Indoor Azalea, or Rhododendron – Care Secrets-Care

The most lush garden shrub of the rhododendron, even in a modest pot format, makes an indelible impression. Like blooming clouds, the bushes of azalea rhododendrons seem to be an almost unearthly sight. And, despite their difficult nature, these indoor plants do not lose popularity. You need to care for rhododendrons carefully. They are demanding not only for watering, water quality or air humidity, but also for keeping conditions. And the better they are matched, the more beautifully these delightful oriental beauties bloom.

Indoor azalea, or Rhododendron – care secrets

Description of the plant

Unlike garden pets, indoor rhododendrons are still more often called azaleas – an outdated synonymous name. They are singled out in a special group, emphasizing how compact potted rhododendrons differ from garden counterparts.

Indoor rhododendrons are hybrid dwarf varieties derived from rhododendron Sims (Rhododendron simsii) and rhododendron blunt (rhododendron burnishing) – legendary Indian and Japanese azaleas.

Solid flowering hides greenery behind dense inflorescences-shields. Low dwarf shrubs-pillows have a dense, dense, spreading, expanding crown upward. The height of indoor azaleas is limited to a maximum of 50 cm, although most varieties do not exceed 30 cm. Strongly branching shoots, decorated with leathery, dark, oval, medium-sized leaves with a unique leathery surface are inimitable.

Rhododendrons are one of the most picturesque plants. Often they form bonsai or give bushes more expressive silhouettes, create trunks and original shapes. But sometimes the tricks only interfere with enjoying the unique beauty of the plant, which has become the standard of style.

You can meet flowering rhododendrons indoors at any time of the year. The classic flowering period is winter, with a drop in temperature in November to stimulate budding.

Pure, watercolor or acrylic, delicate or bright shades – white, pink, red and purple colors are presented in rhododendrons in the finest colors. The presence of terry and simple, large and regular, two-color or monochromatic variations makes the choice even more difficult. Looking for “your” azalea is to your taste and for your interior, because such a color spot will have a significant impact on the atmosphere in the house.

Indoor rhododendrons (Rhododendron) are afraid of both strong shade and direct sunIndoor rhododendrons (Rhododendron) are afraid of both strong shade and direct sun. Farmer Hallmark Channel

Growing conditions for indoor rhododendrons

This legendary perennial plant deserves attention, respect and informed choice. And you shouldn’t throw it away after a single flowering season as a “living bouquet”. But rhododendrons require special conditions and cool temperatures. And if there is no way to recreate them, indoor azalea will not be able to live in your house for a long time.

Lighting and placement

In the indoor format, rhododendrons are afraid of both strong shade and direct sun. They are displayed in places with soft, diffused lighting. This plant is suitable for decorating the interior of light rooms, provided it is not too far from the window. It is better to place bushes below the line of sight.

Azaleas are less sensitive to changes in location than competitors, but experimenting at the budding and flowering stage is not worth it. Even turning can cause shedding of buds and shorten flowering times.

Temperature control and ventilation

Rhododendrons love coolness and do not tolerate high temperatures. And it’s not about wintering at all: even in summer, azaleas need protection from the heat. It is better to limit maximum temperatures to 18 degrees, trying to keep the average temperature around 15 degrees or slightly lower.

Plants will prefer to stay in even lower temperatures in the fall (with a classic flowering from the end of November) – from 6 to 10 degrees for laying more buds. Raising the indicators to 16-18 degrees stimulates flowering, and returning to 12-15 degrees prolongs it. Higher temperatures not only shorten the flowering period by 6-8 times, but also require compensation with more careful maintenance.

At any time of the year, rhododendrons will not tolerate strong temperature fluctuations, reacting by dropping the buds. Sharp changes should not be allowed, limiting the jumps to a maximum of 4-5 degrees.

In summer (until the end of August), indoor azaleas can be placed outdoors in partial shade or shade, in places protected from the wind (but not precipitation), exposing them in the garden or on the balcony, or dropping pots in open soil. Frequent neat ventilation is required in the rooms. Drafts are not allowed.

In a room format, rhododendrons are exhibited in places with soft, diffused lighting.In the indoor format, rhododendrons are exhibited in places with soft, diffused lighting. Farmer Kohinoor Plants

Caring for rhododendrons at home

Rhododendrons don’t tolerate watering misses. But the most difficult part of growing them is maintaining the correct air humidity.

Watering and air humidity

This shrub does not tolerate the complete drying out of the soil (if the soil is dry, they are immediately soaked in warm water). Between watering during the period of active growth, only the surfaces of the substrate are allowed to dry slightly; during the rest period, the soil is dried a few centimeters deeper. It is easier to water rhododendrons not in the classical way, but by immersing a container for soaking an earthen coma or bottom watering into a sump.

When watering, it is important to use soft, ideally rainwater, acidified or melt water, always draining excess water after 10-15 minutes. The lowered water temperature can compensate for too high air temperatures, but within reasonable limits, avoiding a strong drop (maximum – 5 degrees cooler). Sometimes “cooling” snow is laid out for rhododendrons in pallets or on the soil surface. But this should only be done systematically, and if appropriate recommendations are received upon purchase.

Air humidity is a critical factor in growing indoor rhododendrons. They require indicators from 70% and do not tolerate the proximity of heating devices (but at the same time they grow well in rooms with air conditioning). Installation of humidifiers (for example, pallets of wet moss) and frequent mist spraying are also suitable. Drops of water on buds or flowers should not accumulate.

Top dressing and composition of fertilizers

For indoor azaleas, fertilizers are applied only in liquid form during the period of active growth of greenery, in spring and summer – once a week (or each watering in reduced doses). At the budding stage – once with phosphorus fertilizers. During flowering – once a month. Only special fertilizers for rhododendrons are suitable. You can alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.

Read also our article 10 best houseplants for a gift.

Pruning and shaping rhododendrons

Rhododendrons in rooms require regular shaping. After flowering, all shoots are shortened by 5 cm, carrying out sanitary cleaning – damaged, weak, unproductive shoots are removed. As soon as new shoots begin to grow, after the appearance of the third pair of leaves, they are pinched, continuing pinching until the beginning of budding. After tying the buds, the lateral branches are removed, which begin to grow at the flower buds.

During flowering, you need to regularly remove wilting flowers, carefully plucking them out, otherwise the flowering will be very short.

Rhododendrons in rooms require regular formationRhododendrons in rooms require regular formation

Transplant, containers and substrate

Rhododendrons require a special soil with a high peat content. The most reliable option is ready-made special substrates for rhododendrons. But you can try using heather soil or a mixture of peat and coniferous soil with coarse sand. When planting, sphagnum and loosening additives are added to the substrate. The reaction of the soil should be equal to 4-4,5 pH.

Rhododendrons thrive on alternative soils, including inert substrates and hydroponics.

For indoor azaleas, only medium-sized and shallow containers that correspond to their surface rhizome are suitable. High drainage is required.

The transplant is carried out only when the space of the pot is completely filled with the roots, only for young bushes – annually. Due to the sensitivity to contacts with roots, the bushes must be handled without destroying the earthen coma, without deepening the root collar. In years when a transplant is not needed, the topsoil must be replaced.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Rhododendrons can be affected by whiteflies, aphids, spider mites, and specific pests – the azalea moth. Not uncommon on rhododendrons and rust, rot, mosaics. The infected plant must be isolated immediately, proceeding with sanitary pruning and treatment with insecticides or fungicides.

Rhododendrons react to any problems with watering and heat by wrinkling and yellowing of the leaves. But problems with flowering are most often caused by dry air and a lack of lighting.

Indoor azaleas are propagated by cuttingsIndoor azaleas are propagated by cuttings. Farmer Richmond Times-Dispatch

Read also our article 7 of the best winter flowering indoor plants.

Reproduction of room format rhododendrons

Indoor azaleas are propagated by cuttings, less often by dividing a bush or grafting. Summer semi-lignified cuttings from 6 cm long are rooted after removal of the lower leaves and treatment with stimulants under a hood, in acidic soil, at a temperature of about 25 degrees.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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