of pine nuts shells was used
for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. She picks up
tone, gives strength and restores normal functioning
organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Decoction of pine nut shells is astringent, pain relieving
and anti-inflammatory action, it is recommended
drink for gastrointestinal disorders.

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Infusion of pine nut shells Siberian medicine men
advise to use for hemorrhoids. ethnoscience
recommends drinking an infusion of pine nuts shells when
blood diseases, as well as osteochondrosis, arthritis.

Chopped kernels of pine nuts with honey are good to use
with peptic ulcer. Traditional medicine believes that
for various skin diseases, including cancer,
eczema, boils, constant use of natural
pine nuts or pine nut oil leads to recovery.

Pine nuts should always be in the diet of children.
and adolescents. They have a beneficial effect on the physical and
mental development of the child. Very useful and necessary
during the period of milk teeth change.

The use of pine nuts increases the defenses
body, strengthens the immune system. Pine nuts
increase potency in men.

Dangerous properties of pine nuts

Peeled pine nuts, which are now in abundance
sold in stores and markets, are hazardous to health.

After using them, many experience unpleasant
symptoms characteristic of poisoning and intoxication

For more than a week, the mouth felt unpleasant while eating
bitterness that got worse after ingestion

The phenomenon has not yet been solved. In the popular Internet encyclopedia
“Wikipedia” in the article on pine nuts (actually
seeds), you can literally read the following: “The use of cedar
nuts can cause serious taste disturbances.
Numerous reports from people indicate the presence of bitter
or a metallic taste in the mouth one to two days after consumption
pine nuts. Taste disturbance resolves without medical attention
from several days to weeks. All messages relate to nuts produced
in China”.

See also  Pigeon, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Pine nuts are contraindicated in obesity due to their high content
fat. However, if you really want just such nuts, you can yourself
allow, but not more than 30 g per day.

There are also known cases of individual intolerance to this product,
accompanied by allergic reactions up to anaphylactic

Read also our article on the properties of pine nut oil.
Everything about their useful and dangerous properties, chemical composition, food
value, availability of vitamins and minerals, use in cooking
and cosmetology.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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