Shark white benefit, properties, calorie content, useful properties and harm


Everyone knows what a great white shark is, but only
few know that she has another name, namely carcharodon.
She is not only the largest shark, but also the most bloodthirsty
of all representatives of this genus. An adult can grow
up to 8 meters. Many call her “white death” because,
that these predators very often attack bathers.

The shark lives in temperate or warm waters of the World Ocean, and
swims at a depth of about 30 meters. The shark’s back is not white, but rather
gray, but sometimes lead-gray. Her belly is off-white,
while the dorsal fin is black. Only large individuals completely
lead-white color.

Most often, a white shark looks after its prey, slowly cruising
near the sea surface. Due to the fact that her eyesight is poorly developed,
she goes hunting in the daytime. But vision is not essential
a way to search for prey, because Karcharodon still has a keen hearing
and a keen sense of smell. It should be noted that the “white death” captures
sound signals at a distance of several kilometers. This shark
smells fresh blood and the smell emanating from frightened fish half a kilometer away.

The favorite food of the white shark is the fur seal, which lives near
coast of South Africa. Smaller individuals hunt small fish,
for example tuna, dolphin or turtles. Reaching 3 meters
the shark switches to larger ocean dwellers.

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How to choose

When shopping, pay attention to the appearance of the shark meat piece.
It should be fairly large, with cartilage in the middle. Define
whether the shark lies in front of you or not is quite simple, because its
a feature is the absence of rib bones, as well as visible individual
vertebrae, which are located in the cartilaginous spine.

How to store

It should be noted that white shark meat is perishable, therefore
it is important that her carcass is cut no later than 7 hours after
catch. Then it is salted, pickled or simply frozen.
Processed meat can be stored for quite a long time.
in a refrigerator.

Reflection in culture

Karl Linnaeus was the first to give the scientific name to the white shark Squalus
… This happened in 1758. However, this species still
more than once other names have been assigned. In 1833 Sir Andrew Smith
gave a name Carcharodon, which translated from Greek means
“Tooth” and “shark”. Latest and more recent
the name shark received after it was transferred from the genus
Squalus в Carcharodon.

These predators belong to the herring shark family, which,
in turn, are divided into several genera – Lamna, Carcharodon
and Isurus. The only surviving species is
Carcharodon carcharias.

Calorie content of shark meat

Raw shark has a high protein and fat content,
its calorie content is 130 kcal per 100 g (in the katran shark – 142 kcal).
The calorie content of a breaded shark is 228 kcal. Fat dish
and is not recommended for use in large quantities for everyone who
is overweight.

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Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Ash, g Water, g Calorie content, kcal 45,6 8,1 – – 6,1 130

Benefits of Great White Shark Meat

Composition and presence of nutrients

Like any other ocean fish, the shark contains a huge
the amount of macro- and microelements. They are part of a complex of substances
which make up the living protoplasm of cells. They are very important because
that normalize the functioning of the human body. In meat
contain vitamins of group A and B, as well as copper, phosphorus, calcium salts
and iodine.

Useful and healing properties

Shark Liver is a mobile nature pharmacy. That’s what they call her
many experts. This is due to the fact that it has such important
substances like alkylglycerol и squalene… Everybody knows,
that the latter is a natural antibiotic that closely resembles ampicillin,
however, it is much stronger. Another difference is that
squalene does not cause any side effects. Drug treatment
from this substance leads to the complete elimination of inflammation, infections
and even the most resistant types of fungi.

Alkyglycerol is an immunostimulant, and very effective. It
actively fights cancer
cells, bacteria, viruses, and also normalizes
the activity of the circulatory system. It should be noted that it is
due to this, preparations based on shark fat show
such remarkable results in the fight against diseases that
are associated with disorders in the functioning of the immune system. Such diseases
may be: asthma, allergies,
cancer and even HIV infection.

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Any means from the fat of this predator opposes the development of atherosclerosis.
They relieve harsh cough, rheumatism, significantly reduce
arthritis pain. With their help, blood pressure is normalized.
and the likelihood of developing diseases such as
diabetes mellitus and heart attack.

In cooking

Many believe that it is the white shark who periodically bites
human, but in reality the situation is completely different. In reality
it is sharks that suffer at the hands of man. There are 350
species of these predators and 80% of them can be completely exterminated
because of the desire to taste their exquisite meat.

In order to make the meat more tasty and aromatic, you need
handle correctly. Immediately after the catch, the shark is gutted and removed
the skin, and then remove the dark meat from the side lines. Then carefully
washed and cooled in ice. The processed fillet is used for
cooking cutlets, steaks and schnitzels.

This terrifying predator makes an excellent aspic.
Balyks and other hot smoked products are also good.
Meat is fried, pickled, smoked, dried
and even canned.

Dangerous properties of white shark meat

Nowadays, the water in the world’s oceans is subject to severe pollution,
from what its inhabitants suffer. Fish found in contaminated areas
is able to accumulate various harmful substances in its body, such
like mercury, heavy metal salts. According to research, meat is white
sharks are prone to accumulation of mercury. Obviously, the use
eating such meat will cause colossal harm to health. Special
such meat has a strong effect on expectant mothers and during
breastfeeding. High mercury content has a negative
impact on the developing brain cells of a growing child.

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The white shark is an extremely dangerous inhabitant of the underwater world. She is
causes not only fear, but also a huge number of conjectures that
not always supported by facts. More information on this
you will recognize the predator in this video.

See also properties of other fish:

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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