Crucian carp, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Crucian carp (Carassius) is a genus of fish of the carp family.

The dorsal fin is long, the pharyngeal teeth are single-row.
The body is high with a thick back, moderately laterally compressed.
The scales are large and smooth to the touch. Color varies in
depending on the habitat. Goldfish can
reach a body length of more than 50 cm and a mass of over 3 kg,
goldfish – usually 40 cm long and up to 2 weights
kg, however, there are individuals up to 60 cm long and weighing
up to 7-8 kg, it depends on the habitat and nutritional conditions

Golden crucian carp reaches sexual maturity at 3-4
year. Spawn in spring and early summer, caviar (up to 300
thousand) is deposited on vegetation. In places with harsh
climate, crucians hibernate, while they withstand
complete freezing of the reservoir to the bottom.

Crucians feed on vegetation, small invertebrates,
zooplankton, zoobenthos and detritus. Live exclusively
in swampy and low-lying lakes and rivers, in mountain lakes
and in general, in mountainous areas, crucian carp is quite
a rare occurrence. Crucian carp is a very tenacious fish, therefore
small crucian carp is often used when fishing for pike as live bait. Crucian carp – commercial fish and object
pond economy.

Crucian carp is a sensitive fish and at the slightest difficulty, such as heat, frost
or attempts to make a vobla out of it, the crucian carp is buried in silt, and
deep – by 50-70 cm.With bait, it also does not behave so hot – sniffs,
licks and, barely pricked with a hook, often spits out and floats away.
Great for worms, dough, bread, and peas.

Calorie content of crucian carp

Crucian carp meat is characterized by a high protein content, its calorie content
– 87 kcal per 100 g of fresh product. 100 g of boiled crucian carp contains
102 kcal, and the energy value of cooked crucian carp
– 126 kcal per 100 g. Moderate consumption of crucian carp will not lead to

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 17,7 1,8 – 1,6 79 87

Useful properties of crucian carp

Crucian carp contains up to 60% of edible parts in the body, then
there is even more than carp.
The fat content of crucian carp reaches 6-7%, the protein content is 18%
live weight.

Fish is practically the only product that is
contains a large amount of such a set of fat-soluble
vitamins like vitamins A, C,
D, E and B vitamins. It is rich in
iodine, manganese,
copper and zinc,
especially marine.

There is a lot of iodine in the tissues of bottom fish (cod, flounder,
catfish, crucian carp, etc.).

This is fish, along with chicken
meat is one of the best sources of high quality
proteins that contain everything the body needs
essential amino acids.

Young people who eat a lot of fish since childhood have
more chances of excellence in school.

The dependence of intelligence on the amount of fish eaten
very significant – visual-spatial increase by 6%
and speech abilities. And this is from one fish dish
in Week! And the increased content of fish in the diet of young
people became the reason, according to Swedish researchers,
increase in mental abilities almost twofold.

Fish in general turned out to be a very useful product for
mental development of children. Therefore, it is advisable to eat
fish at least once a week.

The inclusion of fatty fish in the diet of a pregnant woman is beneficial
affects the visual acuity of the unborn child. According to
scientists from the University of Bristol who discovered
this pattern, the reason for this is substances,
found in fish oil. They accelerate the maturation of the head
baby’s brain.

Components that proved to be so important for the child
are fatty acids necessary for growth
nerve cells. They are found not only in fish, but
and in breast milk. However, they are not part of
even the best artificial mixtures. This is why scientists
suggest adding to formula feeding
fish fat.

Among the record holders for the presence of fluoride

Dangerous properties of crucian carp

Carp meat is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

Also, it is a rather bony fish and should be eaten with caution.
especially for children.

This video will tell you all about the intricacies and secrets of catching crucian carp.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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