Cocoa butter, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

general description

The source of cocoa butter is the fruits of trees from the Theobroma genus.
Until recently, this tree was attributed to the Sterkuliev family, today
it is the representative of the Malvovs. Home of the chocolate tree
– these are the American tropics, his gifts were appreciated
still the Aztecs. At the present time, the tree is cultivated in all states.
with a tropical climate, where it can bear fruit twice a year.

When creating a classification of plants in the 18th century, naturalist Karl
Linnaeus assigned the name of the tree from whose fruit cocoa butter is obtained
“food of the gods”.

The cocoa tree has a rather high trunk (6-12 meters), from its
white-pink flowers break through the bark. After a while, the flowers
are transformed into slightly elongated fruits ranging in size from 25 to
30 centimeters. Melon-shaped fruits are covered with leathery shells,
painted in yellow-red tones. The fruit pulp contains almond-shaped
seeds whose length does not exceed 2,5 centimeters – they represent
special value. The fruit ripens from 30 to 50 seeds. They are
consist of a shell, a germ of a germ and a nucleus. Seed taste is tart
and bitter, and the aroma does not differ in anything noticeable at all. Cocoa beans
take the required qualities only after processing.

The fruits are carefully removed from the tree, divided into pieces and placed
in special containers. After 2-3 days, fermentation or fermentation begins:
the pulp contains a large amount of sugar, it decomposes into components
– ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide. At this moment, the temperature of the wandering
mass increases to 50 ° C. As a result of this process, lasting up to
ten days, the seeds lose their bitterness, acquiring a dark shade
and the aroma of chocolate. Then the beans are dried and packed in bags. Cocoa beans
almost 50% consist of fats extracted from minced and
grated seeds by hot pressing. Cocoa butter is skipped
through heated filters that prevent the product from solidifying,
and then poured into molds.

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The smell of chocolate is characteristic of the butter, up to + 25 ° C it is in solid
condition, but melts at + 33-36 ° С. The color of the oil may be light brown,
cream or have a light yellow tint. It is used in cosmetology
and the medical field, in the food and confectionery industry. Often
in perfumery, expensive soaps are made using
deodorized cocoa butter.

How to choose

First of all, it should be remembered that for better preservation, fresh cocoa butter
in most cases, they are additionally processed, obtaining a deodorized
product. Such oil, although it has all the original fatty acids, however
loses the wonderful smell of cocoa. Basically, it is vegetable fat.
This deodorized product is most often used for cooking
popular white chocolate.

But even more often, unrefined cocoa butter is replaced with margarine.
– an artificially thickened mixture of soybean, rapeseed or palm
oils in different consistencies. The consumer can taste and look
do not recognize a fake, but harmful trans fats in the “substitute” can

Therefore, in order to choose the right natural oil, use
with the following recommendations:

  • Do not save
    A natural, non-deodorized product is unlikely to be cheaper,
    than 2 similar servings of margarine.
  • Check the color
    A good oil should be yellowish, less often creamy, or
    light brown. But white can be either rancid
    oil, or a substitute.
  • Natural oil does not need refrigeration
    Cocoa butter should remain solid at room temperature,
    resembling white chocolate. And if it is soft at 20 degrees,
    like creamy – it is better to refrain from buying.
  • If the product does not smell like cocoa, it is processed or simply
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Once you smell the oil, you should be able to smell the aroma of the drink. And remember –
cocoa butter is not made from beans, but from fruits. And when they tell you
that the oil is made from “exclusive beans”, it is worth considering
the honesty of such a seller.

How to store

Store cocoa butter in a cool, dark place. In this case, the container
must be well sealed, the temperature must not go down or rise
above + 18 ° С, and the humidity should not exceed 75%. Subject to tightness
containers the shelf life of oil can reach 3 years.

In cooking

Of course, first of all, cocoa butter is used for cooking
chocolate. To get it, the product is melted in a water bath,
add in a 1: 1 ratio of carob or cocoa and sugar or honey
taste. Different manufacturers also add other ingredients.
– nuts, spices, coconut, candied fruits, dried fruits, berries, etc.

Cocoa butter is also used to make a glaze to cover a variety of
confectionery – biscuits, cakes, muffins and other baked goods.

Caloric value

Of course, cocoa butter and products made from it are very high in calories. Therefore, people
overweight and those who follow a low-calorie diet,
it is worth limiting the use of these products.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal – 99,8 – – 0,01 899

Benefits of cocoa butter

Composition and presence of nutrients

If we consider the content of nutrients in cocoa butter,
then, first of all, a small amount of vitamins can be noted.
They are practically absent here: vitamins usual for oils
D, A and E are found only in trace amounts. Of course
especially beneficial effect in such small quantities, these vitamins
do not. There are no harmful trans fats in cocoa butter. This
this vegetable oil compares favorably with the rest.

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The basis of cocoa butter is made up of fatty acids – stearic, oleic,
as well as palmitic and linoleic. Of these, oleic contains
in the greatest amount (almost half of the mass) and is useful for those
which can lower cholesterol levels.

Already only these properties allow cocoa butter to be considered one
from the healthiest foods – when replacing some of the remaining fats
the risk of getting a stroke is noticeably reduced in the diet
or atherosclerosis.

But in addition to fatty acids, cocoa butter contains a large amount
tannins, caffeine and xanthine. These beneficial substances are very beneficial
affect the condition of the skin when using oil in cosmetology
for face, hair and body.

Useful and healing properties

Due to the fatty acids it contains, the oil has a pronounced
regenerating effect on the skin and is suitable for absolutely everyone
its types – even the skin of a child will not give allergic reactions. Butter
evens out and heals practically defects – traces of scars, burns
and roughness, eliminates dark spots and stretch marks. This product
excellently helps in the treatment of eczema,
and other skin problems.

Rich mineral composition – magnesium, chromium, iron, calcium, iodine
– allows you to use the oil as a prophylactic and therapeutic
remedy for many ailments. So, it will strengthen the walls of blood vessels,
prevent the development of varicose veins,
atherosclerosis, etc. If you use this product regularly, you can
improve blood circulation in the brain, significantly reduce
the risk of allergies, heart attacks, ulcers and oncology.

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Studies have shown that cocoa butter can lower the risk of developing
cancer fifteen times – for this you need to use it regularly
for 5-10 years.

Also, scientists have proven that oil is more effective for treating cough,
rather than many drugs: it contains theobromine, therefore it works
quite mildly, but at the same time quickly, without causing side effects,
as is the case with synthetic drugs.

It is very simple to prepare a cough medicine: 1,5 tsp.
cocoa butter is added to one glass of warmed milk, stirred
and drink 3-4 times a day. Such a remedy helps a lot, as with
and ARVI, and asthma
or pneumonia. With bronchitis, in addition to ingestion, you can do
with oil massage of the chest, which will speed up the healing process.

During epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections, it is advised to lubricate the nasal mucosa with cocoa butter:
it will protect and mitigate it, creating an obstacle to viruses
– after all, the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets.

With pneumonia,
tuberculosis and tonsillitis are advised to take a mixture of oil with propolis
(10: 1). The oil must be melted in a water bath, adding propolis
and stirring all the time. Then the mass is removed and stirred until the mixture
will not cool down. This medicine should be taken three times a day, half a spoon.
an hour before meals.

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Cocoa butter is also taken for atherosclerosis. It must be consumed
half a teaspoon 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner. Product
helps to eliminate “bad” cholesterol, preventing it from being deposited
on the walls of blood vessels.

As a choleretic agent, cocoa butter is used when
cholecystitis: they drink it in 1 tbsp. l. in the morning, on an empty stomach, melting
in a water bath. Then they put a heating pad under the right side and lie down
for 1,5-2 hours in bed. It is enough to do this at least once a week.

Cocoa butter with sea buckthorn oil (10 drops per 1 tsp.)
treat erosion of the cervix: a tampon is impregnated with a mass and injected on
night – the procedure is repeated for 2-3 weeks daily.

Use in cosmetology

Thanks to the anti-cellulite and antioxidant properties of cocoa butter
can be considered an excellent product for a complete cosmetic
leaving. This oil moisturizes, softens and smoothes wrinkles,
increases elasticity, significantly promotes cell regeneration
and gives elasticity.

The product eliminates itching,
redness, burning and swelling. It has wound healing
properties, excellently helps with burns, protects against negative
the influence of sunlight, and the skin does not dry out, remains
healthy and young.

Body massage with cocoa butter helps to relax
and calm the body, normalizes the nervous system, eliminates
insomnia and helps
relieve stress.

Also, the oil has a beneficial effect on hair, restores
structure and nourishes damaged, dry and brittle hair. It can be
rub into the roots, preheating in a water bath. For
to enhance the effect, other components can be added to the cocoa butter,
for example, vitamins, burdock oil and others.

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For all skin types, in addition to oily and problematic, a scrub is suitable
with cocoa butter. 2 tbsp. l. solid oil is placed in a water bath
and add a spoonful of honey, mix, remove and add a spoonful
oatmeal and ground nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews).
Everything is mixed and left to cool, then applied to a damp
face skin, massaging for 2-3 minutes in circular movements. It is possible from
roll the mixture into balls and apply them several times – they will
easy to melt in the palms and apply to the skin. With scaly
and dry skin of the face, such a scrub especially helps – it will make
her soft and smooth.

A mask with oils can help revitalize aging combination skin
cocoa, grape seed and aloe pulp. To a spoonful of grape
butter, add a teaspoon of melted cocoa butter and
a spoonful of chopped aloe, mix and apply warm
on the face. Keep such a mask for 15-20 minutes and wash off first warm,
and after that with cool water. This remedy has a vitaminizing effect,
moisturizing, light anti-aging and astringent action.

Homemade cocoa butter cream is suitable for oily skin care
(1 tablespoon), almond or rapeseed oil (45 ml), lavender oil
(2 drops) and rosemary or basil tea (2 tablespoons). Ingredients
mix, put in a glass jar and keep in the refrigerator.

A cream for sensitive skin is also prepared: cocoa butter (1
Art. l.), sandalwood oil (3 drops), sunflower oil (45 ml),
infusion of rose tea (2 tbsp. l.).

Hair will also “like” cocoa butter: it strengthens and moisturizes
them, prevents falling out and returns shine. You can cook
firming mask with cocoa butter and rosemary broth – 10-12 times,
twice a week. The melted butter must be mixed with a warm broth,
rub the mixture into the roots and distribute them along the entire length. Then the hair
covered with foil and kept for two to three hours. You can wash off the mask

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To prevent hair from falling out, you need to do masks two or three times a week.
with cocoa butter, kefir,
burdock oil (1 tbsp. l.) and yolk. To heated cocoa butter
add burdock, then yolk and kefir, mix and apply
on hair roots and skin. The head is covered with a film and a towel,
hold for two hours and wash off with shampoo. In total, it is advised to do 12-16
such procedures.

Cocoa butter works well for protecting the skin from wind and frost
– in winter, it can be applied to the face before each going out.
It can also protect against UV rays and heat – before sunbathing,
it is worth applying oil to the body.

Perfectly cares for cocoa butter for the skin of the lips and eyelids – you can simply
apply neat or mix with other oils – for example,
with almond or sesame seeds.

Eyelashes and eyebrows with constant use of this oil too
strengthened: they become healthy, even and thick.

Dangerous properties of cocoa butter

It is impossible to apply cocoa butter internally and externally only with individual
intolerance. And it is worth knowing that when using oil
inside, increased excitability and insomnia are possible, therefore
in the evening it is better to refuse this product.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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