Shallots, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Biennial herb of the Onion family. Bulb
shallots are composed of many cloves – like garlic.
It is smaller than that of a onion,
but it ripens earlier and is stored excellently. Most often
shallots are grown for the sake of greenery. She tastes great
it is not sharp. The feather is delicate, thin. As soon as the onion grows back
by 20 cm, it must be cut off without regret – this will prevent
shooting, to which the shallots are prone (especially when
autumn planting).

Foodies love to use it instead of onions.
This type of onion is especially common in
southern areas. Shallot is also known as “charlotte”
or “shrike”. This last name is explained
the fact that its bulb contains a group of small onions
“Cloves” connected by a common shell. Also appreciated
delicate taste of green feathers grown from this onion.

Presumably the homeland of this type of onion is Asia Minor.
It is widespread only in culture. In Western Europe
shallots are grown everywhere, in the USSR – in the North
Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Moldova, Ukraine.

Useful properties of shallots

Shallot leaves and bulbs contain sugars, vitamins,
essential oil. The composition of the shallots differs little from the onions
Luke. And yet there are differences: the leaves contain dry
substances 9,5%, sugars – 3-4%, vitamins
C – 64,5 mg%; onion – respectively 16,5%,
1,5% and 7 mg%.

In shallots, compared to onions,
more sugar, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), mineral
substances. It is distinguished by its high dietary properties,
and its medicinal properties are much higher than that of onions.

See also  Mung bean (golden beans or mung beans), Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Shallot is rich in mineral salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus,
gland. It contains nickel, cobalt,
vanadium, molybdenum,
titanium, silicon and even germanium. And besides, ethereal
oils, phytoncides, carotenoids, group vitamins
B. Energy value: greens – 17-19, bulbs
– 33-36 calories per 100 g wet weight.

Since olden times, shallots have been used in medicine to treat
eye and gastric diseases. Shallot differs from
onions with a more delicate taste. Eaten
young bulbs and leaves, fresh and pickled.
Shallot is a favorite spice in French cuisine. Used by
for flavoring sauces and soups, game delicacies,

Dangerous properties of shallots

The main contraindications for shallots apply to people suffering from
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system,
as, by increasing the acidity of the stomach, it can cause irritation
intestinal mucosa and difficulty urinating. Also shallots are contraindicated.
with bronchospasm, renal and hepatic diseases, diseases
pancreas and constipation, as it can provoke exacerbations.

The video will tell aspiring chefs how to recognize and chop shallots correctly.

See also the properties of other vegetables:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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