Blooming indoor reed – drooping reed – care

Tiny flower spikelets appear at the ends of graceful thin stems that fall in all directions. At first they are brown, then, when flowers bloom on them, they turn white, and then the plant looks as if it was decorated with tiny fluffs. Reed bloom lasts from spring to early summer.

Origin… Subtropics of the Mediterranean.

Reed drooping (Isolepis cernua)

Life form… A perennial herb from the sedge family, with a graceful bundle of thin stems and leaves, like streams of a fountain falling in different directions. The plant is often sold in a plastic tube, giving it the appearance of a grassy palm.
Leaves. Long, hairy, leaf-like sedges. Growing up, they hang down in a beautiful arc.

Flowers… Invisible flowers in tiny brown spikelets the size of a pinhead are formed at the ends of filiform stems.

Flowering time… Perhaps all year round, but more often from spring to late summer.

Reed drooping (Isolepis cernua)Reed drooping (Isolepis cernua)

Farmer Jerzy Opioła

Place… Reed prefers semi-shaded places and does not tolerate direct rays of the sun. In winter, it needs warmth: the minimum temperature of its content is + 12 ° C.

Care… Reed is a typical plant in swampy areas, and therefore requires abundant watering and high humidity. The pot with the plant should be placed in a tray and make sure that there is always water in it. It is very useful to spray the reeds regularly, especially in hotly heated rooms. From March to September, it is fed once every 1 weeks with liquid fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants. The reed does not need a winter rest, it feels good all year round in a living room, subject to high soil and air humidity. Reeds are planted in fern substrate. It can be composed independently from peat, leafy or humus soil and coarse sand (2: 3: 3). Reed grows well in hydroponics too.

Blooming indoor reed - drooping reed - careReed drooping (Isolepis cernua)

Diseases and pests… Damaged by aphids and spider mites. With drafts and insufficient watering, the tips of the leaves and stems of the reeds turn brown, often these conditions lead to the death of the plant.

Reproduction… Reed seeds collected from spikelets are sown in spring in a mixture of garden soil, peat and sand, taken in equal parts. The seed trays are placed in pots filled with water. After a few weeks, the seedlings are planted in separate pots. Reed easily propagates by dividing the bush, but it is still better to propagate it by seeds – such plants are usually more hardy and lush.

Application… Reed is, first of all, a magnificent ampelous plant. It also looks very impressive in terrarium gardens. Bioenergetics find it very useful in difficult situations. It helps to concentrate, and is especially useful for representatives of the water signs of the zodiac.

Reed drooping (Isolepis cernua)Reed drooping (Isolepis cernua)

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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