Avocado benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

Interest in avocados has been steadily growing in recent years, but still
few people know that there are varieties whose fruits are more similar
on a bottle gourd, there are black, pimpled, oval and huge
spherical avocados. Moreover, some of these varieties for a number of the most important
indicators of chemical composition differ from each other three times.
However, with the help of the right varieties, people in different
take care of the condition of the skin, the health of the hair,
treat atherosclerosis, relieve arthritis symptoms and normalize work
nervous system.

Useful properties of avocados

Composition and calorie content

Raw avocado contains (per 100 g): .

Calories 160 Kcal

Based on this data, it should be borne in mind that, for example, avocado
Hass (Hass) dark green with a rough skin, which
exported from California, contains twice the fat and in
three times more calories than a bright green smooth avocado growing
in Florida. But, in general, there are a lot of fatty oils in any varieties of avocado,
campesterol, beta-sitosterol. In the composition of fatty acids of the order
60% monounsaturated
(in some varieties up to 80%) and 20% unsaturated
and saturated
acids. Biotin (also known as vitamin B7) in the pulp
more avocado than most raw fruits and more vitamin D
in avocado oil – more than eggs
and creamy

Medicinal properties

The Aztecs knew about the medicinal properties of avocados, who began
cultivate this plant about 5 thousand years ago on the territory
modern Mexico. They called avocado “forest oil” and used
components of the fruit to eliminate scabies
and getting rid of dandruff. Today’s knowledge of the medicinal properties of avocados
have expanded markedly, and now the various parts of this plant are examined
as a medicinal base for combating such diseases
like atherosclerosis,
osteoarthritis, sugar
type 2 diabetes, as well as for the prevention of hypertension,
gastrointestinal diseases caused by high acidity.

Various studies have been carried out to determine
the health effects of experimental avocado preparations
patients with metabolic syndrome. The syndrome itself is described
as a set of pathological abnormalities in terms of obesity,
blood pressure, high lipoprotein cholesterol levels
density, etc. The presence of the syndrome indicates a significant increase
risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus
2nd type. Analysis of various data showed a particular modulating
the effect of avocado preparations on lipid profile, which gave researchers
reason to recommend avocado as a daily supplement
for the correction and normalization of various parts of the metabolic
syndrome.… Also in the course of research it was confirmed that
avocado protects against belly fat. and the development of complications
with diabetes..

avocado containing biologically active unsaponifiable lipids
(phytosterols, campesterol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol), capable of
stop inflammation, can exhibit antioxidant
and analgesic properties, which makes the use of avocado
in the fight against atherosclerosis. The same unsaponifiable compounds are fine
have proven themselves in the restoration of joints in osteoarthritis.

A feature of avocado is the presence of a monosaccharide in its composition
called mannoheptulose. It stabilizes the state
nervous system, reduces fatigue, irritability, drowsiness,
increases efficiency and concentration.

More recently from experiments on laboratory animals
became aware of the therapeutic effect of avocado on the liver and mucous membranes
stomach tissue. But in the healing practice of using avocados for
restoration of the digestive tract and liver has a long tradition. In that
the same tradition actively used anticonvulsant, antimicrobial
properties of this berry. Using the various components of the plant
stop diarrhea for centuries,
expel worms, treat gastritis
with low acidity and anemia. As a wound healing, antibacterial
and the regenerating avocado is used to treat various
diseases of the oral cavity (gums and teeth).

Avocados in medicine, along with other healthy foods

Use in medicine

In official therapeutic practice, the group is widely used
pharmacological preparations, which include unsaponifiables
compounds of avocado and soy.
The most famous of them is the French Piascledine (“Piascledin
300 “) from Laboratoires Expanscience. Lesser known – Cartilast
(“Cartilast”). They are used for osteoarthritis, and “Piaskledin
300 “has repeatedly confirmed its effectiveness in clinical
conditions in comorbid patients with osteoarthritis (that is, patients
with two or more interrelated diseases). In particular,
the effectiveness of the avocado-soy preparation was established in
osteoarthritis, the pain syndrome of which is considered significant
a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The drug demonstrates a number of pharmacological properties:

  • increases collagen synthesis and decreases interleukin-1 synthesis
    systemic chondrocytes,
  • increases the expression of a substance that inhibits plasminogen activator,
    which is responsible for joint damage,
  • increases the expression of TGF-β (transforming growth factor β),
    manifests itself in cartilage tissue as an anabolic.

In general, the product promotes recovery in the hip
and knee joints (in the cartilage tissue) of the extracellular matrix
component. Observations demonstrate a higher therapeutic
efficacy of the drug in patients with hip osteoarthritis
joints. But his action is not limited to this. The drug is indicated
and in the complex treatment of periodontitis,
as it helps to relieve inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Avocado cubes

In folk medicine

Initially, the traditions of medicine of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans were attributed
avocado is categorized as aphrodisiac. It was probably connected
with the fact that the paired fruits growing on the branch resembled testicles.
The familiar name “avocado”, according to one version, is a distorted
from “ahuacaquahuitl”, which translates as “male testicle”. therefore
in Central America, the fruits of the plant were used to stimulate
sex drive, increase male fertility and enhance
potency. However, with the spread of avocados around the world, this traditional
medical practice has not spread widely.

To date, avocado has left a mark in traditional medicine.
countries of the tropical and subtropical strip where the tree grows.
For example, diabetes has been treated with avocado leaves for a long time.
in traditional medicine in Morocco. To do this, healers collect fallen
leaves containing yeast
and molds, and prepare an extract from them that has a weak
antihyperglycemic action.

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used:

  • Crushed seeds are prescribed to get rid of dental and rheumatic
    pain, as well as to eliminate the manifestations of seborrhea.
  • An expectorant is made from the shoots of the plant.
  • Gruel made from leaves is considered an effective remedy
    for the healing of purulent wounds and the treatment of skin fungal diseases.
  • Avocado oil folk doctors stimulate the production of breast
    milk, try to use it for female and male infertility.
    Patients drink oil to restore the cartilage and skeletal system,
    as well as to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Mashed potatoes are made from the pulp of the fruit for anemia, constipation,
    gastritis and diabetes. In addition, the pulp of ripe fruits is smeared
  • Infusions and decoctions from seeds and peels of fruits treat diarrhea, diseases
    mucous membrane of the colon and small intestine, helminth infection.
  • The bark of the tree is used as an antibiotic for gargling with
    pustular diseases in the oral cavity.

Despite the prevalence of folk recipes with the inclusion
leaves, peels and bones of the avocado fruit, the use of these parts
plants in products for internal use is associated with
certain risk due to the content of persin toxin in them, which
can disrupt the functioning of the digestive system and cause
reaction. Therefore, to the recipes below for decoctions and infusions
fans of traditional medicine should be treated with extreme caution.

Avocado oil

Decoctions and infusions

Decoctions and infusions are prepared from avocado leaves, rind and pits.
Moreover, if the peel and bone of the fruit is easy to obtain, simply by saving
them after eating the pulp, then for collecting the leaves, most likely
you will first have to germinate the seed and wait until the sprout
leaves will appear. However, it is not difficult to do this even on the windowsill.
in the apartment.

  • “Tea” from the leaves. To prepare it, take 200 ml of water
    2-3 medium sized leaves (usually pre-dried),
    which are dipped in hot water and then boiled for 3-5
    minutes. The resulting drink is filtered and honey is added to it.
    As a means to restore liver function, such a decoction is drunk.
    unsweetened by a sip per hour for a half moon. Also it is used
    as a pain reliever for menstrual cramps and to relieve symptoms
    sore throats.
  • A decoction of the leaves. For the prevention of kidney stones
    a decoction of 6-8 leaves per 2 liters of water is boiled for 10-15
    minutes, after which 1 liter of broth is drunk during the day, and the second
    liter – closer to the night. To relieve inflammation of the thick mucosa
    and small intestines and getting rid of diarrhea 1 tablespoon chopped
    boil fresh leaves for 7-8 minutes in 200-300 ml of water,
    after which it is infused for another two hours.
  • Bone broth. The avocado seed has a bitter taste, therefore
    it is pretreated: remove the brown skin, inner
    part is finely chopped and spread over low heat for baking
    before the appearance of a “blush” of a golden-reddish hue. Then cooled down
    raw materials are crushed into powder, which is then boiled in water.
    The most common proportion is 1 tsp. powder for 200
    ml of water, boiled for 10 minutes. However, the ratio
    raw materials and water may vary depending on the individual
    tolerance and severity of symptoms. Usually for pain relief
    in the muscles and getting rid of fatigue, drink weaker solutions.
    For normalizing thyroid function or treating asthma
    – more concentrated.
  • Bone infusion. Avocado pits without roasting
    rubbed and mixed to the state of gruel with castor oil,
    after which the mixture is kept for a day. The infusion is applied to the scalp
    to give hair shine and strength. Keep the mask on your hair
    (with the help of a hat) you need within an hour. Then the mixture is necessary
    wash off with warm water and shampoo.

In oriental medicine

Avocado as an element of corrective nutrition is included in the eastern
therapeutic practice is relatively recent. It is usually recommended
in the list of products of cold and cool groups for consumption
during the heat.

In Tibetan medicine, avocado is seen as part of the diet.
people with a constitution Bile. Because avocado is savory
fruit containing a lot of fatty acids, there are recommendations
on the use of this berry in the Wind.

Avocado smoothie

In scientific research

The following studies of avocado fruit and its vegetable
parts are aimed at studying a number of important problems of scientific
medicine related to weight control, protecting DNA from damage,
new methods of treatment of atherosclerosis and stomach ulcers, the quality of assimilation
vitamins with food intake.

  1. 1 Weight Control

Several studies have shown that avocados, despite their
calorie content, does not interfere with losing weight. For example, in one of the experiments
61 participants (both healthy and overweight and obese,
among which there were 13 men and 48 women) arbitrarily divided
into 2 groups. The first group on a 6-week diet aimed at
weight loss, included one and a half avocados (200 g) per day. This corresponded
30,6 g fat replaced with 30 g fat commonly obtained from
margarine and vegetable oil. And the second was completely excluded
from the avocado diet. In both groups, the subjects evenly dropped
weight, their body mass index and percentage of
fat. This confirmed the suggestion that avocados can be
include in diet for weight loss..

See also  Kumquat, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

In another study, 26 people (healthy but overweight)
gave half an avocado at lunchtime. They all noted significant
reduced hunger and desire to eat and paid attention to the sensation

The level of satiety after avocado versus carbohydrate food
studied in another study. 31 overweight / obese participants
got three servings a day: low-fat
(76% carbohydrates, 14% fat, 5 g fiber; ~ 640 kcal), high
fat content (51% carbohydrates, 40% fat, 8,6 g fiber),
containing half an avocado – 68 g, and high in fat
(50% carbohydrates, 43% fat, 13,1 g fiber) including whole
avocado – 136 g. After 6 hours, scientists measured the feeling of hunger / satiety
participants, focusing on the level of hormones responsible for these

Participants take longer after meals with half and whole avocados.
did not feel hungry, although they claimed that directly
after eating, they felt more full from eating without an avocado.
Carbohydrate foods triggered an increase in insulin levels, while fatty foods
food raised the level of PYY hormones (pancreatic peptide YY
– natural appetite suppressant)..

Doctor recommends avocado for DNA protection

  1. 2 DNA protection

Scientists, after conducting clinical studies, came to the conclusion that
that the xanthophyll carotenoids contained in avocados have antioxidant
properties and protect against DNA damage, preventing premature
aging. In one of the experiments, 82 men took part,
who worked as pilots or made frequent flights. All of them
have been exposed to high levels of ionizing radiation in the air,
which damages DNA and accelerates the aging process. As a result,
scientists concluded that those who received vitamin C and carotenoids,
including xanthophylls from avocado, DNA damage developed

  1. 3 Improving the absorption of vitamin A

Lipids from food are known to increase bioavailability
provitamin A (carotenoids) in foods, but another study
demonstrated that they also contribute to improved conversion
carotenoids to vitamin
And and its assimilation in the body.

Two experiments were carried out with the division of participants into 2
groups of 12 men and women each. In the first experiment, the participants
one group was given a meal with one fresh Hass avocado (23 g fat),
and for the participants another – the same food, but without the avocado. A source of carotenoids
the first study used tomato sauce made from
tomato varieties rich in β-carotene (33,7 mg β-carotene), and in
the second is fresh carrots (27,3 mg β-carotene and 18,7 mg α-carotene).
Blood tests were taken 12 hours after eating.
and measured the level of provitamin and vitamin A.
improved the absorption of β-carotene by 2,4 times in the first experiment
and 6,6 in the second. Also in the second, assimilation improved by 4,8 times
α-carotene. In addition, the transformation of carotenoids into vitamin A
improved 4,6 and 12,6 times, respectively. Thus, for
maximum assimilation and conversion into Vitamin A carotenoids need
eat with avocado..

Avocado bone is large

  1. 4 Avocado seed extract against stomach ulcers

Commonly discarded avocado seeds are anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. In a study on
laboratory mice tested the effectiveness of the extract
bones for an ulcer
stomach caused by indomethacin. The extract in the experiment reduced
level of oxidative stress, increased activity by 4,25 times
some enzymes necessary for normal digestion.
Phenolic compounds found in avocado seeds inhibited
processes that lead to the development of ulcers. Thus, the extract
seeds can be a natural remedy to prevent
developing or treating stomach ulcers..

  1. 5 Protection against atherosclerosis

In adults with overweight problems due to
obesity, the systematic consumption of avocados can
reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Scientists came to such conclusions
from the American University of Pennsylvania who conducted the experiment
with 45 volunteers. At some point in the study, participants
were divided into three groups, each of which adhered to
their diet: the first is low in fat, the second is moderate
fat content and the third – similar to the second, but with the addition
one avocado per day. Moreover, diet number 2 contains monounsaturated fatty
acids were present in the same amount as in diet No. 3, but had
other origins (that is, they were not obtained from avocados).

See also  Avran benefits, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm

After 5 weeks, scientists compared the “bad” cholesterol and the amount
oxidized particles of low density lipoprotein (LDL), setting,
that in group No. 3 their level was significantly lower than in the other two,
and lower than before the start of the study. Since the oxidation of particles
LDL accelerates the formation of plaque in the arteries, leads to the development of
heart disease and oncology, their reduction is considered positive
a sign and basis for the development of avocado therapy.

Avocado and beetroot salad

For losing weight

100 g of avocado contains an average of 200-220 kcal, which does not
this product is dietary. The calorie content of some varieties is lower –
about 160 kcal, but some – for example, Hass varieties – are much
higher (more than 500 kcal / 100 g). In 1998, according to the criterion of high energy intensity
the avocado even made it into the Guinness Book of Records. But despite this,
Avocados can make an effective fasting pill.
The reason is mannoheptulose. This monosaccharide reduces secretion
those enzymes that are needed for the assimilation of glucose, while
the same amount of food makes the cells “starve”.

Another property of avocado that nutritionists include
it in weight loss programs, – the presence of easily digestible monounsaturated
fat. They speed up
metabolism, which made it possible on their basis to create, for example,
fashionable “star” keto diet or “soup” diet Fiona Kirk. Produced
comparing the metabolism and physical activity of people sitting on
diet with saturated fat (palmitic acid) with indicators
people consuming, other things being equal, monounsaturated fats
(oleic acid). In the second group, the metabolism was 4,5% higher,
and physical activity is higher by 13,5%.

In addition, unsaturated fats are able to activate a special
a protein called PPAR-alpha, which burns the already accumulated
fat in the subcutaneous tissue in the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. results
connoisseurs of monounsaturated fatty acids in the fight against subcutaneous
abdominal deposits were only 1,6%, but better than those of the supporters
weight loss with flaxseed and safflower oils, rich in polyunsaturated

In a series of experiments conducted by nutritional scientists, participants
experiment dining with avocados and other unsaturated foods
fatty acids experienced a feeling of fullness longer than the subjects
from the second, control, group that ate equal in calorie content
lunch, but low in unsaturated acids. Respectively,
representatives of the second group, satisfying their hunger, ate more often and more,
which did not contribute to weight loss. In addition, when dosed
regular intake of monounsaturated fatty acids, the body
ceases to replenish the reserves of “harmful” fat.

In cooking

Stuffed avocado

Avocado resembles butter in its culinary properties,
which led to the emergence of its Spanish alternative name
“Oil of midshipmen” and the Indian version – “poor man’s cow”.
Therefore, a universal pate is often made from avocados, just
served with white bread. To prepare such a “spread” the pulp
fruit (1 pc.) rub on a grater, add olive
oil (1 tbsp. l.), lemon
juice (1 tsp), onion
onion (1 head), black
ground pepper and salt

Combinations of avocado with
cheese, seafood,
fish and vegetables (in salads). To prevent oxidative
processes that negatively affect taste and external
the form of pulp, lemon juice is usually added to avocado dishes or
lime. So,
for example, one of the most famous Latin American snacks –
guacamole – made from mashed avocado with lime juice,
and cilantro.

A dense garlic sauce is also made on the basis of avocado, which can
dressing salads with shrimps or dishes with poultry and meat. In the recipe
“Green” sauce – avocado (1 pc.), Garlic
(1 head), olive oil (200 ml), balsamic vinegar (50
ml), a bunch of parsley
and a teaspoon of salt, which are ground with a blender
to a creamy consistency.

See also  Cornflower, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

In vegetarian cuisine, avocados are substituted for meat and eggs,
and also used as a filling for sushi. Brazilian, Filipino,
Indonesian and Vietnamese culinary tradition allows the inclusion of
avocado in sweet creams and in milkshake recipes.

Avocado in cosmetology, face mask

In cosmetology

In professional and amateur (home) cosmetology, it is widely
avocado oil is used, the fatty acid composition of which includes
up to 80% oleic, up to 32% palmitic, up to 18% linoleic, up to 13%
palmitoleic acid, as well as a relatively small amount
linolenic and stearic acid. Avocado oil is similar in composition
on the composition of the protective mantle of the skin of a healthy person, which is used
manufacturers of care cosmetics in the manufacture of products for
skin restoration and acne medications
and oily seborrhea.

The restoration of epidermal cells is mainly promoted by
natural steroidal alcohols (phytosterols) and vitamin
E. Vitamin A helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin. And avokutin
relieves seborrheic dermatitis and acne.

As a base ingredient, avocado oil can also be used as
independent means, and as part of cosmetic compositions.
Undiluted oil is often used in place of a night cream for
faces. To relieve inflammation and irritation, just apply a little
heated oil for 30-40 minutes, and remove not absorbed residues
paper napkin.

As an example, the following recipes of popular

  • To normalize the work of sebaceous
    glands are mixed in equal proportions (2 drops each) oil
    avocado, orange and neuroli, and then the yolk is added to the composition
    one egg. The mask is applied for 10 minutes.
  • For puffiness and traces of fatigue under the eyes, avocado oil
    mixed with cucumber
    juice in a ratio of 1 to 2.
  • To strengthen hair roots, 1 teaspoon of avocado oil is mixed
    with 1 tablespoon of oil
    germ wheat and heated over low heat. Rubbed in
    this mixture after washing the hair into the scalp and then rinsed off
    plenty of water.

Dangerous properties of avocado and contraindications

Back in 1576, the Spanish missionary monk Bernardino de Sahagun,
who studied the history and life of the Aztecs in the territory of modern Mexico,
in his fundamental work on this topic when he mentions avocado
pointed out that, according to the views of the Aztecs, this product cannot
was consumed by lactating women, since the fetus can provoke
they have diarrhea.

Today it became known that at risk among avocado lovers
it turns out not only nursing mothers, but also pregnant women,
representatives of the age category from 65 years old, as well as people with a weakened
the immune system. The reason is the activity of the bacteria Listeria
which federal investigators of the American
FDA sanitary inspections have identified one in five berries on the peel.
In testing 2014-2016. almost 18% of the fetuses were infected.

Listeria monocytogenes bacteria

Listeria are intracellular parasites and when ingested
in the human or animal body can, in addition to diarrhea, cause
nausea, abdominal pain, severe headache, muscle stiffness,
a noticeable increase in temperature up to 39 ° С and some other signs
listeriosis. Pregnant women are at high risk of miscarriage, while they themselves
women carry the disease relatively easily. About 15%
cases of listeriosis in humans ends with the death of the patient.

In order to avoid the spread of bacteria from the peel to
avocado pulp, the fruit is recommended to first wash with a brush,
and then after cutting, eat the edible pulp with a spoon, and the remaining
discard parts of the fruit. Boiling the product at 100 ° C kills
bacteria for 3 minutes.

The situation with bacterial infection with Listeria is not typical
only for avocados. Listeria monocytogenes is regularly identified
in various food industries (poultry factories, fish and meat processing
enterprises, dairy farms). So, for example, in 2004 during
verification time 13 Scandinavian Listeria businesses were identified
at 11. A similar situation was observed in 2011-2013 in the Italian dairy
industry. Therefore, the bacterial threat is precisely from the infected
avocado is relatively small, however, it is recommended to exclude it
thorough washing of the fruit.

See also  Tench, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Unfortunately, severe allergic reactions to the “unusual” avocado,
washing does not eliminate. Moreover, according to some nutritionists, more often
people find problems in the form of upset stomach, intestines,
liver intoxication after eating Mexican avocado varieties.
One of the proteins of this berry – glycoprotein – can be perceived
organism as an alien.

Certain health hazard in medical use
avocado leaves, peels and seeds represent persin – fungicidal
a toxin that can cause a deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in humans, and death
in animals that actively eat the bones and skin of the fruit. Toxin
promotes the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body and depressing
acts on the heart and respiratory system.

Overuse of avocados can also lead to worsening of gout.
100 g of pulp contains approximately 10% of the daily value of purines,
as a result of the cleavage of which uric acid is formed. If a
additionally in the diet there are foods rich in purines
bases (kidney, liver, sweet meat and meat extracts, sardines,
anchovies, fried beans, etc.), then adding avocado to the menu,
can make the problem worse.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of avocado.
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

If for the Indians of Central America, avocados are hardly ever
was one of the most important foods for Europeans
for centuries it remained an outlandish ornamental plant, intended
exclusively for growing in greenhouses. In the south of Spain, the first
trees appeared in 1601, but industrial cultivation
Avocado as a food product began there only at the beginning of the XNUMXth century.
Now avocado has become a common commodity on store shelves, but
some facts may surprise even the modern consumer:

When buying an avocado, you need to check if the fruit is ripe. If a
the avocado is firm and the peel does not squeeze at all, which means that the fruit
not ripe, and if it is pressed too deeply, then it is overripe.
You should also pay attention to the presence of dark spots and cracks.
This may indicate that the avocado has begun to deteriorate.
When evaluating softness, it is not recommended to press on the peel with your fingers
– this can dent the avocado. Better to squeeze the fruit throughout

Another way to make sure the avocado is ripe is to check the condition
stalks. In ripe berries, it easily separates, but on its own
does not fall off, as is the case with rotten berries. Skin color under
the peduncle is also important, because it can be used to judge the color
pulp. Green avocados are recommended to be taken with light yellow
or slightly greenish skin under the “handle”.

Most often, you have to buy unripe avocados, so it is widely
methods of ripening fruits at home are practiced:

If the avocado has already been cut but not eaten so that the flesh does not darken,
it is sprinkled with lemon (lime) juice. Sometimes halves of the fetus
connected again, wrapped with cling film and sent
in the refrigerator. Already ripe avocados are also usually stored in the refrigerator,
but not for long, so that the berry does not lose its beneficial properties.

See also  Oats, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

To peel an avocado, you need to make an incision along and at the same time
turn both halves in opposite directions. In this case, the fetus
should easily split into two. Remove the bone from the inside,
peel the flesh or scoop it out with a spoon. After cleaning
avocado is recommended to be eaten immediately or used in preparation
dishes. This is due to the fact that in the air the pulp quickly loses its
external properties and begins to darken.

There are at least three ways to sprout seedlings
avocado at home. But any of them will need a bone
without signs of decay or damage, therefore remove it from the fruit
you need to be careful.

Slightly above the middle of the fetus (closer to the sharp end) in diameter
in the bone with an awl at equal distances from each other are made
3-4 punctures 1-2 mm deep. They are necessary so that you can easily
insert matches or toothpicks into them, and those, in turn, are needed,
to keep the bone “suspended” inside the glass.
(The “cross” of the toothpicks forms a kind of wide frame; placed
on the edges of the glass, it prevents the bone from falling to the bottom).

With a blunt end, the bone is placed in settled water, but so that
the punctures remained above the water and did not get wet. When water evaporates,
periodically add to the previous level. (Water in this way
sometimes replaced with a hydrogel). In this state, the bone is left
in a well-lit place for a period of two weeks to a month. For this
time usually has time to appear the root. When its length reaches
3-4 cm, the bone is transplanted into the ground, immersed in the ground for about

The bone is very carefully peeled from the outer skin and lowered
blunt end to the bottom of a narrow glass so as to be half
in water. A narrow vessel is needed in order to hold the bone in
upright position. A transplant into the ground is done when the root
germinates in this temporary vessel by 3 cm. Usually it takes
2-3 weeks.

In this version, the bone is planted directly into a loose, non-sour (with
pH = 7) earth, consisting of universal soil, peat and sand
in equal proportions. For the first time, a pot is selected for avocado
with drainage holes about 10-15 cm high, of which about
Expanded clay takes 2 cm. They lower the bone into the ground by only a third.
The soil in the pot should remain moist, but not waterlogged.
With this method, the root may appear in 1-3 months, therefore
the previous options are used more often.

After sprouting and transplanting the seed into the pot, the avocado is set
in a bright and warm place. It is believed that in this way to begin
Avocados can be sprouted throughout the year.

There are over 400 varieties of avocados in the world, the fruits of which are noticeably
differ from each other both in their chemical properties and
and appearance. Here are the top 3 most interesting avocados.

Despite the commercial and consumer appeal of these
varieties, the most common today remains Hass,
so named for an enthusiastic selection postman from the United States
Rudolf Hass, who created a tree of this variety after a series of failures
in his garden and patented it under his own name in 1935.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that when using an exotic
berries still need to be careful. However refuse
it definitely does not follow from the avocado, since this product will be able to
diversify your diet.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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