Pak-choi, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It is one of the most ancient Chinese vegetable crops. Today
day she gained great popularity in Asia and every day all
is gaining more and more new fans in Europe. Cabbage
pak-choi is a close relative of the Peking one, but looks different from it,
biologically, as well as economic qualities. Although they are completely
different, gardeners still very often confuse them. One is dark
green leaves and bright white petioles, and the other is light green like
leaves and petioles. Pak-choi is much juicier than Chinese, more piquant
and tastes sharper. The main differences are the rougher, less pubescent

Pak-choi is an early ripe cabbage variety that does not form
head of cabbage. Leaves are collected in a rosette with a diameter of about 30 cm. Petioles
tightly pressed, thick, convex at the bottom, often occupying two thirds
from the mass of the entire plant. Pak choy cabbage stalks are very crispy
and tastes like spinach. Fresh leaves are used in
cooking soups, salads.

Some people call pak choi salad, but this is not true, because how
mentioned above, this is a type of cabbage. It has a different name
among different peoples, for example – mustard or celery. In Korea
pak choy is appreciated, the less the better, since small heads of cabbage
pak choy cabbage is much softer.

How to choose

When choosing pak choi, pay attention to the leaves, as they
must be juicy green and fresh (not sluggish).
Young good cabbage has medium-sized leaves when broken
– crispy. The length of the leaves should be no more than 15 cm.

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How to store

In order for pak-choy to retain its useful properties longer,
it must be stored following all the rules. First, separate from the stumps
leaves and rinse them under running water. After that, the leaves must be
wrap in a damp towel, then put in the refrigerator.

The benefits of pak-choi

Composition and presence of nutrients

Raw cabbage pak choy contains (in 100 g):

Calories 13 Kcal

Low calorie content is not the only plus of pak choy cabbage,
it is rich in fiber, plant, indigestible fibers.
Fiber is very important in a nutritious diet, as it is not only
prevents stool problems, but also effectively cleans
intestines from toxins and cholesterol.

Pak-choi leaves contain a large amount of the most valuable
the body, the blood vessels of vitamin C. The vessels retain their strength and elasticity
thanks to him. Vitami C takes an active part in the synthesis
protein, collagen, which allows the skin to stay longer
elastic and resilient. One hundred grams of pak choy leaves contain about 80%
from the required daily intake of vitamin

Also, cabbage contains vitamin K, it improves a very important
blood count – clotting. The daily requirement of the body
this vitamin can be replenished by eating two hundred grams of Pak Choi.

It should be noted if you are taking medications for
thinning blood, then you should not eat pak choy cabbage. Vitamik
Will reduce the effect of drugs “to naught.”

Pak-choi contains the most vitamin A among its congeners.
It stimulates the renewal of the skin at the cellular level, and
in its absence, the synthesis of rhodopsin is not possible – a photosensitive
pigment vision. Vitamin C deficiency negatively affects
human vision and often leads to reduced visibility at dusk,
which is popularly called night blindness.

Useful and healing properties

Pak Choi cabbage is a very valuable dietary vegetable. She is shown
with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Pak choy juice
possesses bactericidal properties and retains everything biologically
active vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Pak-choi is considered an ancient remedy. Her juice possesses
healing properties and is used in the treatment of non-healing ulcers,
wounds, burns. Leaves are grated, mixed with raw protein
chicken eggs and this mixture is applied to the wounds.

This vegetable is of great value in the treatment of anemia.
Together with the fiber of cabbage, harmful cholesterol is excreted from the body,
and this plays a huge role in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis

Pak-choi is used as a component of dietary nutrition for diseases.
heart and blood vessels.

In cooking

To maintain a nutritious diet, it is very good to consume
food pak choy cabbage. It is usually fried
with meat, tofu, other vegetables, also steamed, fried in oil
or used as a side dish. Everything is edible in pak-choi – like
roots and leaves. It is very easy to clean and prepare it: leaves,
separated from the petiole, chopped, and the petiole itself is not cut into small circles.

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But it should also be remembered that after boiling or stewing
pak choi leaves will lose most of the beneficial qualities, in particular
vitamins. So it is best to use pak choy in the form of a salad.
To do this, take bell pepper, fresh grated carrots, grated
ginger, dates
and pak choy leaves. All ingredients must be mixed and poured with lemon
juice, if desired, you can add sunflower or olive oil.

Dangerous properties of Pak Choi

A contraindication to eating pak choy cabbage is only
individual intolerance.

Did you know that vegetable salad can be made friends with a frying pan and sesame oil? Then such a salad with pak choy cabbage will turn into an oriental one and will open the tastes of each ingredient in a new way.

See also the properties of other vegetables:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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