Cauliflower, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Cauliflower comes
from the Mediterranean regions. It was first brought
from Western Europe in the 17th century .. However, we love it
much less than the usual white cabbage,
and assign it secondary roles. Unlike, say, Europe.
There, cauliflower is a dietary product, useful
at any age and very beloved. It has much less
fiber than regular fiber, and therefore it is easily absorbed.

Cauliflower is an annual spring or winter plant.
The root system is fibrous, close to
the soil surface. The stem is cylindrical, 15-70 cm in
height, with horizontally located or straight or
obliquely upwardly directed leaves, very often spirally
curved. Leaves from whole sessile to lyre-pinnatipartite,
with petioles reaching 5-40 cm in length. Coloring from
light to blue-green and less often gray-gray with strong anthocyanin
pigmentation. The upper leaves are small, short-oval
and broadly linear, with an even margin or lanceolate and
elongated-triangular, dentate. Flower clusters are dense,
from very short (3 cm) to long (over 15 cm). Flowers
predominantly small, from 1.2-2.0 cm. The color of the petals is
white, pale yellow and yellow, their surface is corrugated
or vesicular wrinkled.

The fruit is a polyspermous pod. The pods are short and of medium length
(6.0-8.5 cm), mostly cylindrical, less often flattened-cylindrical,
tuberous with a short nose.

Useful properties of cauliflower

Raw cauliflower contains (per 100 g):

Calories 25 Kcal

Vitamin C 48.2 Potassium, K 299 Vitamin
B4 44.3 Phosphorus,
P 44 Vitamin B5 0.667 Sodium,
Na 30 Vitamin
B3 0.507 Calcium, Ca 22 Vitamin
B6 0.184 Magnesium, Mg 15

Full composition

Cauliflower proteins are rich in valuable amino acids
(arginine, lysine). There is a little cellulose in this cabbage,
which, due to its delicate structure, is quite
easily digested by the body. Most of the nitrogenous
substances of cauliflower are easily digestible protein
compounds, due to which cauliflower is perceived by
our body better than other types of cabbage.

Cauliflower contains a huge amount of vitamins C,
B1, B6,
B2, PP,
A, H.
The heads of cabbage contain potassium,
calcium, sodium,
phosphorus, iron,
Cauliflower is rich in pectin, malic
and citric acid, folic and pantothenic acid.

So, for example, iron in it is 2 times more than in green peas,
pepper, lettuce, and 3 times
more than in zucchini and eggplant;
and ascorbic acid, 2-3 times more than in white

Due to its structure, cauliflower is absorbed by the
body better than all other types of cabbage, and therefore it is
especially useful as a dietary food for
gastrointestinal diseases, not to mention the daily

Cauliflower can be considered the record holder for
biotin content among the foods available in the usual diet.
Biotin or vitamin H prevents the inflammatory processes of the
skin, it prevents the appearance of a specific disease of the
skin glands – seborrhea. It is often included in
facial and hair care products.

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Due to its fine cellular structure, cauliflower is
absorbed by the body better than other types of cabbage. In
it there is less crude fiber than white cabbage,
so it is easily digested and less irritating to
the stomach lining. It is especially useful for
gastrointestinal diseases and in baby food.

With a reduced secretory function of the stomach, it is recommended
to eat dishes from boiled cauliflower.
In case of gastric ulcer or duodenal
ulcer, cauliflower is allowed and white cabbage is prohibited.
In case of liver and gallbladder disease,
only those vegetables are recommended that increase the secretion of bile and promote
regular bowel movements. These include colored

Eating cauliflower regularly reduces the
risk of breast cancer in women and prostate
cancer in men. Both cauliflower and other types of cabbage are
a prophylactic agent against cancer.

Cauliflower juice is recommended for gastritis, diabetes,
bronchitis, kidney problems, liver diseases.

Dangerous properties of cauliflower

Cauliflower is not recommended to be included in the diet for those who suffer from
high acidity of the stomach, ulcers, acute enterocolitis and
intestinal spasms . If you use this cabbage for such diseases,
then pain will intensify, irritation of the
gastric mucosa and irritation of the intestines may occur .

You should not eat this product and those people who have
recently undergone surgery in the abdominal cavity or chest.

People suffering
from kidney disease and high blood pressure should be very careful about this cabbage . For patients with gout,
cauliflower can be dangerous, since it contains purines,
and if they begin to flow in and gradually accumulate in large
quantities in the body, then the concentration of uric acid will increase.
It, in turn, can cause a relapse of the disease.

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People who are aware of their allergies to any foods should be
careful about eating this vegetable as well.

Doctors also note the negative effects of this vegetable on the thyroid
gland. All products belonging to the broccoli family are capable of
causing goiter development.

Do you like simple and delicious recipes? Try the cauliflower baked with cheese and garlic!

See also the properties of other vegetables:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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