Avran benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

The content of the article

This is a poisonous plant that is “contraindicated” not only for evil
spirits (with the help of Avran, they fought with evil spirits since ancient times).
Avran can harm people with gastrointestinal disorders, provoke
convulsions and disruption of the internal organs. However, in certain
Under circumstances, Avran is able to heal and save lives.

Useful properties of Avran

Composition and nutrients

The stems and leaves of Avran contain a large amount of macronutrients.
(calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron),
microelements (copper, zinc, cobalt, chromium, aluminum, sulfur and others),
alkaloids, essential oils, tannins and organic acids
(apple, betulin).

In traditional medicine

Avran is added to homeopathic remedies that are produced
in the form of an emulsion or essence (anthelmintic, diuretic, laxative
and emetic) and alcohol tincture (for arrhythmias). Also his
can be found in the composition of drugs for the treatment of gout,
hepatitis, dermatitis and rashes of various etiologies, skin ulcers, mental

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, avran is used in the form of infusions, decoctions,
tinctures for internal use and compresses, ointments, powder
and freshly crushed leaf for external use. Because Avran is strong
irritates the stomach and intestines, then in its infusions and decoctions should
be sure to add starch (1-2 tablespoons depending on the volume).

Infusion for heart disease accompanied by swelling
and hepatitis. Dry avran (1 tsp) pour boiling water (250 ml), add
starch (2 tsp) and let it brew for at least an hour. Accept by
1 tbsp every 2-3 hours. The course of treatment is usually 2-4 days,
but not more than 7 days.

Anthelmintic… Avran (0,5 tsp) pour hot
water (200 ml), boil in a water bath for half an hour. Water
can evaporate strongly, so add to the finished broth
boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Reception is carried out every 15-20 minutes
1 tsp each until the first signs of the release of parasites.

For bruises, cuts and joint pain apply freshly ground
grass (30-40 g) for 2-3 hours.

With constipation
use a decoction of rhizomes. For this, the roots of avran (2-6 g) need
pour boiling water (350-400 g) and let it brew until full
cooling. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

In cosmetology

Avran is used for cosmetic purposes for the preparation of masks.
for problem skin. To prepare the mask, grind fresh
leaves in gruel (50 g) and dilute them with kefir,
serum or water (50 g). Mix everything thoroughly and apply
on the face for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse off the residues thoroughly immediately
masks with warm water.

Dangerous properties of Avran and contraindications

The plant is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal disorders: gastritis,
ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, irritable bowel syndrome. At any
dosage, even the smallest, should not be taken before administration
vehicles and complex mechanisms, because Avran substances
disturb the perception of green color and its shades.

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In case of an overdose of Avran, vomiting, nausea, bloody
diarrhea, severe salivation, seizures, impaired renal function
and heart, complete collapse of all organs, respiratory arrest and death.
If at least one of the signs of poisoning is observed during admission,
immediately rinse the stomach with plenty of water, drink
activated carbon or any other sorbent (for example, smectite,
enterosgel) and call an ambulance.

general description

Avran (lat. Gratíola officinális) Is a poisonous herbaceous
a plant common in Central and Eastern Europe. Exists
many everyday names for Avran: God’s grace, grace,
fever grass, horse tinder, mock, deer grass, draziola,
bloody. The Russian-language name is of Turkic origin and
in translation means “ache».


Scientists have identified 24 plant species that do not have bright
pronounced differences. Avran is quite common in Altai,
in the Caucasus and Siberia. The plant is very hygrophilous and in natural
the environment is found in river mouths, in swamps and damp meadows. When growing
it at home requires frequent watering.

Avran grows from 15 to 60 cm in height, has a creeping root
and in one place it can grow for several years. Blooms single white
flowers throughout the summer and if it’s a warm autumn, then until the middle
September. In place of flowers, fruits are formed in the form of an oval box
forms with a lot of seeds inside.

Reproduction and care

The easiest way to plant Avran is by dividing the rhizomes, but you can
propagate it by sowing seeds in early spring in boxes for
seedlings. When the seedlings grow up to 10 cm, they are transplanted into the ground.
to a permanent place. Avran needs a sufficiently lit plantation
with moist and well-fertilized soil.

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Collection and Procurement

For medicinal purposes, both the ground part of the plant is used, and
rhizomes. Leaves and stems begin to harvest before or in the very
the beginning of flowering, i.e. beginning-mid June. The roots are dug into
first half of September. Before use and storage
the plant is carefully dried under a canopy with good ventilation.
In the dried state, Avran retains its properties for 3

Reflection in culture

Avran is often found in occult recipes, myths
and legends associated with evil spirits. There is a belief that the bag
with dried avran, hanging at the front door protects from evil
spirits, creatures of the other world and intruders. This plant
mentioned in the writings of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece, as a means
from evil spirits and diseases, as well as one of the components of the mixture for

Due to the fact that Avran grows in desolate places, it is considered a symbol
humility and repentance.

Useful and dangerous properties of other herbs:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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