Ivy, or Hedera – leaving

The plant is native to Europe. Belongs to the Araliaceae family. Distributed in Asia and northern Africa. The abundant green mass and high adaptability to various conditions made Ivy an ideal house pet.

Плющ. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Flower Council of Holland

Ivy cultivation

Ivy is a favorite plant of florists and designers. Hanging baskets or pots with one ivy look beautiful, as well as compositions: indoor gardens, dry bouquets with the addition of a live plant. As a support in the ivy pot, you can install a bamboo stick, a metal wire bent in the form of a ring, a spiral or a house. Cut shoots and ivy leaves retain their decorative effect for a long time and are used to make bouquets.

To form a lush crown, it is necessary to break off the tops. It is best to do this at the end of summer or when transplanting. The broken off stems can be used for rooting. Don’t forget to feed your pet. Fertilizer should be rich in nitrogen and potassium. In the summer, it is recommended to feed once every two weeks.

If desired, you can make a standard tree, that is, graft heder cuttings on a fatshedera (a hybrid of fatsia or aralia and heders). To do this, cut off the side shoots of the Fatshedera and tie the stem to the supports. When the plant is 1m tall, trim the top off horizontally. On the upper surface of the stem of the fatsheder, make cuts 2-2,5 cm deep, into which 4 ivy cuttings cut obliquely are inserted, and the stem of the fatsheder is tightly tied with natural fiber twine.

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Ivy blooms rarely in culture, at the age of 10-12 years. The flowers are inconspicuous, small, collected in umbellate inflorescences, with an unpleasant odor. After flowering, berries are formed, very poisonous. Therefore, even if your plant picks up buds, you should not leave them.

Ivy inflorescence and unripe fruitsIvy inflorescence and unripe fruits. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Andreas Rockstein

Ivy care at home


Ivy is a strong and resilient plant that can withstand high temperatures with regular watering. The optimum temperature is 15-17 ° C. It does well in shaded areas, although it loves sunlight. Variegated representatives of this genus can lose their color in the absence of sunlight.


Bright light.


Ivy should be watered regularly and abundantly. The main thing is that the earthen lump is moist, but the swamp still should not be bred. In winter, cut watering, let the earth dry out.

Air humidity


Ivy loves humidity. Systematic leaf spraying, and sometimes a warm shower, will appeal to your pet. In winter, during the heating period, it is useful to install ivy in a pallet with wet gravel or expanded clay. Dry air will cause brown dry spots on the leaves and the trunk to be exposed.


In the summer, flower fertilizer is applied once a week. In winter, they are fed monthly, or once every two months. Depending on the condition of the plant.

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IvyIvy. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Serres Fortier

Reproduction of ivy

Cuttings root throughout the year, but better at the end of summer. Usually, the ends of the stems are used, which are pinched for better growth of side shoots. The length of the cuttings is 8-20 cm, they are planted in 2-3 pieces in a pot with a soil mixture of turf, humus earth and sand, taken in equal proportions. Cover the cuttings with a glass jar, watered and sprayed regularly.

There is another way: a shoot with 8-10 leaves is cut off, placed horizontally in a groove made in wet sand 1,5-2 cm deep. The leaves remain on the surface of the sand. On the tenth day, underground roots are formed from the air roots and the tip of the shoot begins to grow. After two weeks, the shoot is removed from the sand and cut into cuttings with one leaf and roots. 3 cuttings are planted in small pots.

Ivy transplant

In the early years of life, when the plant is developing rapidly, an annual transplant may be required. It is better to carry out the procedure in the spring after a period of rest. In the future, only the top layer of the soil can be changed. He loves cramped pots, so it is better to change dishes if you notice that ivy has stopped growing. The land mixture consists of equal parts of leaf, turf, humus, peat and sand.

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The plant can be affected by spider mites, aphids and worms, followed by the appearance of gray mold. To avoid this, ventilate the room more often.

IvyПлющ. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com RHS plants

Possible difficulties in growing ivy

Brown and dry leaf margins, poorly leafy stem. Cause – the temperature is too high. Notice if there is a spider mite. Cut off bare stems and transfer the plant to a cooler place.

Small leaves. Bare twisted stems. Cause – lack of light, although mature leaves at the base of the stem tend to fall off with age. Trim exposed stems.

Leaves lose their variegated color. Cause – lack of light. Variegated varieties with a lack of light acquire an even green color. Another reason may be the tightness of the pot.

The tips of the leaves are brown and dry. Slow growth. Cause – too dry air. Look for red spider mites. Remove dead leaves. Spray the plant regularly.

Useful properties of ivy

The plant has antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory effects. This is a very useful houseplant – ivy cleans the air of formaldehydes, trichlorethylene, xylene, benzene.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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