How to grow radishes hydroponically at home

Vegetable crops such as radishes are grown almost everywhere. They begin to plant it in greenhouses already in March. It is valuable for its early maturity, cold hardiness and unpretentiousness. And the high content of vitamins, minerals and fiber make it indispensable for maintaining immunity.

It is rich in vitamin C and B vitamins, as well as many minerals and trace elements that are easily absorbed by the body. The tart taste of radish is given by mustard oils, which are very useful for humans.

The birthplace of the plant is China, the closest relative is the radish. Radish got to Europe from Central Asia. Today, the largest areas are reserved for this vegetable crop in the Netherlands, Italy and France.

The overseas miracle was brought from Europe to Russia by none other than Tsar Peter I.

The short growing season, unpretentiousness and nutritional value of root crops and radish leaves made it possible to cultivate it even on the International Space Station in zero gravity.

Hydroponic growing of radish is becoming more and more widespread in the consumer market and in domestic conditions, as it is environmentally friendly, economical and not too laborious in comparison with the traditional method.

Hydroponic radish growing methods

The main method for growing radishes in hydroponics is flooding or ebb and flow.

There are three technological approaches to cultivating this crop:

  • One-time forcing is good in that you can clearly calculate the timing and amount of the expected harvest. Simple techniques allow you to delay root crops in the phase of technical ripeness for a certain period, which is important for home use, when there is no need to harvest the entire crop at once
  • Conveyor cultivation in its pure form allows you to collect part of the crop every day according to a clearly calculated schedule.
  • Mixed cultivation with other crops.

How to grow radishes hydroponically at home

The order of growing radishes

Growing radishes hydroponically is very easy. The principles are not much different from traditional farming methods:

  • To organize a home garden, take cell cassettes. The size of the cells is 5X5X5 cm. The most convenient and profitable cassettes are No. 64 and No. 49, 64 and 49 cells, respectively. From sizes 40X40 and 35X35 cm.
  • A substrate consisting of perlite or vermiculite and peat in a ratio of 2: 8 is poured into the cassettes.

Perlite is a natural mineral of volcanic origin; it acts as a baking powder in the soil. Possesses moisture and air capacity, pH-neutral. Ordinary soil for tomato or cucumber seedlings is also suitable.

  • Moisten the substrate before planting. To do this, use a spray bottle or syringe. The soil should be moist, but not excessively, when the water is standing, as in a swamp.
  • Then they start landing. A detailed description follows below about the landing technology.

Variety choice

For hydroponics, early maturing varieties with a small above-ground green rosette are chosen.

Types with tender pulp are suitable: “16 days”, “Heat”, “French breakfast”, “Presto”, “Saksa”, “Carmen”, “Ruby”, “Champion”, “Celeste”, “White Fang” and others …

The simplest radish seeds that can be bought at Leroy or another gardening store cost from 4 rubles. Hybrid varieties – around 15 rubles.


  1. Before planting, the seeds are sorted out, leaving even large, brown colors.

    All damaged, irregularly shaped, different colors are discarded.

  2. Then the seeds are soaked in warm water for 10 minutes for swelling and early germination.

    If the seeds are pelleted, then the first two procedures are not required.

  3. In prepared and filled with substrate cells spread radish seed, one in each cell.

    It is more convenient to do this with tweezers.

  4. The seeding depth is 1 – 1,5 cm. For this, the appropriate holes are made in the soil with a wooden stick, pencil or knitting needle.

    To control the depth, it is convenient to apply a special mark with a marker.

  5. The top is mulched with peat and moistened with a spray bottle.
  6. The cassettes are placed on a tray, through which the nutrient solution will be fed in the future.
  7. The plantings are covered with transparent plastic, glass or covered with plastic wrap.

    The cover is removed daily to ventilate and spray the soil. The first shoots will appear on the 3-4th day. After that, the coating is removed.

It happens that this is a feature of seeds that a couple of shoots appear from one seed. Sometimes, if there is a doubt about the germination of seeds, two pieces are specially sown in one hole.

In this case, one, weaker plant is pinched. In no case should you pull it out. Both shoots can be damaged.

How to grow radishes hydroponically at home

Radishes are grown hydroponically and from seedlings. To do this, first germinate seeds in the ground, then dive the seedlings into separate containers. The result is the same with either method. The choice depends on personal individual preference.

Care for radishes on hydroponics

For successful hydroponic radish cultivation adhere to simple care rules:

  • Observe the temperature regime. Comfortable temperature for radish +18 – +220C. When germinating seeds and until the appearance of the first full-fledged leaf, the air temperature should be maintained at +10 – +150 C.
  • Lack of moisture and dry air slow down the development of the plant, make the roots small and tough. Therefore, in no case should the substrate be allowed to dry. Soil moisture should be at least 70% from watering to watering. It is important to remember that a total of 1 g of water is required to form 800 g of dry matter.
  • Air humidity during germination is 90%, during the formation of root crops – 70-75%.
  • The acid-base balance should be in the range of pH 6,5 – 7.
  • Daylight hours should not last more than 12 hours. The illumination power is from 9 to 14 thousand lux, which corresponds to the illumination on a normal sunny day in the shade. Otherwise, if there is more light, the radish shoots will stretch out and go into the trunk. Instead of succulent root crops, you will get a flower stalk with seeds.
  • With a lack of lighting, the formation of root crops becomes difficult.
  • For lighting, sodium gas-discharge lamps HPS or LED are used.
  • Even indoors, plants can be attacked by fleas and aphids. Heat and dry air contribute to their appearance. For prophylaxis, ground parts are sprinkled with sifted ash powder or tobacco dust.

How to grow radishes hydroponically at home

Radish nutrient solution

Moisture in the soil obtained during planting is enough for 7-10 days. After the plant, it will be necessary to water the nutrient solution. First, watering is done in the traditional way.

From the beginning of the formation of root crops, the nutrient solution is supplied by the method of periodic flooding. That is, the solution is poured to the edges of the pallet, wait 20-30 minutes. The moisture that the plants did not have time to “drink” is drained.

The procedure is sometimes carried out 2-3 times a day, depending on the microclimate in the room and the decrease in the percentage of moisture in the soil. And when the radish starts to pour, they do it 5 times a day.

With a lack of moisture and nutrition, the fruits will be dry, hollow inside, with thick skin.

It is important to pre-filter the water, on the basis of which the solution will be diluted, with an ordinary household filter for drinking water in order to clear it of foreign unwanted impurities from the water supply system.

At the germination stage, fertilizing with fertilizers containing potassium and nitrogen is necessary. When forming fruits, phosphorus fertilizers are added. Improper nutrition will be indicated by the overdeveloped tops of the plant to the detriment of the underground part.

Hydroponics is an unconventional way to get big crops quickly. The fruits of your labor can be reaped much faster than by cultivating radishes in a regular garden bed and even in a greenhouse. The main advantage is fresh vegetables all year round, not from the store, but from our own unique garden.

How to grow radishes hydroponically at home

Radish is also good because it easily gets along with other crops. On one windowsill, you can grow everything for a vitamin green salad: onions, radishes, arugula, lettuce, and so on.

As you can see, dealing with radishes will not be difficult. Two to three weeks after planting, all you have to do is harvest. To do this, you just need to pull the tail. Juicy crispy root vegetables are stored wrapped in polyethylene in the refrigerator for a whole month.

During this time, a new harvest will arrive.  Continuation of the article …

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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