Description of Saracen Cucumber Variety

Saracen cucumber variety is great for pickling and has a number of quality indicators that give it piquancy.

  1. Variety characteristic
  2. Description of the plant
  3. Description of the fruit
  4. Advantages and disadvantages
  5. Growing
  6. Seed preparation
  7. Seedling preparation
  8. Planting in the soil
  9. Plant Care
  10. Disease and Prevention

Описание сорта огурца Сарацин

Description of the cucumber variety Saracen

Characteristic varieties

Saracen f1 – parthenocarpic cucumber bred by crossing several Hybrid was bred in Turkey by breeders from Yuksel Seeds and is intended more for growing in greenhouse conditions.

The variety does not require pollination by bees or other types of insects, therefore it is called parthenocarpic and has a lot of fans among domestic farmers

Description of the plant

A variety of early ripening indeterminate, self-pollinating. The rhizome has many processes and is deeply rooted in the soil, due to which it is resistant to rot diseases.

Leaves of a green shade, medium size. Leaf sinuses contain two cucumbers, 5 knots are tied in nodules.

Description of the fruit

Cucumber Saracin f1 description of the fruit speaks of the excellent taste of the vegetable, for which he has long been fond of gardeners. The peel is dark green, crispy, covered with tubercles. The pulp is tender, sweetish.

The weight of the fruit, on average, is 80 g, and the size is up to 20 cm. Ripening period, on average, is 40 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the vegetable crop is a high yield: 18-20 kg per square. Great for preparing salads and raw consumption. The best picks from cucumbers f1 are obtained by preserving fruits in the gherkin stage.

Vegetable culture is immune to certain types of fungal infections. It has a good degree of keeping quality, the fruits, being plucked from the beds, retain quality indicators for a long time. Storage in the basement for one and a half, and sometimes two weeks, does not affect the taste and appearance of the fruit.

Has a stable immunity to late blight, peronosporosis, nematodes and powdery mildew. The culture tolerates temperature extremes.

The disadvantages include the peculiarity of the variety, which manifests itself in love for the sun. If vegetables do not get enough light, they grow crooked.


Правильный уход обеспечит хорошим урожаем

Proper care will provide a good harvest

There are only two ways to grow Saracen f1 cucumber:

  • seedlings;
  • seed.

Having decided on the planting method, you can start preparing seedlings and seeds.

Preparing seeds

The best seeds should be selected for planting, they should be:

  • medium size;
  • without chips or bruises;
  • must not be empty.

After careful selection planting material it should be disinfected so that there are no further problems due to diseases of the bush. You can use any method of disinfection, for this you will need an antiseptic. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, in which the seeds should be immersed for half an hour.

Preparing seedlings

To properly prepare the seedlings for planting, you should follow a simple rules.

  1. Plant seeds 3-4 weeks before the onset of heat so that the sprouts are not overgrown.
  2. Pre-disinfect the seeds. For seedlings, we need small boxes or pots in which sprouts will develop. Fill the container with earth and moisten it, and then pierce with seeds, observing a distance between them of 4-5 cm. Every 3-4 days, do not forget to water future seedlings.

Landing in the soil

Planting cucumber Saracen f1 is very simple, but first you need to determine the condition of planting:

  • open ground;
  • greenhouse conditions.

The planting pattern is the same under any conditions. You will need preliminary soil preparation for sowing. This is aeration of the soil to enrich the roots with oxygen during planting. Fertilizer with chicken droppings or humus, also the soil can be flavored with a solution of copper and calcium. Such fertilizers will further protect the root system from rot

Seedlings or seeds are planted, observing the distance between plants of 40 cm or 2-3 shrubs per 1 m2. Plant vegetables only in warmed up soil.

Care for the plant

As the wattle forms, it needs to be clipped and removed stepsons so that excess leaves do not interfere plant growth and development. Down to 1 m in height, remove all stepsons and leave only the ovaries. At the top of the bush, pinch over the first sheets.

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You can use other methods of care, the main thing to remember is that the cucumber bush should not be thickened with leaves. This is done in order to ensure sufficient sunlight.

If cucumbers are planted in greenhouse conditions, be sure to monitor the air exchange in the cover. Watering as necessary.

Disease and prevention

Like any other vegetables, Saracen f1 cucumbers can get sick or be attacked by pests. Most often, vegetables suffer from rot and fungal infections. Various methods are used in the fight against ailments: first of all, you should always choose varieties of vegetables that have a strong immunity to diseases and pests. You also need the right selection of seeds for planting and disinfection of planting material. Such actions will help to prevent the planting of already infected seeds.

Fertilizers and fungicides are used in preventive measures. Fertilizing the soil with copper sulfate, pouring with a solution of diamond alcohol will help to avoid fungal infections and root rot. Spraying with a soda solution will help in the fight against diseases of leaves and stems.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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