How to treat tuberculosis with honey

Tuberculosis is the most serious and fairly widespread disease in the world, characterized by a chronic course. Koch’s wand is able to “doze” for years in the human body, activating when it weakened – poor nutrition, decreased immunity, hard work, physical exhaustion.

Honey for tuberculosis is used as an additional agent to the main drug therapy.

The content of the article

  • 1 What you need to know
  • 2 Recipes
    • 2.1 Linden blossom, birch buds, aloe
    • 2.2 Pine buds
    • 2.3 Mother-and-stepmother leaves
    • 2.4 Common wormwood roots (Chernobyl)
    • 2.5 pollen
      • 2.5.1 Mother-and-stepmother, linden blossom, marshmallow roots – infusion
  • 3 In conclusion

What you need to know

Infection is not always accompanied by a clinically significant disease. Thanks to BCG vaccination and revaccination, our body has immunity.

However, contact with the pathogen does not pass without leaving a trace – small tuberculous foci are formed in the lungs, lymph nodes. The inflammatory process is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature, malaise. All this reminds of ARI, ARVI. And only the test of Mantoux or Pirquet will indicate the true cause of poor health.

In most cases, the body itself copes with the infection. If a small amount of Koch’s sticks got into it, the physiological norm is quickly restored, and the foci heal.

But mycobacteria themselves do not always die. In some cases, they are in a dormant state in the body, waiting for the moment of a decrease in immunity (then a secondary infection occurs).

Just in cases of non-sterile immunity, honey treatment of tuberculosis will be appropriate. In an acute inflammatory process, the bee product acts only as an additional agent that strengthens the immune system and promotes the healing of pulmonary ulcers (caverns).


Below are some effective folk remedies that include natural honey.

The source used was the 2005 “Handbook on the treatment of bee products” (publishing house “Odigitria”), acquired by the authors of the project . in one of the monastery shops.

Linden blossom, birch buds, aloe


This is the very treatment of tuberculosis with honey and aloe, which many patients are interested in. In addition to the houseplant, the recipe contains such useful ingredients as linden blossom and birch buds. Honey is used collected from flowering lindens – people call it “lipets”.

The honey product is melted in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. Then crushed aloe leaves are introduced into it. The mixture is thoroughly mixed with a wooden spatula and simmered over the fire for 30-40 minutes.

Birch buds and linden flowers are steamed separately. You can let them brew for 10-15 minutes or simmer for 1-2 minutes. The infusion is squeezed out through cheesecloth and poured into honey.

After cooling, the medicine should be mixed with olive oil and poured into glass containers.


  • lipstick – 1,2 kg;
  • aloe – a glass of the leaves of a 3-year-old plant in crushed form (for those suffering from heart disease, completely exclude blood vessels from the recipe!);
  • olive oil – 200 ml;
  • birch buds – 150 g;
  • linden color – 50 g;
  • two glasses of water for brewing the kidneys and lime blossom.

The remedy is taken three times a day in a tablespoon. Shake the container with the medicine before use!

Pine buds

pine buds

Folk remedies for tuberculosis also include pine buds in combination with natural honey.

For treatment, you will need male inflorescences. They can be distinguished on the tree by their short legs and golden color. Spikelets appear on pines by mid-May.

The therapeutic mixture is based on boiled water or milk (at the request of the patient).

Ingredients for a daily dose:

  • two raw chicken eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons ghee
  • a tablespoon of liquid honey;
  • a tablespoon of pine buds;
  • two glasses of boiled water or hot milk.

All of these components are filled with boiled water or milk, mixed and infused for 20-30 minutes.

The daily dose should be divided into three to four parts and taken at any convenient time. The next day, the medicine is prepared again.

Mother-and-stepmother leaves

mother and stepmother

This remedy is recommended for the healing of cavities (ulcerative lesions of the lungs). For cooking, you will need a lot of fresh mother-and-stepmother leaves.

In an enamel or clay container, the leaves of the plant are stacked in layers. Each of the layers is sprinkled with sugar (layer thickness is about 1 cm). The container is tightly sealed. It is recommended to coat the lid at the joint with clay or dough to exclude air access.

Then the dishes are buried 0,5 meters in the ground and kept there for two to three weeks. Alternatively, the medicine can be kept in a dark and cool pantry or dry cellar.

After insisting, the mass in the container will become homogeneous. It must be mixed with liquid honey, at the rate of one kilogram per 0,5 kg of honey product.

It is taken before meals three times a day for a tablespoon.

Common wormwood roots (Chernobyl)


This remedy has an unpleasant taste, but at the same time it is highly effective in curing tuberculosis.

It is necessary to boil the crushed wormwood roots in white wine for 10-15 minutes. Cool the broth, strain it. And then add natural honey. Mix everything.


  • two tablespoons of crushed roots;
  • 0,5 l of wine;
  • two tablespoons of honey.

It is taken three times a day: the first dose on an empty stomach, the rest before meals. A single dose from 1 tablespoon to half a glass (25-100 ml).


For tuberculosis, pollen is taken in combination with honey. The mixture is prepared in equal proportions – one to one. That is, in a single dose there will be half a teaspoon of pollen and half a teaspoon of honey. This amount must be slowly absorbed in the mouth 10-15 minutes before a meal.


Additionally, you can take water infusions of herbs. They are drunk 15-20 minutes after drinking pollen with honey.

The recipe for the infusion is shown below.

Mother-and-stepmother, linden blossom, marshmallow roots – infusion

All of these herbs are taken in equal proportions, mixed. The resulting medicinal raw material is poured into the amount of three tablespoons of 1,5 liters of boiling water.

Infused in a thermos for three hours. Drink only warm! Dosage 80-100 ml. It is taken three times a day 10-15 minutes before meals.

As noted above, this is an additional remedy in the treatment of pollen (pollen) in combination with honey.

In conclusion

We remind you that medical therapy will be appropriate during periods of exacerbation of a chronic disease – in spring, autumn. And also to strengthen the body with a positive Mantoux reaction, when there is no clinically pronounced damage to the lungs or other organs.

You cannot refuse drug treatment! Although severe forms of the disease, for example, cheesy pneumonia, are extremely rare these days, you should not rely solely on folk remedies. The disease easily passes from a mild form to a more severe one, when it becomes more difficult to alleviate the patient’s condition even with the help of medications. A launched inflammatory process of the lungs is fraught with damage to other organs: intestines, kidneys, peritoneum, bones, brain, skin.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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