Sorrel in our country cannot be called a super popular culinary
product, although some dishes are hard to imagine without it. It is impossible
sorrel is also called an extremely common drug,
although a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and skin pathologies, this plant treats very
efficiently. Perhaps the point is that the sorrel has several serious
contraindications for use, and that the traditions of its use
in medicine were formed relatively late. However, controversial
the reputation of sorrel among the people does not stop scientists who annually discover
new healing properties of this herb.
Useful properties of sorrel
Composition and calorie content
Fresh sorrel contains (in 100 g): .
Calories 22 Kcal
Race Sorrel (Rumex L) has more than 150 species, chemical
composition and consumer characteristics of which may differ
apart. But, in general, regardless of the species, the plant is rich
anthraquinones, naphthalenes, flavonoids, stilbenoids, triterpenes,
carotenoids and phenolic acids. For the preparation of medicinal
all parts of the sorrel are used as raw materials.
The leaves of the plant are a source of flavonoids, carotene, ascorbic
acid (which is also present in the flowers of the plant). In the roots
sorrel contains emodin, chrysophanic acid and other derivatives
anthraquinone (up to 4%), tannins (up to 15%), oxalic,
caffeic and other organic acids, flavonoids, vitamin K.
The fruits also contain tannins and anthraquinone derivatives.
Moreover, all parts of the sorrel are characterized by a high content of oxalate.
calcium, which, in the first place, is associated with a number of contraindications
when eating the plant.
Medicinal properties
Aboveground parts of sorrel and roots are used (or are considered
as a candidate for use) in the treatment of a number of diseases
and pathological conditions, which include problems
Gastrointestinal tract (constipation,
bloody diarrhea, helminthic invasions), gallbladder disease and
liver, including of an infectious nature (for example, jaundice),
and enterocolitis, edema,
as well as skin lesions (ulcers,
wounds, burns).
For the treatment and / or elimination of the symptoms of these diseases are used
various medicinal properties of sorrel. When used in certain
quantities and concentrations of sorrel is able to reduce arterial
pressure, anesthetize, activate urinary excretion and movement
bile, soothe and relieve inflammation, stop bleeding,
exfoliate dead cells and regenerate skin tissue.
In the restoration of the digestive tract for laxative
effect, large doses of sorrel preparations are prescribed (0,5-1 g three times
per day or more), for an astringent effect – small
(up to 0,25 g three times a day). All parts of the plant when taken orally
increase the peristalsis of the large intestine, soften the feces
mass and reduce the time of absorption of food.
Various sorrel extracts exhibit antioxidant, antibacterial,
anti-fungal and anti-cancer effects: .
- Ethanol and methanol leaf extracts
sorrel have a powerful antioxidant
potential. Also, antioxidant properties were found in different
sorrel root extracts: the most pronounced and multispectral
– in butanol and methanol extracts, but in the removal of free
the fraction of hydrogen peroxide radicals shows itself better than others.
chloroform. .
- Ethanol and hexane extracts are capable
inhibit a range of bacteria, exhibiting multidrug
stability. Water sorrel extracts by inhibiting activity
H. pylori can prevent damage to the stomach lining.
. - Methanol, chloroform and hexane sorrel
extracts can successfully inhibit the growth of pathogenic strains
mushrooms. - Ethanol extract shows the highest
(compared to other concentrates) cytotoxicity in
against MCF-7 cell lines (invasive ductal adenocarcinoma
breast), DU-145 (prostate cancer) in the analysis
with the lowest IC50 – 47,3 μg / ml (IC50 indicator demonstrates,
how much inhibitor is needed to suppress the bioprocess by 50%).
The ability of sorrel drugs to provoke the death of cancer
cells have been confirmed in other studies. . В
depending on the dosage, ethanol extracts of 6 species of sorrel
demonstrated “in vitro” cytotoxic activity against
leukemia cell lines.
Thus, sorrel potentially claims to be a medicine.
and with microbial infections, and with some cancers.
Sorrel extract showed a high antiplatelet
activity (through modulation of signaling pathways MAPK, PI3K / Akt),
and therefore can be considered as a candidate for the role of medicine
in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases associated with platelets.
Also, modern research indirectly confirms traditions
the use of sorrel preparations for the treatment of liver diseases, recovery
liver function and prevention of cirrhosis
liver. The hepatoprotective properties of sorrel are clearly demonstrated
on laboratory animals with impaired liver function caused by
intake of carbon tetrachloride .
, or, for example, in animals with type 2 diabetes. .
At the same time, the sorrel, due to the inert content in it, possesses
some independent antidiabetic properties,
which are manifested both “in vitro” and in experiments on mice.
. The same is not in
composition of sorrel exhibits antimalarial
activity and prolongs survival time in the ethanol treatment group
extracts. .
In medicine
Sorrel preparations in the food supplement industry are produced in
various forms: from capsules to liquid extracts. When harvesting
all parts of the plant are used as raw materials:
with petioles, root, fruits in panicles. Harvesting of roots is done
in the fall after the death of the aboveground green mass.
Manufacturers in the list of indications for use indicate hepatitis,
liver failure, cholecystitis,
colitis, hemo- and enterocolitis, hemorrhoids, infection with worms,
bleeding stomach ulcers, inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and mucous membranes
oral cavity (stomatitis). According to the instructions, the liquid extract
sorrel roots should be used to reduce pressure
with hypertensive
diseases of the 1st and 2nd stage.
Also, small doses of drugs are recommended to activate movement.
bile and cessation of diarrhea. Large doses – to stimulate contractile
function of the musculature of the large intestine and activation of excretion
feces. It is also stipulated that the laxative effect
does not occur immediately, but after 8-12 hours after taking the drug,
and with prolonged use, addiction may occur.
Sorrel is included in the composition of the mixture according to Zdrenko’s prescription, intended
for the treatment of papillomatosis of the bladder and gastritis with low
acidity, in which cells that produce hydrochloric acid
begin to atrophy (anacid type).
In folk medicine
Even during the formation of a systematic approach to plant
therapy, sorrel was used to relieve pain, normalize work
Gastrointestinal tract, stopping bleeding and getting rid of skin pathologies
- Digestive organs. A thousand years ago Avicenna
already knew that both the sorrel leaves (to a lesser extent) and
its seeds have a “fixing” effect. Moreover, the preference
in such therapy, seeds of “large species” were given.
The tradition of using weak, non-concentrated broths for
getting rid of diarrhea
survived in folk medicine to this day. The same way
not only seeds are used, but also the roots of the plant containing
19-27% tannins (indicators are given for common sorrel,
but pronounced astringent properties are also characteristic of horse sorrel,
water and a number of other types). For an astringent effect
in folk medicine, flowers were also used in the form of a powder
plants. As part of a comprehensive remedy to stop diarrhea
sorrel fried in olive
oil, combined with pomegranate
juice, cumin
(cumin, or Roman cumin) and dill.
To get rid of constipation, use large doses of decoctions.
sorrel leaves, which enhance intestinal motility and create
laxative effect. Raw leaves without processing are recommended
herbalists to improve digestion in general. - Liver, gallbladder, spleen. Mixed
with vinegar sorrel leaves from the early Middle Ages fought
with spleen diseases, small doses of sorrel preparations and juice
plants provoked a choleretic effect, and extracts when
long-term use – treated for jaundice.
- Skin. Sorrel brewed in wine
leaves, applied in the form of a compress, coped with lichen,
and water decoctions were used for scabies.
For the same purposes, a decoction of roots or chopped
into powder the root mixed with fat (lard,
badger fat, etc.). To accelerate the ripening of abscesses and healing
wounds were applied with fresh crushed roots of the plant, which
ground into gruel with sour milk or cream.
For skin ulcers, a mixture of crushed sorrel, pink
butter and saffron. In its simplest form, skin lesions are simply
smeared with squeezed sorrel juice. - Oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. RџSЂRё
toothache in folk medicine practiced mouthwash
juice of fresh leaves. Sorrel leaves to strengthen teeth and gums
just chewed. Decoction of roots healed the pharynx and larynx when irritated
and cough
treated a runny nose.
In addition, in different folk traditions, broths of sorrel (leaves,
roots, seeds) and / or its juice was used to treat scurvy, rheumatism,
local tumors, inflammation of the large and small intestines, for
stopping bleeding (including hemorrhoidal, ulcerative,
pulmonary and uterine). For headaches, the juice of the plant was rubbed
in whiskey.
Decoctions and infusions
There are many similar folk recipes.
decoctions and infusions of sorrel roots and leaves, examples of which are given
- Decoction for rinsing with stomatitis and gingivitis.
Chopped fresh sorrel leaves (1 tablespoon) are first poured
boiling water (250 ml) and kept on low heat for a quarter of an hour,
and then, they insist for another hour. The strained broth should be rinsed
oral cavity 4-5 times a day until the inflammation of the gums is relieved and
healing of the oral mucosa. - Decoction of roots for intestinal disorders.
Chopped roots (2 tablespoons) pour a glass of water and boil
within half an hour. Before use, the raw material is squeezed out, and the broth
cool and filter. You need to take such a drink in a third
glasses three times a day before meals. - Baths with a decoction for cystitis. With inflammation
bladder mucosa herbalists recommend taking baths
with the addition of sorrel broth. For this, the leaves of the plant (500
d) pour a liter of boiling water and put on water for 10-15 minutes
bath. The strained broth is added to the daily relaxing
bath. - Infusion to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.
Dried leaves of a plant (1 tbsp. L.) Are poured with a glass of boiling water
(200-250 ml) and kept for 3 hours before cooling.
The finished infusion is drunk per day, 70-80 ml in three doses for
half an hour before meals, and the whole course lasts a week.
In oriental medicine
Japanese sorrel (Rumex japonicus Houtt) widespread
in Korea, Japan and China. Its root in all these countries is traditionally
used to treat constipation and more difficult gastrointestinal
diseases, jaundice, bloody vomiting, dysfunctional uterine
In classical Tibetan medicine, sorrel is used to remove
“Heat of wounds”, heals the liver, inhibits putrefactive fermentation in the intestines,
expel worms and stop ulcerative bleeding. IN
in particular, as an antihelminthic and hemostatic
means prepare decoctions of fresh leaves (1 tbsp. l.), which first
boil in 2 glasses of water, then insist and drink for two hours
in strained form three times a day, half a glass.
In India, oxalic preparations cleanse the blood and lymph, in Mongolia
they are used to relieve high fever and treat tuberculosis,
and in China root decoctions help to get rid of skin pathologies
In scientific research
Although there are about 150 species in the genus Sorrel, most
phytochemical and pharmacological studies were carried out
about 50 of them. Below are just some of the works
the last three years, in which the potential of sorrel in the treatment of
colitis, liver fibrosis, breast cancer, colon cancer,
human hepatocellular carcinoma.
- Japanese sorrel has potential as a remedy in treatment
colitis. .
In this study in laboratory mice, scientists evaluated
protective effect of methanol extracts of sorrel, which were used
for the treatment of colitis caused by sodium dextran sulfate (DSS).
Male mice 8 weeks old were given a methanol extract
sorrel for 14 days, after which it was administered for a week
2,5 percent sodium dextran sulfate causing inflammatory
bowel disease and reproductive manifestations of ulcerative
colitis, characterized by an abnormal immune response and dysfunction
epithelial barrier. After dissection of laboratory mice and
studying a number of factors, it was found that the drug
sorrel effectively suppresses DSS-induced colitis by protecting dense
connections in the colon.
- Complex processing with various fractions of sorrel leaves
experimentally regulates markers of oxidative dysfunctions and exhibits
the ability to repair liver damage caused by tetrachloride
carbon. .
Carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4) is used in laboratory
experiments as a substance that causes oxidative damage
and fibrosis of liver cells. In this work, scientists introduced it 48
male rats, divided into 8 groups, each of which received
different doses of CCl 4, and then different forms of medicinal
sorrel extracts.
Scientists have found that all sorrel leaf extracts in that
or another degree, but especially ethanol and methyl extracts,
reduced DNA damage in rat liver tissues, and complex
the introduction of various plant fractions revealed a significant increase in
antioxidant enzyme levels compared to controls.
Also, the complex use of sorrel preparations completely changed
enzyme levels and lipid profile to normal levels. So
Thus, it was concluded that sorrel leaves are strong
antioxidant and are able to protect the liver from CCl 4 -induced
- Chloroform extract of sorrel stem exhibits anti-cancer
activity against cell lines of several types of cancer.
Crude extract of leaves, stems and flowers of sorrel was evaluated
by cell lines of human breast cancer (MCF7), cancer
human colon (Lovo and Caco-2), hepatocellular carcinoma
human (HepG2). Most of the crude extracts showed no
significant level of cytotoxicity in the line of tested
cancer cells. But the chloroform extract of the stem showed a strong
anti-cancer activity in all tested lines. BUT
this provides the basis for conducting clinical trials with the aim of
studying the therapeutic potential of the stem extract as
effective and safe natural anti-cancer product.
Not all studies lead to evidence
the effect expected by scientists. As a recent example of “negative
result “can be called the result of the work published in April
2020. The authors tried to evaluate the effects of seed extracts
and leaf sorrel (Rumex obtusifolius) on amoeba
Acanthamoeba, which penetrates the cornea of the eye (usually during
bathing time of a person), causes visual impairment, blindness,
and can also lead to disorders of the central nervous system. .
Despite some promising intermediate indicators,
according to the results of the work, scientists could not call sorrel extracts promising
candidates for the treatment of acanthamebiasis. However, this does not mean that
research like this should be considered ineffective,
since in science and a reliable negative result is not less than
For losing weight
The calorie content of sorrel, like most other herbs, is low,
– about 22 kcal per 100 g of raw product. But as a basis
do not use sorrel in the dietary program. Due to the abundance of sorrel
acid (which can trigger an exacerbation of a number of diseases)
it is not even safe to use in large quantities in salads
and / or fill the stomach with low-calorie leaves, as
this is sometimes practiced with a health risk during unloading
Since in small safe volumes, sorrel exhibits astringent
properties, and the laxative effect occurs when the dose is increased,
it is not entirely safe to use it for a long time in programs
bowel cleansing. But if this product is not abused,
then in the absence of contraindications, they can be quite diversified
basic dietary menu.
In cooking
In the cuisines of different nations of the world, sorrel is added to soups and borscht.
(cabbage soup), tortillas, casseroles, stews, salads and complex sauces, used
as a filling for pies. But the specificity of using the herb
in cooking may be due to the species of sorrel growing in
- Sparrow sorrel, bitter in taste, has
pronounced lemon aroma, so in local cuisines it is more often
put in salads. As a clotting agent, it can be
used in the preparation of cheeses. - Spinach sorrelas the name suggests,
eaten similarly to spinach in raw and boiled forms. IN
Recipes sometimes call it “English spinach”. - Horse sorrel in Armenia and Azerbaijan more often
used in dried form, because during fermentation
bitterness leaves and a pleasant sour taste appears. In Uzbekistan
eat cuttings and leaves of a young plant of this
species. In lean periods, its milled stems were added
into flour when baking bread.
In combination with other products, sorrel combines well
with potatoes,
For example, if you grind it and add it to mashed potatoes,
then the dish will not only acquire a slight sourness, but also change
color to a delicate green. Sometimes this ability to “tint”
the main product is used for the preparation of “oxalic” cocktails
or ice cream.
In cosmetology
Sorrel extracts are used in both therapeutic and skin care
cosmetics. Therapeutic is intended mainly to eliminate
age spots (brightening serums and creams), acne treatment
rashes and fungal infections (including dandruff). In the care room
in cosmetics, sorrel can be found in cleansing gels, lotions
and tonics, as well as – in the means of the bath series. So, the company
Oriflame has a whole group of creams with sorrel extracts (Rumex
Occidentalis Extract), evening skin tone with varying degrees
protective effect, anti-wrinkle cream, multifunctional CC cream
and etc.
As part of lightening products to combat pigmentation, freckles,
sunburn, age spots, as a rule, complex
formulas that enhance the moderate efficacy of pure drugs
sorrel. At the same time, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
study testing Rumex 3% ointment
Occidentalis, showed that in the treatment of melasma, sorrel
no less effective than 4% hydroquinone cream, traditionally
used to get rid of acquired melasma spots
on the face, neck and arms. .
The brightening mild effect is better with prolonged
the use of sorrel preparations, which, by blocking the activity
enzyme tyrosinase, inhibit the synthesis of the pigment melanin. But
the peculiarity of the oxalic component is that it is antimelasmic
activity manifests itself even on the skin of Asians (in the above
45 Filipinos participated in the study). Moreover,
even out skin tone occurs also due to the reduction of redness,
caused by a rush of blood to the capillaries (that is, due to a decrease in
the severity of erythema).
As part of medical cosmetics, sorrel extracts are also used
for the treatment of fungal diseases. At home to create
antifungal effect is usually prepared from ground roots,
which, when applied as a compress, reduces itching
and pain. The same sorrel gruel is also used to combat dandruff.
(the product is rubbed into the scalp for several minutes, and
then washed off with water). During the preparation of the gruel, the sorrel carefully
washed, crushed and poured over with boiling water. But before the first application
of such a tool, you should always conduct a half-hour test on a small
sensitive area of the skin (for example, on the wrist) to understand
whether sorrel gruel will cause an allergic reaction.
Less commonly, sorrel is today used in products intended
for the care of the oral cavity, although more recently
a root-based powder designed for
polishing tooth enamel.
Dangerous properties of sorrel and contraindications
The dangerous properties of sorrel are associated primarily with the abundance
acids in most species of this plant. And herself
acid, and its salts – oxalates poorly soluble in water – are not mutagenic
and not carcinogenic, but toxic. So, magnesium oxalate and especially
calcium is retained in the renal pelvis, bladder, urinary
paths, over time acquiring the form of sand or calculi complex
crystalline form. Isolated concentrated oxalic
acid is dangerous both on external contact and if swallowed, because
causes chemical burns, burning sensation, spasms, edema of the larynx, bronchi
or lungs. Large amounts of this substance can even lead to
to the death of a person.
However, the danger of death occurs after swallowing
15 grams or more of oxalic acid, and this amount with food
does not arrive. 100 g of green leaves contain 600-800 mg. IN
in the usual diet, a person eats up to 1200 mg every day
(and vegetarians – up to 2000 mg) of oxalate. But, taking into account the fact that
the safe level of oxalic acid for a healthy person is
about 50 mg per 100 g of food, it is better not to abuse sorrel after all.
Moreover, there is a lot of oxalates not only in sorrel, but also in other products.
– in cocoa beans,
chocolate, spinach,
and etc.
An excess of oxalates in humans most often manifests itself in the form of pain
(cut) in the stomach, in the side, in the lower abdomen, increase
volume of urine and / or painful urination, fatigue.
But the main health risks are still not associated with a one-time overeating.
sorrel, and with the systematic use of extracts of different parts
There was a recent study that evaluated chronic
effects produced by aqueous and ethanol seed extracts
spinach sorrel on male and female laboratory rats. Scientists
observed adverse changes occurring in the kidneys, liver
and lungs after 14 weeks of administration of oxalic preparations. Moreover
males were more susceptible to females to the same doses of extracts.
However, after a 15-day rehabilitation period without sorrel
supplementation, most of the animals returned to normal.
In general, the use of an aqueous extract did not lead to irreversible
consequences, and sorrel extracts caused pathological changes
only in very high doses (4000 mg / kg). Lower doses
and aqueous extracts caused either minor or reversible
changes. .
However, there are often recommendations for the treatment period.
sorrel preparations to eliminate the “oxalate effect” in parallel
consume lemon
juice or add apple cider vinegar to dishes. These products help
lower urine pH to 3,5-4,5, which accelerates the dissolution of oxalates
and their excretion from the urinary tract. Also for binding sorrel
acids are recommended to combine sorrel with fermented milk products
(sour cream,
Due to the fact that sorrel root extract can have a stimulating
effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, taking these drugs is contraindicated
during pregnancy. The aerial part of the plant, rich in anthraquinones,
also not recommended during pregnancy, and the introduction of sorrel into the diet
in this case, requires consultation with a doctor.
We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of sorrel.
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:
When choosing sorrel, you should focus on the same signs as
and when choosing other greens: buy leaves with a uniform color,
discarding yellow, darkened, drying out and stained. Lethargic
leaves are also discarded – fresh stems when pressed will
crunch. But in general, keeping sorrel fresh for a long time is difficult,
therefore, sellers often cut it just before the sale,
and buyers take a bunch that can be eaten at a time.
If there is a need to “hold” the sorrel for 2-3 days, then it
better to wrap in plastic wrap, cut off the ends of the stems,
dip them in water and refrigerate.
To preserve the sorrel for a longer period, the grass is dried,
frozen, salted or preserved in their own acid.
The latter method allows you to store sorrel for about 3
months. In other cases, this period is increased to 1-2 years.
The French named sorrel and carrots
their national vegetables and add it to dishes more often than representatives
other nations. But the Eastern Slavs for a long time considered sorrel
useless and even harmful weed. The shepherds noticed that the cows
overeating this herb, suffer from diarrhea, and their milk sour faster.
And such a negative attitude towards some species of sorrel existed.
not only among our ancestors.
For example, in the USA, passerine sorrel actively littered blueberry plantations,
as it grew best in the same conditions as berry bushes.
But it was also extremely difficult to eradicate it – sorrel can effectively
reproduce even by separate fragments of the rhizome.
Despite this, the plant has found use in the economy. Horse
sorrel, for example, was used to make paints – from leaves
and plant stems prepared green dyes for the tanning industry,
root extract served as the basis for the production of yellow pigment,
and etched with iron vitriol, it gave a black color. Moreover
not only dyeing, but also the tanning of the leather itself was carried out using
sorrel roots.
Sorrel has not received wider use in the economy. But,
judging by the active and effective study of extracts by scientists
plants, all the medicinal possibilities of the herb have not yet been revealed. And already
the beneficial properties known today allow people to maintain health
traditional medicine methods. It should only be remembered that the use
sorrel as a medicine in home therapy is associated with certain
risks, therefore, plant preparations should be used for a long time
with extreme care.