Beetroot, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

It is a vegetable crop with the oldest history from the family Amaranth.
They grew beets, which are considered the homeland of the Mediterranean region,
still 4000 years ago. Natural
a dye used by the plant in medicine, cooking, and industry.

Useful properties of beets

Composition and calorie content

Raw beets contain (in 100 g): .

Calories 43 Kcal

Beetroot contains sugars (sucrose,
organic acids (oxalic,
pectins (1,2%), protein (1,7%), betaine, carotene (0,01 mg%), ascorbic
acid (5-15 mg%), vitamin B1 (0,02 mg%), vitamin B2 (0,04
mg%), dyes and potassium compounds (288 mg%), magnesium (40-45
mg%), iron (1400 μg / 100 g), copper (140 μg / 100 g), vanadium,
boron, iodine, manganese, cobalt, lithium, molybdenum, rubidium, fluorine
and zinc..

It should be noted that the carbohydrates contained in root vegetables are presented
sucrose (99%), glucose and fructose (1%). In the beetroot
tops, the carbohydrate content is lower (from 3 to 5%), and
they are 3/4 glucose and fructose. This is facilitated by the presence in
beet leaves invertases – an enzyme that
breaks down sucrose into fructose and glucose. In root crops, this
the enzyme is missing. Therefore, patients with sugar
diabetes is recommended to include in your diet not root vegetables,
but directly to the tops, since for the assimilation of sucrose it is required
more insulin. Sugar content in beetroot vegetables
– 6,76 g%, and in the leaves – 0,5 g%.

Beet Leaves Have Great Medicinal Potential
compared to root crops: beet leaves contain more vitamin
C, thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), pyridoxine
(vitamin B6), vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K. Mineral content
in beet leaves is also higher than in root crops. So
Thus, the root part of the beet is significantly inferior to the tops in terms of quantity
contained biologically active substances..

Medicinal properties

The medicinal value of beetroot is due to the presence in it
numerous physiologically active substances in quantities,
having a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Common juice
beetroot has antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-sclerotic
properties. Beet juice stimulates hematopoiesis, gastric secretion
and intestinal motility, inhibits the development of microorganisms
in the intestines, promotes the elimination of cholesterol, strengthens the walls
capillaries, weakens vascular spasms, inhibits the growth of tumors,
improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the function of the genital
glands, has a positive effect on vision. There is information about anti-inflammatory
and the wound healing effect of beetroot juice. Drinking juice
beets are advisable for spastic colitis,
thyrotoxicosis, arrhythmias,
hypertension, liver diseases, intestinal atony, chronic
Raw and pickled beets are an effective treatment for scurvy..

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In medicine

The pharmaceutical industry launches the drug Acidin-Pepsin
(Acidin-pepsinum), which helps to improve digestion.
The remedy is prescribed for dyspepsia, hypoacid (with low acidity)
and anacid gastritis.

Beetroot and carrot juice

In folk medicine

  • With iron deficiency anemia, take a mixture of beet juices,
    and carrots
    (in proportions 1: 1: 1), three times a day, a tablespoon.
  • For hypertension, vasospasm, as a mild laxative and sedative
    the remedy is to take beet juice with honey
    (in proportions 1: 1) or a combination of beetroot and cranberry juice (2: 1).
  • With hypertension, fresh beet juice is drunk for 4 days,
    three times a day, one-time intake – 200 ml.
  • Beet juice on an empty stomach is recommended as a laxative.
    (100 ml), boiled beet salad..
  • With atherosclerosis, raw beet juice, aged in the refrigerator
    at least 2 hours, take one third of a glass for half an hour
    before meals.
  • For hypertension, traditional healers advise tinctures. Tincture
    1: mix 400 ml of beet juice, 250 g of flower honey, juice of one
    100 ml of cranberry juice,
    a glass of vodka. Take a tablespoon of tincture three times in
    day one hour before meals. Tincture 2: connect
    200 ml of carrot and beetroot juice and 100 ml of cranberry juice
    with 100 ml of alcohol and a glass of honey. Infuse the mixture in a darkened
    place within 3 days. Drink a tablespoon three times a day.
  • For cholelithiasis, a folk remedy is useful: several
    peel, chop and cook beet roots for a long time,
    until the broth thickens, to a syrup. To accept this
    the drug is a quarter of a glass three times a day before meals. Dissolution
    stones in the gallbladder with prolonged use of such a decoction
    occurs gradually and relatively painlessly.
  • In the treatment of malignant tumors, a folk remedy is used
    medicine: beet juice should be drunk at 600 ml per day through
    equal intervals of time (single dose of 100 ml). Drink juice
    better on an empty stomach a quarter of an hour before a meal, slightly
    preheated. A portion of juice is seized in a small slice
    bread, sauerkraut..
  • For the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies
    pour 2 cups boiling water over 2 tablespoons of finely grated beets,
    rosehip berries
    and black
    currants (a tablespoon). Let it brew for
    3 hours, then strain and add 2 teaspoons of honey. Drink
    infusion of 50 ml twice a day one hour before meals. Course –
    at least 2 weeks.
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Beetroot with horseradish

  • Arthritis
    prepare a decoction of 400 ml of water, grated beets and chopped
    burdock roots
    (a tablespoon). Boil the composition over low heat a quarter
    hours, then strain. Drink the drug in a tablespoon 4 times
    per day 60 minutes before meals. The course is at least a week.
  • For chronic constipation, the composition is useful: grate a large root vegetable
    grated and mix with 2 tablespoons of olive
    butter and a teaspoon of honey. Take in small amounts
    before every meal..


  • To heal wounds, apply fresh grated beets.
    The weight is changed as soon as it starts to dry up, it is fixed
    on the damaged area with a beet leaf.
  • RџSЂRё
    runny nose use beet juice (use juice squeezed
    from boiled beets: moisten cotton swabs and insert them
    in the nostrils).
  • Pieces of raw root vegetables relieve toothache: they need to be held
    in the mouth, pressing against the aching tooth..
  • RџSЂRё
    sore throat grate fresh beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice.
    Pour a tablespoon of vinegar into 200 ml of juice. Rinse
    throat with this composition up to 6 times a day.
  • With red spiral lichen
    grated raw red beets to apply to the affected
    place. The beetroot mass should be changed when it dries.
  • For dry hands prone to cracking, a bath is useful:
    pour tops of 3 medium-sized root crops and boil
    over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Add to the slightly cooled broth
    honey (based on a tablespoon per liter of broth). Soar your hands in
    within 10 minutes. Then wipe off and brush with nourishing cream.
  • Another recipe softens the skin of the hands: boil half a medium beet
    and grate finely. Pour hot beetroot broth
    grated beetroot mass and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Then
    strain, pour in kefir (a glass of kefir per liter of infusion) and immerse
    hands with composition for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water and grease your hands with cream.
  • A bath will help soften hardened skin on the soles of your feet:
    a small amount of beet is added to the beet broth, cooked together with
    the amount of soda. Soar feet for a quarter of an hour. Then wipe dry
    and moisturize with foot cream.

Grated beets

  • Foot bath made of beet leaves and nettle herb:
    components, take one part, pour boiling water, give
    infuse. Keep your feet in the infusion for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • Cracked heels are treated with boiled beet pulp. Beetroot
    grate and add a little ghee to it.
    Apply the mixture to the damaged part of the heels and maintain a quarter
    hours. Then rinse with warm water and rub well.
  • With excessive sweating of the feet based on decoction from the foliage
    prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Feet immersed in warm solution
    and take a bath for 10 minutes. Then rinse with non-hot water
    and wipe dry..
  • For angina, grated beets and carrots (take a tablespoon each)
    pour 200 water, boil for 5 minutes, then strain, add
    so much boiled water so that the initial volume is obtained, mix
    with a teaspoon of honey and this composition, gargle twice in
  • With varicose veins
    make lotions with broth: beets minced through a meat grinder,
    chopped bark of common oak and horse chestnut
    (take a tablespoon of each ingredient) boil in 2 glasses
    water over low heat for 10 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour, strain.
    Moisten a clean cloth or gauze in broth and apply to the affected
    places on the legs for a quarter of an hour. Make lotions daily
    once a day for a week.
  • Homemade tincture is also effective for varicose veins:
    grated beets, white acacia flowers and honey (total
    tablespoon) pour a glass of vodka. Withstand tincture
    within 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. After
    filter and rub your feet every night before going to bed. A course of treatment
    – 7 days..
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In oriental medicine

Avicenna argued that a decoction of beet tops and beetroot
juice heals cracks in the skin caused by cold. Beet leaves
the physician attributed the property to remove freckles. Beetroot
Avicenna juice was used to treat warts,
getting rid of lice;
decoction of beets was used in medicinal dressings applied to tumors;
boiled beet tops healed burns.
Avicenna describes ear drops based on beetroot juice and a remedy
eliminate dandruff.

Armenian scientist of the 15th century, healer Amirdovlat Amasyatsi attributed
beetroot aphrodisiac properties, the ability to heal tremors, epilepsy
and neoplasms..

Scientists study beet juice in the laboratory

In scientific research

At the beginning of the 20th century in Hungary, Dr.Sandor Ferenczi (a psychiatrist specializing in
and founder of the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Society) enthusiastically
studied natural drugs that could be used in therapy
oncological diseases. Ferenczi published the work “Red
beetroot as a means of additional therapy in the treatment of patients
with malignant formations “. A practical basis for theory
the phenomenal medicinal properties of beetroot juice were
described cases of cure of patients with cancer of the stomach, rectum,
Bladder. Substances anthocyanins
(among them betaine, from the group of polyphenols) are able to actively influence
on cancer cells..

Beets can improve the professional achievements of athletes:
in 2012 a study conducted in the framework of scientific activities
«Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Diabetics», показало
an increase in running speed by 5% in that group of subjects, in the menu
of which the beets were included daily. In a 5 km marathon on
the last 1,8 km of the distance, the speed of these runners increased (by
compared with the so-called “placebo group”)..

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anti-inflammatory vaso-strengthening properties of beets and their constituents,
the therapeutic effect of drinking beetroot juice are subject to
research and in modern medical works and articles (T.
Clifford, G. Howatson, D. West, E. Stevenson, R. Dominguez, E.
Cuenca, etc.)..

For losing weight

Beets are successfully used in dietary nutrition. Calorie content
100 g of beets (raw root vegetable) equals 43 kcal. By content
iodine red beet occupies one of the leading positions among
vegetables. This allows the use of beets for obesity,
suppression of pancreatic function – to enhance metabolism

Beetroot diet meals are included in canonical nutritional systems
American physician W.-G. Heya; Japanese scientist, Professor K.
Niches (aimed at overall health and weight loss).

Beetroot borsch with garlic and donuts

In cooking

Red beetroot is used for the preparation of traditional
dishes: beetroot, borscht, vinaigrette. Beetroot is an irreplaceable ingredient
a variety of main courses, snacks and side dishes. Pickled beets
stewed, stuffed (with meat, rice, mushrooms, cheese, vegetables) and baked
in sour cream. Boiled beets are used in salads, for decoration
snacks and buffet menu.

Beets, combined with products of different categories, are good in all
its flavor nuances: spicy beets in Korean (with garlic,
vinegar and spices), royal beets (with pickles), which became
classic beetroot salad with prunes
and nuts. Raisins and apples are added to beets.

In cooking, both root crops and beet leaves are used – tops.
Botvinya is prepared from it (cold soup on kvass from boiled and mashed
beet tops with sorrel
and greens), salads.

Beet green salad recipe: grind
young beet leaves (60 g, about 2 handfuls), salt to taste.
Prepare a lemon or cranberry juice dressing (table
spoon), vegetable oil (teaspoon), chopped green
onions and mustard
taste. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and season the salad.

How to cook beets properly?

  • Beets are not recommended to be boiled in salted water – they will not taste good
    and less nutritious. You can add a slice before the end of cooking.
  • When storing beets in the air in a purified form, a significant
    amount of vitamin C.
  • Oven baked beets are healthier and tastier than boiled beets
    and is recommended for salads and vinaigrettes.
  • You need to cook the beets so that the water covers the root crop no more,
    than one centimeter.
  • Before mixing the vegetables for the vinaigrette, you must season it separately
    beets with vegetable oil, mix thoroughly and only after
    add other ingredients, thus the rest of the vegetables
    retain their natural color.
  • Microwaved beets represent an “accelerated” or more
    a convenient option for cooking beets, since cooking this vegetable
    it takes long enough. Microwaved, washed and uncleaned
    from the peel beets, laid out in a roasting sleeve with punctured
    in it with holes, it is cooked at a higher power only
    about 10 minutes.
  • For borscht to acquire a bright red beetroot color, beets need
    boil whole, then grate, sprinkle with citric acid
    (on the tip of a knife) and granulated sugar, mix well and give
    stand. After that, put in the borscht and let it boil once.
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Beet kvass


Beet juice drinks add cranberries, red
currants, apples, honey. Prepared from beets and kvass. For
cooking beet kvass you will need:
400 g of beets
1,2 liters of water, sugar to taste. Wash, peel, chop the beets
circles, put in an enamel or glass pan, alternating
layers of beetroot sliced ​​with beetroot sliced ​​in halves
or quarters. Pour the beets with chilled boiled water,
add sugar. Cover the pan with gauze and leave in a warm place.
within 5-6 days. To speed up the fermentation process, you can add
a crust of rye bread. Then cool the kvass and keep in the refrigerator.
Use as a standalone drink or for preparation
cold summer soups, okroshka.

In cosmetology

In home cosmetics, fresh beetroots are used. Cosmetic
recipes for all skin types:

To improve complexion, wipe the neck and face with a fresh slice
beets, let the juice dry, then apply a thin layer on the skin
cream, gently hammering it in with your fingertips.

Beetroot mask: finely grate raw beets and mix
with sour cream
(1: 1), apply on face, let dry, rinse thoroughly with warm

Refreshing beetroot mask: grate fresh beets on a fine grater,
mix the beetroot mass with sour cream and egg
yolk (just take a teaspoon). Apply to face, sustain
mask for half an hour and rinse with warm water..

Beetroot lotions for different skin types

Natural cosmetology face mask made from beets and other products

Lotion for dry skin (for its preparation
use the water in which the beets were cooked): half a glass of cooled
mix beet broth with 100 ml of milk, one yolk and 3
tablespoons of medical alcohol diluted with water in proportions
1: 1. With a ready-made lotion, wipe your face with light movements using
cotton pad. Do not store the lotion in the refrigerator for a long time.

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Oily Skin Lotion: prepare an infusion from
beet tops and calendula flowers (take only one part at a time).
Steam the plants with boiling water and let it brew. In herbal
infusion add the juice of one lemon and 3 tablespoons of alcohol.

Lotions for normal skin

Option 1

Prepare an infusion of beet leaves, mint and chamomile herbs (1: 1: 1):
pour boiling water over and let it brew. Add 2 egg yolks and
3 tablespoons of vodka.

Option 2

Boil a quarter of one medium beet and grate it over a large
grater. Steam the beetroot mass with 200 ml of strong infusion of beetroot
tops, cool and combine with 2 tablespoons of alcohol, a spoon
honey and one yolk..

Beet water for hair: rinsing hair with beet water is applied
with dandruff. To prepare beetroot infusion, three-liter
the container is filled with 1,5 liters of cold water. They put in it crushed
slices of raw beets in such an amount that the water level rises
almost to the brim. Beet infusion is kept in not darkened
place for 6 days, until green mold appears on the surface. Water
gently filter and use to rinse hair after
washing, diluting the infusion with hot water..

To cleanse the body

Liver and intestines clogged with toxins helps cleanse beetroot
kvass. Such cleaning is considered sufficiently soft, it is relatively
easily tolerated by the body. Beetroot or beetroot-bread
kvass not only removes toxins, but also cracks down on pathogenic
microorganisms in the intestines.

With diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urolithiasis, such
the cleaning method is contraindicated.

Dangerous properties of beets and contraindications

It is contraindicated to use beets in large quantities with kidney stones
diseases (primarily with oxaluria) and other metabolic disorders

Beets contain a large amount of sugar and excessive consumption
raw can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.
Beets at
type 2 diabetes is allowed cooked in the agreed
with the attending physician quantities.

Treatment with fresh juice from raw beets is contraindicated for gastritis
with high acidity (hyperacid gastritis), decreased
blood pressure, glomerulonephritis, diarrhea,
nephrotic syndrome, osteoporosis, inflammatory processes
in the gastrointestinal tract (acute stage), chronic renal
failure and kidney stones, ulcers
stomach and duodenum (in the acute stage).

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It is highly undesirable to take freshly squeezed beet juice,
it is advisable to treat only with settled juice (which was kept
at least 3 hours). Fresh beet juice can cause vasospasm,
reduce blood pressure dramatically, with accompanying symptoms
in the form of mild nausea and general weakness. .

Excessive consumption of beets is contraindicated in patients suffering from
from hemochromatosis and Wilson’s disease (this is due to the possible accumulation
copper and iron in the body)..

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of beets.
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

When buying, you need to choose round or flat-round dark-colored
root vegetables: they are more juicy and superior in taste
elongated beets. Fresh healthy root vegetable firm, dense,
weighty, with maroon, red or white-red flesh.
For borscht, dark red beets are preferable; put in the vinaigrette
beets are lighter, any is used for salad, but fermenting is better
burgundy beets. Ripe root crops have a thin tail, while unripe
completely thick

Root crops without tops are stored in plastic bags in special
compartments of a household refrigerator. On a larger scale beets
stored in boxes or directly on the floor in basements, covered with sand.

Beet root crops are best preserved when the air is humid.
80% and a temperature of 2-3 degrees Celsius (in bags made of very
thick polyethylene). If the beets are stored in wooden boxes, the moisture
should be 90%, and the storage temperature should be from 0 to 1 degree.
In cellars, root crops can be laid out in the form of a round pyramid,
sprinkling each layer with sand. Beets should not be mixed
with other vegetables (potatoes are an exception),
this leads to mold growth..

Beet – a vegetable, industrial and fodder crop with a worldwide reputation
– is also a low-calorie product that stands out
among other vegetable plants, a high level of contained
it contains sugars and a relatively high level of carbohydrates. Beet
rich in antioxidants, has exceptional nutritional value
and due to its properties it is invaluable from the point of view of therapeutic
and dietary food.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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