Peach, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Peach is not only loved and eaten fresh and canned with pleasure
. In some countries, the peach tree and its fruits are revered
as a gift from the gods, capable of filling with vitality, curing
many diseases, warding off evil spirits and bringing happiness
and prosperity to the house . And modern scientific research confirms its
many beneficial and medicinal properties.

Useful properties of peach

Composition and calorie content

It comprises a fresh peach (100 g) .

Calories 39 Kcal

Vitamin C 6,6 Potassium, K 190 Vitamin
B3 0,806 Phosphorus,
Vitamin E
Calcium, Ca
B2 0,031 Magnesium, Mg 9 Vitamin
B6 0,025 Iron,
Fe 0,25

Full composition

The fruits of peach trees contain flavonoids, carotenoids, sugars, the
proportion of which in some varieties can reach 15-20%, organic
acids (tartaric, malic, cinchona, citric) essential oil,
vitamins, salts of various minerals.

The most significant (among the minerals) is the presence of
potassium in peach fruits. 100 grams of fresh fruit contains about 15% of the
daily human requirement for this mineral. And in 100 grams of
dried peach – about 80-85%. There are
also iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc in these fruits, but their presence
in 100 g of fresh product is limited to 3-4% of the daily requirement.
At the same time, the peel of the fruit surpasses the pulp in terms of the content of both mineral
salts and flavonoids.

Among the vitamins, the most important is the content of
vitamin C and vitamin E in peaches (up to 10% of the daily requirement in 100 g),
but vitamins of group B are also well represented in fruits (B2, B6,
B3 / PP, B1 – up to 4% of c. P. .).

The seeds of the stone contain fatty oils (up to 57%), essential oil,
amygdalin, a number of acids (oleic, nonacosanic, palmitic
, etc.), potassium and iron salts.

Medicinal properties

The therapeutic effects associated with the use of peaches include the
ability of the fruit to enhance the secretion of the digestive glands, normalize
heart rhythm disturbances, and exhibit diuretic and laxative
properties. Judging by the regularly updated list of
peach studies , extracts from various parts of the peach tree in the future
may become a medicinal basis for the treatment of diseases and the correction of a
number of pathological conditions:

Gastrointestinal problems.

A number of studies show that peach preparations improve the
functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, in an in vitro experiment (“in vitro”) carried out
on rat intestinal tissue, the activating effect
of peach blossom extracts on the motor activity of the digestive
path was confirmed . The same extracts
inhibited anti-peristaltic smooth muscle contractions.

Cancer diseases.

Peach polyphenols can, under certain conditions, reduce the viability
of breast cancer cells without affecting normal cells.
Bone kernel extract has also been shown to inhibit the proliferation
of human colon cancer cells. And the bark of several species of peach
trees is able to prevent the development of benign
prostate gland hyperplasia .

Cardiovascular pathology.

Peach seed extracts inhibit the process of combining and adhering
(aggregation) of platelets, thereby slowing down the formation of blood clots
and blockage of blood vessels. In addition, several types of peaches
have shown a vasodilating effect. Moreover, extracts of peach tree branches have a similar
property that effectively reduces high blood

See also  Patisson, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties


Although diabetes is on the list of contraindications for eating
sweet peach fruits, other components of the plant can
help diabetics control glucose levels.
Thus, it was experimentally found that the leaves of the peach
tree contain a substance that acts as a potent inhibitor of
glucose absorption in the small intestine of mice. Leafy extract, which
helps to reduce glucose absorption, may be useful
in functional foods and drugs for hyperglycemia to
prevent absorption of glucose after meals.

Some studies suggest that glycosides isolated
from peach seeds in the form of a metal extract are capable of exerting
antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Peach close up

In medicine

In modern scientific medicine, peach components are used
as a raw component of medicinal cosmetics,
and are also used to create an oil base for some drugs.
So, peach
oil is prepared from seeds extracted from fruit seeds, which is used in pharmaceuticals for dissolving water
insoluble substances, preparing injection solutions, creating a basis for
liquid ointments (liniment).

Peach fruit extracts as a herbal dietary
supplement are widely available on the market and are recommended by manufacturers
to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, to normalize blood
pressure, to increase hemoglobin levels and remove “excess”

Leaf extracts are positioned as fortifying preparations for the
complex defense of the body. Manufacturers note that this
peach remedy can increase physical endurance,
improve digestion, normalize the functions of the endocrine glands
and reduce the negative effects of stress.

In the list of indications for the use of extracts:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • rapid fatigue and sleep disturbances;
  • problems with digestion;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • gynecological pathologies: profuse menstruation and irregularities in the
    cycle, fibrocystic breast disease, hormone-dependent pathologies
    and benign growths of tissues (endometriosis, uterine myoma)
    and etc .;
  • anemia;
  • pathology of the thyroid gland.

Such drugs, according to the instructions, are recommended to be taken for
prophylaxis once a day, 2-4 drops. In the course of treatment of the
disease, the dose is usually increased by 5-7 times.

Peach compote

In folk medicine

In folk medicine, fruits, flowers,
seeds, peach leaves prepared in different ways are used to treat:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • urinary tract;
  • digestive organs;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • head and ear pains;
  • rheumatism;
  • parasitic infection with helminths;
  • skin diseases and pathologies (eczema,
    burns, purulent tissue inflammation, atopic dermatitis of an allergic

Depending on the indications, specific recipes for
multicomponent products and concentrates are used. For example, to restore the
functioning of the intestines in case of constipation
and disruption of the stomach with low acidity, it is recommended to
drink freshly squeezed peach juice (50 g) 15 minutes before a
meal. Such an aperitif will enhance the secretory function of the digestive
glands and help to cope with fatty foods.
Urolithiasis is also treated with fruit juice

Peach leaves close up

No less widely used in folk medicine and the juice of the leaves of the
peach tree. It is believed that a few drops instilled
into the ear can help a person get rid of ear mites. In ancient
folk medicine, there were ideas that in a similar
way, with the help of peach leaves, you can get rid
of intestinal worms.
To do this, it was necessary to grind the leaves into gruel, and
put a bandage with it on the patient’s navel. But, due to the lack of effectiveness of
this method, oral intake of juice of
leaves and / or inflorescences with sugar was still practiced more often . It was believed that even 50 grams of
juice can remove tapeworm forever. But also when applied externally
the leafy sap has been beneficial in ridding the skin of an unkempt, lime-like

See also  Corn oil, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Often times, peach supplements were recommended for tired
and / or emaciated people simply to recuperate and create a
general health effect.

But? ancient healers perceived peach ingredients
not only as medicine. So, the fluff of the peel, mixed with cabbage
juice, removed warts, but with the same remedy they provoked a
miscarriage in pregnant women. According to folk therapeutic traditions,
eating only 0.5 grams of
peach flowers could lead to miscarriage .

Another common component in folk medicine is
peach kernel kernels. In South-West Asia,
eye diseases were treated with oil, decoctions and infusions of peach seeds, in Africa and, later,
in America – fever, bronchitis,
asthma, in Central Asia – migraine,
urolithiasis and skin pathologies (when applied externally).
Examples of selected recipes for decoctions and infusions are given below.

Peach lemonade

Decoctions and infusions

  • Infusion of leaves for purulent-necrotic inflammation of the
    Peach leaves (8 pcs.) Are thoroughly crushed
    until smooth and mixed with several slices of potato
    skins. The gruel is poured with boiling water (60-70 ml) and after a 15-minute
    infusion is transferred to a clean, dense bandage, which is applied
    to the affected skin. The duration of the procedure is from 30 minutes
    to an hour.
  • Decoction of leaves for shingles. Fresh
    leaves (100 g) are crushed and boiled in water (500 ml)
    for 10-15 minutes. After that, the composition should cool under the lid
    for 1-1.5 hours. To simplify the application of the composition to the body, a
    clean linen dressing is impregnated with the prepared liquid,
    changing it after drying.
  • Infusion / decoction of seeds and bark in chronic bronchitis.
    Dry peach seeds (150 g) and crushed bark (150 g) are poured with
    apple cider vinegar (500 ml) and water (500 ml), then closed
    and sent to a warm place for 5 days. During the infusion time, the
    mixture should be shaken or stirred regularly. After preparation, the
    infusion is put on a small fire and evaporated until
    about half of the original volume remains.
    The preparation is completed by adding cognac
    or brandy
    (250 ml) to the composition .

The product is stored in a bottle or dark glass jar with a tight-
fitting lid. With bronchitis, it should be taken in 1
tbsp. l. every 4 hours. The same regimen is prescribed for
fever and colds. But it is also recommended to
use it to relieve ear pain (in the form of drops), and to
remove worms (2 tbsp. L three times a day).

In oriental medicine

The peach tree in China is one of the most revered plants:
due to the fact that its flowers appear before the leaves, it is believed to
have a stronger vitality than other trees.
Since ancient times (and the domestication of the peach in China
probably took place as early as 5 thousand BC), the peach has become an integral
part of both general cultural and therapeutic traditions.

Flowering peach tree

Medical practice involved the use of all parts of the plant
(from the pulp of the fruit, flowers and the kernel of the seed to the leaves, bark and
roots) in the healing of a physical and metaphysical nature. For example,
amulets were carved from a peach tree, which were supposed to
drive out diseases caused by evil spirits. But if the talismans
did not help, medicinal decoctions were cooked from the peach ingredients.

See also  Sprouted wheat - useful and dangerous properties of sprouted wheat, Calories, benefits and harms, Useful properties

Peach fruits,
symbolizing long life and / or immortality, are also surrounded by great reverence in Chinese culture . Even Shou-hsing, known
as the god of longevity, is depicted with peach fruits in hand.
According to ancient works on Chinese medicine,
those peach fruits that held out on the branches all
winter and were plucked only in early spring had special properties . A decoction of these fruits
expelled 100 types of demons, removed 5 types of toxins and was used
in the treatment of “filth” (this definition meant sudden
pallor, loss of consciousness, outflow of blood from the limbs, dizziness
due to the action of toxin or pathogenic qi).

All parts of the peach tree in Chinese medicine have general
and specific functions and indications for use. For example, common
to peach fruits, seeds and flowers can be called the function of
eliminating stagnation and improving blood circulation, as well as the associated
normalization of menstruation. Due to the anti-stagnant effects,
these peach ingredients are used for prolonged absence of
menstruation (with amenorrhea)
and for irregularities in the cycle accompanied by a painful syndrome
(with dysmenorrhea), when these conditions are provoked by stagnation of blood
and Qi energy.

Also, fruits, seeds and flowers are used to restore digestion
with dry intestines and get rid of constipation. There are the following
traditional recipes for using various ingredients for these

  • Fruit-based. The
    skin and bone are removed from three fruits , and the remaining pulp is mixed with honey
    (30 g) and steamed until tender.
  • Seed based. Peach seeds (10 g),
    apricot seeds (10 g), black sesame seeds
    (15 g) are mixed, filled with 250 ml of water and boiled for 15-30
    minutes. It is taken twice a day until cured.
  • Flower-based. Freshly picked peach
    flowers (50 g) are thoroughly mixed with fresh honey (500 ml),
    placed in a vessel and evenly sprinkled with sugar (2
    tablespoons) on top . After that, the vessel is tightly closed and left
    for 10 days in a dark, cool place. Such a remedy
    for constipation is taken twice a day for 1 tbsp. l. diluted with boiled
    water. The same composition is recommended for difficult urination
    and edema.

Peach harvest

If the seeds and flowers of the peach correspond to the channels of the large
intestine, liver and heart, then the leaves of the plant are responsible for the spleen
and kidneys. With their help, toxins and parasites are removed, relieve inflammation
and itching, and cool the heat. Therefore, drugs based on them are used
externally for lichen, eczema, burns, skin inflammation, pediculosis,
vaginal trichomoniasis (by moistening the external genitalia with a decoction
). Also, deciduous decoctions are prescribed for pain in the joints
and when their mobility is limited. Inside broths (3-6 g per dose) are
drunk with

based on branches and a white layer of tree bark can eliminate the effect of the toxin and remove parasites . In addition, with the
help of decoctions of shoots, they further improve blood circulation, eliminate
epigastric pain and treat lichen, and with the help of the bark, they relieve toothache
and eliminate edema. To do this, either prepare a powder, or make a
mixture, which is then rinsed in the mouth.

In traditional Chinese medicine
, even the villi of the fruit rind are used as an independent healing ingredient. They were used to treat
all kinds of pain, primary infertility, uterine bleeding, congestive
blood clots in the abdomen, and those diseases that were caused by
werewolves and evil demons.

It is characteristic that among the contraindications to the use of almost all
drugs was pregnancy. It was also not recommended to eat unripe
fruits and overuse ripe ones to avoid bloating.
Peach overeating was considered especially undesirable in case of excessive
internal heat.

Despite the fact that Chinese doctors have
formed a complex system of treatment with peach ingredients for millennia ,
some separate therapeutic traditions can be distinguished
in Tibetan and Indian traditional medicine. So, in Tibet,
peach oil was used to treat conjunctivitis,
and decoctions of leaves – to eliminate fever and colds.
In India, plant leaves were used to treat dysentery.

Peach peel close-up

In scientific research

The study of a peach (and preparations from various parts of the plant)
does not always aim at discovering direct medical effects,
on the basis of which one can immediately recommend the creation of a therapeutic
program. The result of the work of many projects is simply a
statement of the presence or absence of some local effect,
which in itself does not directly determine the therapeutic effect.
In addition, a number of studies are devoted to the purely “economic”
topic of growing and storing quickly perishable peaches, as well as
ways to transport them as painlessly as possible. Here
we do not cite such works, but restrict ourselves to examples of scientific
experiments that better than others illustrate the potential
the possibility of using peaches to improve human health.

Peach polyphenols inhibit tumor growth and metastasis of
breast cancer cells.

The inhibition of breast tumor growth by MDA-MB-435 and the antimetastatic
effects of peach polyphenols were investigated in vivo in
rat experiments . The results showed that tumor growth and metastasis
to the lungs of animals was inhibited by peach polyphenolic preparations
in the dose range of 0.8-1.6 mg / day.

Scientists suggest that one of the molecular targets for the antimetastatic
activity of peach polyphenols is the modulation of the expression of genes of
metalloproteinases. From this it is concluded that peach polyphenolic
compounds may represent a new chemopreventive
agent for reducing the risk of metastasis in combination
therapy in the diagnosis of primary cancer. An attempt to recalculate the
required dose of essential polyphenols for human clinical studies
yielded ~ 370.6 mg / day for a 60 kg adult.
This is believed to be the equivalent of a person eating 2-3
fresh peaches per day. In the absence of fresh fruit, to continue
research can be used and dietary supplement of
fruit polyphenol extract powder .

Peach kernel extracts have an antiproliferative effect
on human colon cancer cells in experiments on the cellular

Peach kernel extract, under certain conditions, is able to
inhibit the growth of human colon cancer cells due to the
content of amygdalin. If this cyanogenic glucoside enters
the body with food, dangerous intoxication can develop. However,
with the direct influence of amygdalin extracts on cancer
cells, in certain dosages, the antiproliferative
effect was observed .

Changes in the kinetics of the cell cycle in
colon cancer cells were monitored over different periods (at 24, 48,
and 72 hour intervals). As a result, a complex pattern of
reactions was observed , in which, depending on the concentration and period,
either a proliferative or antiproliferative effect arose.
However, scientists, based on the algorithms studied, nevertheless consider
it possible to create an anticancer therapy using
peach kernel extracts .

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Peach oil stops tissue necrosis (
in vitro experiments) and reduces atherosclerosis in mice (in
vivo experiments ).

For experiments “in vitro” was taken the tissue of the umbilical vein of a
person, affected by the tumor TNF-α. Peach oil under these conditions
showed the ability to suppress the factor provoking
thrombosis at different levels and improved the viability of healthy endothelial
tissue cells .

In experiments on mice, peach oil helped:

  • lower total cholesterol levels;
  • triglycerides;
  • low density lipoprotein cholesterol;
  • increase serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
  • to reduce the area of ​​atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta;
  • significantly reduce TF protein expression to suppress
    atherosclerotic plaque formation .

Based on this, scientists conclude that peach oil
may be useful in preventing atherosclerosis
in the presence of cardiovascular diseases.

Peach tea

For losing weight

blossom tea is popular in East Asia as a weight loss aid . True, until recently it was drunk, following mainly
the ancient traditions of folk medicine. Recently, however,
infused peach blossom’s ability to fight obesity has been tested
in in vitro and in vivo scientific experiments in mice.

The phytochemicals of aqueous peach blossom extracts (0.2%
and 0.6%) were tested for 8 weeks in mice divided into
dietary groups with a high
fat diet. The results of such a study showed that
peach blossom extracts :

  • significantly reduced body weight;
  • reduced the mass of fat in the abdominal cavity;
  • reduced serum glucose levels;
  • reduced the weight of the liver and spleen compared to the control

In general, data analysis demonstrated the ability of the extracts to
suppress the expression of lipogenic genes, improve lipid metabolism
in the liver (by decreasing lipogenesis and increasing fatty
acid oxidation ). This made it possible to conclude that traditional
slimming tea is indeed able to get rid of excess
weight, at least in obese mice.

Peach fruits with their caloric content of about 40 kcal / 100g of the product are
also quite popular in various complex weight loss programs,
but there they often play the role of an auxiliary product that
removes “excess” water, speeds up metabolism, and helps to digest
“heavy” food.

Peach pie

In cooking

Peach fruits are mainly eaten fresh and canned
, and also as a filling for baking. For cooking
, as a rule, table varieties are used, characterized by fibrous
pulp. Fruits with gristly pulp are more often used for canning
(including jams, preserves, compotes).

Sweet pies with fruit fillings are very diverse – from Charlotte
and peach cottage cheese desserts to fruit pizzas and multicomponent
cobblers. But they are also very popular. So, in 2015, during the
65th Peach Festival in American Louisiana, the organizers
baked a fruit cobbler with a total weight of 1021 kg, which took
372 kg of peaches.

Nevertheless, peaches are also added to savory dishes, creating a
special contrast with their taste. For example, here’s a recipe for making
chicken fillet with cheese and canned peaches:

  1. 1 Chicken fillet (600 g) is washed, dried,
    cut into medium-sized pieces, salted, pepper and laid out
    in a baking dish , oiled with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon
    ). Optionally, you can add bay
    leaves (2 pcs.)
  2. 2 Canned peaches (400 g) are removed from the syrup and placed
    on top of the chicken, also in small slices.
  3. 3 Hard cheese (100 g) is rubbed and mixed
    with a garlic clove pressed through a press
    and sour cream (150 g). The resulting sauce is evenly spread
    over the peaches.
  4. 4 The dish is baked in the oven for about 45 minutes at 180 ° C.
See also  Mango, Calories, benefits and harms, Benefits

The peach flavor is also very popular with consumers and, accordingly,
alcoholic beverage producers. Moreover, the peach component
in liqueurs
and wines manifests
itself so vividly that even in the presence of other components (apricots,
oranges, plums, etc.), it
is peach that is often mentioned in the name of the product . Among the most common dessert liqueurs
are Dutch Peach Tree (De Kuyper), French
Creme de Peche de Vigne de Bourgogne (Joseph Cartron), Italian
Volare Peach (Rossi D’Asiago Distillery), Czech Peach (Fruko
Schulz). Although in each of these countries, peach liqueurs are produced by
dozens of other popular brands.

Peach oil

In cosmetology

In professional cosmetology, the moisturizing and anti
inflammatory properties of peach extracts containing phytosterols, fatty and
essential oils, carotenoids, trace elements and vitamins are used. Such extracts
are oily fruit extracts. They are recommended by
manufacturers to eliminate dry skin, relieve redness
and swelling, and mild lightening. They are often added to anti-aging
masks, creams, and lotions. Including – when creating cosmetics
at home, when fresh fruits are not available
or when a more pronounced effect from a concentrated
composition is needed .

Peach ingredients are used to care for almost the entire
body (face, hands, hair, etc.). Peach
phytocomponents are introduced into shampoo recipes to eliminate dry skin, nourish and
strengthen hair.

In medicinal cosmetics, the wound-healing properties of the
fruit are also used . Peach oil is used to treat eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and burns.

We have collected the most important points about the benefits and possible dangers of peach
in this illustration and we will be very grateful if you share
a picture on social networks, with a link to our page:

To choose the most ripe and freshest peaches, you need:

Insects can indirectly help in the selection of peaches. Experts
say that wasps and bees “understand” fruits better than people, therefore they
more actively flock to more ripe fruits. But if the purchased peaches
still turn out to be unripe, they can simply be allowed to “lie down” for
several days at room temperature. If the ripening process
needs to be accelerated, peaches should be put in one paper bag with
apples or
apricots that emit ethylene. Although peaches themselves abundantly emit
this gas, which activates the ripening processes.

Another indirect guideline for choosing the most delicious peach
is the shape of the fruit. It is believed that slightly asymmetrical
peaches have a brighter and more pronounced taste.

Ripe fruits do not tolerate transportation well, so the fruits are usually
picked at the stage of technical ripeness and treated with gas-containing sulfur-containing
preservatives so that the peaches do not overripe on the way. However, if the chemical
protection has been carried out too intensively, the peaches react to this.
In over-pickled and stale fruits, the bone will be dry and
wrinkled. Although such fruits can not be thrown away, but you can make
pies and compotes from them.

It is
impossible to store ripe peaches for a long time without changing the temperature regime . Therefore, in order to slightly extend this period, the fruits are
sent in a paper bag to the refrigerator, on a shelf with a temperature of
about 0 ° C. To significantly increase the storage time,
it is better to freeze the fruit .


You can freeze both whole fruits with a stone, and individual
halves. In the first case, clean and dry peaches are simply wrapped
in paper (each fruit separately), folded into a common closed bag,
which is sent to the freezer. In the second case, after
removing the stone, the halves of the peach are placed in the first layer on the
bottom of the container with the cut up. Then they are covered with parchment,
after which the next layer is placed on this paper with the cut down.
Before placing in the freezer, the container is tightly closed with a lid.

For the winter, not only fruits are harvested, but also peach leaves. To
preserve the maximum useful properties, before freezing, they are first
kept over boiling water for about 10 minutes (without immersion in boiling water),
then, before cooling, over cold water (also without immersion).
And the already chilled leaves are then dried on paper towels
and sent to the freezer in an airtight container.

The cultivation of peach trees began in China at
least 5 thousand years ago (according to some sources, more than 7.5 thousand years
ago) . During this time, the peach has become an integral part of Eastern
(and later Western) culture, acquiring mystical, poetic,
ritual meanings. Below are just a few of the legends and
symbolic meanings attributed to the peach in different cultures
of the world:

Today, the heaviest peach is considered to be the fruit grown by Al
Pearson and Lawton Pearson from Georgia (USA). His weight was
816.46 grams (record was registered on July 11, 2018 . ).
For comparison: the mass of ordinary fruits, as a rule, varies
between 60-200 grams. But at the annual festival of peaches, which
has been held in Ruston (USA, Louisiana) since 1947,
fruits exceeding the 200-gram mark are often shown.

Peaches are called not only the fruits of real peaches, but also fruits
belonging to its subclasses. Most often, four varieties are
distinguished , which differ in two class characteristics: hairiness of the skin and
fusion of the bone with the pulp.

Real peaches – the skin is velvety, the stone is easily separated.
The first class also includes fruits of an unconventional shape –
onion peaches , or flattened ones.

The whisper, or shaptola (with an emphasis on the last syllable) is called
dried peach fruits. The color of the fruit pulp depends on the varieties
(breeders have bred many of them), and can be red, white,
yellow, orange.

In the jungles of South America, the “peach palm” grows, which also
produces yellow-orange cupped or oval fruits with an ovoid
pointed stone. However, this plant belongs to the
Palm family (unlike peaches belonging to the Pink family)
and is similar to Prunus persica only in name.

The variety of peach classes, among other things, helps to
further popularize the fruit. (For example, consumers who do not like
superficial hairiness or bone stuck in the flesh can
easily switch to nectarines.) And the increase in the popularity of any product
usually leads to a more attentive attitude towards it on the part of the
scientific community. So, it is quite possible that in the near future
we will learn about some more amazing medicinal properties of peach.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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