Tiny yellow “daisies” – titanopsis – care

The relatives and neighbors of this amazing plant on our planet are the inhabitants of the deserts of Africa and Namibia, the “living stones” of lithops and argyroderma. Back in 1907, titanopsis was discovered by botanist Marlot. Now this genus has only 8 species. It is truly tiny (3 cm) and resembles some kind of mineral. It was not for nothing that Marlot, leaning on it with his hand, first took this plant for a piece of limestone. Hence the name of the genus “titanopsis”, which in translation from Greek means – “lime” and “like”.

Titanopsis. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com shirleymss

To breed this “baby” you need an earthen mixture with humus, sand and small stones. If you can get shell rock, broken brick or limestone, use them. In short, all materials that do not feed or retain water. And, as with cacti, sprinkle the ground with pebbles on top.

Titanopsis root is taproot, so don’t buy small dishes. And yet, the root cannot withstand overheating – organize good drainage!

The side on which your titanops will flaunt, choose the south or southwest, with sufficient lighting. If there were few sunny days all winter, then in order to avoid burns, with the arrival of spring, shade the plant.

TitanopsisTitanopsis. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Ivan I. Boldyrev

Titanopsis are not afraid of temperature changes. They are able to withstand fluctuations from +40 ยฐ C to frost. They are not afraid of lower temperatures, provided they are completely dry. But in winter it is better to ensure the temperature is not lower than +12 ยฐ C.

Flowering will begin at the end of August, when flower stalks with buds covered with papillae begin to emerge from the very center of the rosette. On a quick inspection, they can be mistaken for new leaves. But this is not surprising, they are just disguised as stones. The flowers themselves are the size of a cherry, yellow. These “daisies” open only in bright sunlight and bloom for several days. Do not be surprised if in cloudy weather, in the evening or in the morning, they will be “inaccessible” to your guests. This is how these crumbs are arranged, because they have to adapt to natural phenomena.

Titanopsis are propagated by seeds or by simple separation of adult, overgrown plants. Remember that each cut must have three roots. Before planting, they need to be dried or planted in soil with a high sand content. Do not water the bushes for a while.

TitanopsisTitanopsis. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Ivan I. Boldyrev

The most suitable time for a transplant is July-August. You can use a special cactus dressing that is sold in flower shops.

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A mini-garden of small titanopsis will bring pleasure, give a good mood to both the owner and his guests. Moreover, such plants do not take up much space and do not require special care.

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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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