Juniper, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Juniper, tree or shrub from the cypress family, exists
our planet is about 50 million years old.

Evergreen, it looks like a small cypress. This is a long-lived plant.
In favorable conditions, the juniper lives from 600 to 3000 years.
Imagine, somewhere on Earth, there are still plants that have hatched
from seeds a thousand years before the birth of Christ.

In Rome and Ancient Greece, this small cypress was considered
a sure remedy for a snakebite. Romans crushed
juniper berries were added to the wine and drank with
liver disease as a diuretic.

In ancient Russia, utensils were made from juniper bark.
And the dishes did not deteriorate for a long time, and the milk stored in
such dishes, even on a hot day, did not turn sour.

In Russia, the juniper was considered protection from evil spirits.
Its branches were consecrated in the church and laid behind the icons, fastened
under the ceiling. Juniper protected from all kinds of bad weather
and livestock. And, if you think about it, then the matter here is rather extraordinary
strong phytoncidal properties of this plant.

Despite the fact that in the old days they did not know anything about bactericidal
essential substances, juniper was used in household
sanitation and traditional medicine. The smoke of dry juniper fruits
they fumigated the huts, disinfected the clothes of the patients. In the House
the patient was wiped the floors with juniper needles, in the bath
walked with juniper brooms, steamed with juniper
milk jars and tubs for pickling.

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Due to its healing properties, longevity, and
because juniper wood does not rot, some
peoples this plant is a symbol of eternal life
and overcoming death.

Useful properties of juniper

Juniper cones contain carbohydrates, resins,
wax, dyes and tannins, organic acids
, essential oil, as well as vitamins,
macro- and microelements (manganese, iron,
copper, aluminum).

Juniper berries contain essential oils, resins, sugars,
organic acids. Essential oil and resin impart
berries have a characteristic smell, which intensifies when rubbed.
Juniper essential oil is a potent diuretic
action, as well as expectorant, choleretic and antimicrobial
effect. Since olden times, infusion and decoction of juniper cones
was prescribed for edema, kidney stones, urinary inflammation
bladder and other diseases of the urinary system.
It is important that the diuretic effect of these drugs is combined
with disinfecting properties. However, preparations of juniper
cones irritate the kidneys, so they are contraindicated
with a number of renal diseases, in particular with nephritis.

Juniper cones have other therapeutic
quality. A decoction of them is taken to stimulate appetite
and improve digestion, it enhances peristalsis
intestines and slightly improves bile secretion.

Infusion and decoction of juniper cones are taken orally
for diseases of the respiratory tract to thin sputum
and relief of expectoration. The broth is added to the baths when
gout and rheumatism or used for compresses
on sore joints. However, for external use
more effective essential oil derived from pineberries
or green juniper shoots. They are rubbed with
joints and muscles for rheumatism, as well as treat poorly healing
ulcers and wounds. Juniper berries are used to scent some
alcoholic beverages such as gin.

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Juniper has been famous for its medicinal properties for a long time.
Many diseases are treated with this plant: skin, tuberculosis,
asthma. Juniper has a calming effect on the nervous
system, relieves stress. And why? Because in it
many essential oils with resinous, tart, smoky

According to its bactericidal properties, juniper needles
leader. The oil from this plant relieves pain, invigorates,
cleanses, warms and strengthens.

Juniper twigs, previously consecrated in
churches are hung in houses. They are believed to protect
from diseases and all kinds of misfortunes.

Juniper eliminates edema, helps with dermatitis
and toothache. It is an anti-cellulite agent, eliminates
inflammation of the lung and bronchial tissue, improves cardiac
activity. Normalizes blood circulation, arterial
pressure. Helps with colic, constipation, various other
diseases. The range of therapeutic effects is wide.

Dangerous properties of juniper

It is not recommended to take medications based on juniper in the future
mothers, as they can cause uterine contraction and even provoke

It is forbidden to use juniper and preparations based on it
and people with chronic kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

If you use juniper uncontrollably for a long time
time, this can lead to the development of bleeding or irritation
renal parenchyma. Therefore, it is advised to take berries no longer than 2

In medicine, berries of only one variety of juniper are used –
ordinary… But it’s easy to confuse it with a poisonous variety.
Cossack… So be careful if you want yourself
pick berries.

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The video will tell you about the history of the appearance and benefits of juniper.

See also the properties of other berries:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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