Anacampseros – “returning love” – ​​care

Anacampseros are little known to flower growers. Meanwhile, strangely graceful plants, of course, deserve attention. They will be appropriate wherever attentive examination of flowers is expected, be it a mini phytocomposition, or a serious collection of succulent plants.

Anacampseros alstonii. Farmer laurent7624

Anacampseros are more than 50 species of miniature South African desert plants. In a dry season, they can dry out very much, and then re-fill with life. That is why in ancient times it was believed that these “reviving” herbs have magical powers: “returning love” – ​​this is how the angular name “anakampseros” is translated from one of the languages ​​of the South African aborigines.

Most anacampseros have small, thin stems and small fleshy leaves; in some species, a thickening forms at the root of the stem. Small flowers open only for a short period of time in the evening hours, or they may not open at all (botanists call them cleistogamous). Of course, it is not the flowering that determines the decorative value of the anacampseros, but their peculiar shoots. The most drought-resistant anakampseros are not like living plants, but like floristic accessories.

Anacampseros papyraceaAnacampseros paper (Anacampseros papyracea). Farmer Francisco Anabalón

By their structure, representatives of the genus are divided into several groups. One of the most extensive includes plants that outwardly resemble stonecrops. This group includes, for example, reddish anakampseros. Its stems reach 8 cm and branch at the base. Small rounded leaves sit tightly on them. But more interesting are anacampseros of another large group – with very tiny leaves, usually pressed to the stem and hidden under scaly stipules or in thick hairs. It is to this group that paper anakampseros belongs, numerous branches of which reach only 5 cm in length and are covered with silvery stipule scales.

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All anakampseros during the growth period need a well-lit, warm place, a loose, non-greasy substrate and a cool dry wintering. Species with pressed small leaves are the most capricious, so they have to be watered especially carefully.

If you are bored with cacti, sedum and milkweed – anakampseros will return the lost love for succulents.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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