River crayfish is a species of decapod crustaceans from the infraorder
The body consists of a cephalothorax and a flat, articulated abdomen.
The cephalothorax consists of two parts: the front (head)
and back (chest), which have grown together. In front
there is a sharp spine on the head section. In recesses along
protruding eyes sit on the sides of the thorn on movable stalks,
and in front there are two pairs of thin antennae: one short,
others are long.
Claws are used by crayfish for defense and attack.
The abdomen of cancer consists of seven segments, has five pairs
bifurcated limbs that serve for swimming.
The sixth pair of abdominal legs together with the seventh abdominal segment
forms a caudal fin. Males are larger than females, possess
more powerful claws, also in females, abdominal segments
noticeably wider than the cephalothorax. With the loss of a limb,
after molting, a new one grows. The color changes, depending on
on the properties of water and habitat. Most often, the color is greenish brown
colors, brownish greenish or bluish brown.
Distributed in freshwater bodies throughout the territory
Europe. It can be found in fresh clean water:
rivers, lakes, ponds, fast or flowing streams (depth
3-5 m and with depressions up to 7-12 m). Crayfish hunts
at night. During the day he hides in shelters (under stones, roots
trees, burrows or any objects lying on the bottom),
which guards against other cancers. Digs holes, the length of which
can reach 35 cm.In summer it lives in shallow water, in winter
moves to a depth where the soil is strong, clayey
or sandy.
Since ancient times, crayfish have been widely used for food.
human. Remains of crayfish shells found in so
called “kitchen heaps” of the Neolithic. Mostly crayfish
processed by cooking in salted water, and acquiring
a peculiar red tint and an appetizing smell are served
seasoned with herbs (dill, parsley, celery, etc.) to the table.
When cooking crayfish (and crustaceans in general)
they turn red. Change in the color of the integument of crustaceans
due to the fact that they contain a very large amount
carotenoids. Most common in integument
crustacean pigment – astaxanthin, which in its pure form has
intense bright red color. Before heat treatment, and
live crayfish, carotenoids are linked to various proteins,
and the color of the animal is usually bluish, greenish and brown
tones. When heated, the compounds of carotenoids and proteins
easily disintegrate and the released astaxanthin gives
the body of the animal has a rich red color.
Before cutting the crayfish, it should be lightly boiled in boiling water,
since the meat is poorly separated from the shell. At the same time, the meat
will be compacted, and it will be easy to lag behind the shell; Besides
In addition, the liver of cancers can be used.
Useful properties of river crayfish
The bulk of nutritious crayfish meat is in
abdomen, and a slightly smaller amount in the claws.
White crayfish meat with rare pink veins, nutritious
and tastes great. In composition, it contains a large
amount of protein, and low fat content. River meat
cancer is high quality dietary and delicious
product, easy to digest, contains a large amount
proteins up to 16%, calcium,
vitamins E and
B12 and a minimum of calories, fat and cholesterol.
Percentage of crayfish meat volume in comparison
with other crustaceans eaten by humans,
it becomes obvious that crayfish is not a record holder,
although it exceeds the range of food crabs.
In other words, there is little meat in an adult crayfish. If a
kilogram of whole shrimp meat content about 400
gram, then in a kilogram of crayfish barely 100-150 grams
(abdomen and claws), while crayfish approximately
3-4 times more expensive. Probably the very consumption of river
crayfish mainly rests on a rather attractive
the appearance of all kinds of dishes decorated with boiled crayfish,
and partly with long-standing traditions.
Cancer meat contains a lot of sulfur,
therefore it should not be stored in metal containers,
because from contact with it, it turns black and deteriorates.
Glassware required. If you use faded
crayfish, then they are simply divided into parts and directly hooked
on hooks. Stored at a low temperature and
crayfish who did not have time to fade are transferred in about a day
in a warm room and put in water so that they have time
to fade.
Record holders for sodium
Dangerous properties of river crayfish
Often cancerous meat can cause
This is explained by the fact that it has a rather unique chemical composition.
Allergy can develop to any of the components of the composition of cancer, and most
protein is considered common. On it can
allergies occur after eating crayfish, fish and seafood.
Nutritionists often recommend refraining from active use.
meat cancer for those who have thyroid problems. This item
doctors always emphasize, because people, thinking that great
the amount of iodine will have a positive effect on the disease, is often eaten
too much.
Therefore, doctors remind that iodine, which is in cancer meat, can
help exclusively as a way of prevention. It is not good for treating the problem.
The method of preparing crayfish is also important. So, you can cook only
fresh crayfish. If you omit this point, you can
get serious gastrointestinal problems
Professionals do not recommend placing cooked crayfish in a bowl.
made of metal. The explanation is simple – they include many
sulfur. This element “helps” the product to blacken and deteriorate quickly.
Therefore, glass is the best material for long-term and safe storage of crayfish.
Do you know how to cook crayfish correctly and tasty? Try the recipe from this video.