9 rules of peperomia care that guarantee its health care

Peperomia crumbs look charming, but their beauty, textile, and uniqueness of colors of small wrinkled leaves have their own price. This plant is not as demanding on conditions as it is sensitive to failures in grooming. Delicate care and constant attention allow you to preserve small bushes not only for a couple of months after purchase, but also to achieve good growth and splendor from them. Watering is not the only thing to remember. There are many rules in the cultivation of peperomia, violation of which will lead to the loss of decorativeness of your favorite room crumbs.

9 rules of peperomia care that guarantee its health. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Jason Tran

Peperomia is famous for both the patterns and texture of its leaves. Evergreen and always compact, the fashionista offers hundreds of greens to choose from. Lanceolate, round, oval, heart-shaped peperomia leaves surprise with a fleshy texture, edge or gloss and unusual shades.

Wrinkled or smooth, rough or velvety, peperomias offer all possible variations of metallic effects – gold, silver, copper, outlandish nuances of emerald, bluish, pink, red, purple, purple, brown, olive and marsh.

The original, asymmetrical inflorescences sticking out in all directions make the plant even more unusual. Peperomia can complement textiles in the interior, emphasize the play of textures in the decoration of a room, or play the role of a luxurious accent.

It is quite easy to choose the conditions for the plant: a universal loose substrate, good drainage, a bright place protected from direct sunlight for unusual varieties or partial shade for green varieties, not a very hot, but warm room (the permissible minimum is 16 degrees) – that’s all, what is needed for peperomias.

But leaving is always considered the most difficult moment in the cultivation of peperomia. The preservation of the bushes directly depends on the responsibility of the owners; this plant, indeed, is not for everyone. If it is not possible to provide regular care, then it is better to admire peperomia at a party.

Let’s take a closer look at the simple but very important rules for caring for peperomia, which guarantee the health of this plant.

1. Increased air humidity is not needed

Peperomia is often considered a plant that cannot thrive in normal office and living room environments, forgetting the fleshy leaves and dislike of dampness. The plant not only does not need, but also dangerous tropical “greenhouse” conditions. Ideally, a moisture content of 55-60% is enough for her, and most varieties are pleasantly surprised by their ability to adapt to normal conditions.

For varieties with smooth leaves, if desired, spraying can be carried out in the summer (at least 2 times a week), pubescent varieties should never be moistened, but there is no need for them to install humidifiers.

Read also our article All about peperomia.

2. No waterlogging when watering

Watering peperomia is a difficult task. It is necessary to balance between preventing complete drying out of the soil and the risk of the slightest waterlogging. Usually, the soil is allowed to dry out to almost half of the pot, in the upper and partially in the middle layer. It is best to water the plants frequently, but in moderation, maintaining light, constant moisture and immediately draining the released water. In winter, everything is much easier: peperomia should be watered only after the soil has dried.

Overflow, stagnation of peperomia water is usually signaled by the appearance of bubbles on the leaves. If you notice this strange change, you need to adjust your watering immediately. But it is better not to signal the peperomia itself and check the substrate regularly.

For peperomia varieties with smooth leaves, spraying can be carried out in summer if desired.For peperomia varieties with smooth leaves, spraying can be carried out in summer if desired.

3. No frills with fertilizers

For peperomia, only special fertilizers for ornamental deciduous plants with a high nitrogen content are suitable. When choosing a drug, you should make sure that the composition contains not only macro-, but also microelements, without which the patterns will not fully appear.

Peperomia does not like excesses, she has delicate roots that are burned with too intensive feeding or using sticks and granules of long-acting fertilizers. It is better to prefer a reduced amount for standard doses of fertilizers. The safest option is to divide the amount indicated by the manufacturer into several mini-portions and apply more often than once every 1 weeks. For example, add fertilizer at each watering in micro doses.

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4. Only soft and warm water

Peperomias are very sensitive to the salt content of the water. They may not even like ordinary settled water. For this plant, it is better to use rain, thawed, filtered, in extreme cases – boiled water.

This plant should not be watered even with room temperature water. Peperomia is so afraid of soil hypothermia that the water should always be 2-4 degrees warmer to minimize the risks.

5. For the winter – the brightest place

Peperomia requires the same maintenance regime throughout the year. And it depends only on the owners whether it will wither, shrink and stretch in the fall instead of the usual splendor. As soon as daylight decreases, even plants accustomed to soft lighting and partial shade should be moved gradually closer and closer to the windows. With the expectation that in winter they will be in the brightest place in the house.

If possible, you can compensate for the lack of light and additional lighting, which is increased from October to winter so that the duration of daylight hours is the usual 12 hours.

As soon as daylight decreases, peperomia should be moved gradually closer and closer to the windows.As soon as the daylight period decreases, the peperomia should be moved gradually closer and closer to the windows. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Ben Kreeger

6. Cleanliness comes first

Contamination on the leaves of peperomia is not easy to see, but this does not mean that they are acceptable. Dust is the best helper for pests. If you do not take care of the purity of the peperomia, the plant will quickly lose its fresh appearance and dry out for no particular reason. Smooth leaves are easy to wipe, wrinkled varieties will have to be cleaned with a brush or gentle dusting.

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The top layer of the substrate should also be kept clean. The natural accumulation of plant “debris” is inevitable over time, and with improper watering on the soil surface, you can see traces of salt deposits, mold, moss. Contamination of the top of the substrate not only interferes with normal air exchange, but also increases the risk of infection and leaf rot. The top layer of the soil should be replaced with a fresh one every six months. If decorative mulch is used, it must be renewed as deposits appear.

Important for peperomia and container hygiene. The pallet must always be clean, without any traces of scale or soil. Such micro-pollution can become a source of infection.

7. Take your time with the transfer

Peperomia does not like to be disturbed so much that it is better to change the container only when the bush grows very much and the roots will master the entire space of the previous one. Usually, peperomias are transplanted every 1 years.

You should not rush not only with the transplant itself, but also with its time: if most indoor plants are transplanted in February-March, then the peperomia should be allowed to start growing. Some growers generally prefer transplanting in summer or autumn, rather than in April-May.

The plant should be allowed to adapt in a cool, slightly shaded area with very careful, sparse watering. And only when peperomia starts to grow, it can be returned to its usual care and conditions. Top dressing should not be renewed for another 6 weeks after transplanting.

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Read also our article Peperomia – a round-leaved and multifaceted baby.

8. Peperomia must be protected from drafts.

This tiny textural plant loves calm and stable conditions. Even if it seems that the place in which the peperomia is located is far from the slightly open valves, the peperomia can suffer and wither. Sometimes even the slightest drafts, a rearrangement, a working air conditioner, proximity to aisles (location on the edge of a countertop or shelf, which is constantly walked past) lead to strange reactions.

The plant must be protected from fluctuations in conditions, placed in a “calm”, protected place, so that the air flows freely around the bush from all sides, but without stress and unnecessary contacts. In peperomia, drafts are always manifested in leaf fall.

It is also important to control the temperature of the earthen coma. Peperomias often die from contact with a cold window sill or countertop, wall or glass. If there is a risk of even slight hypothermia from below, it is worth using substrates or stands, and the plant should be removed from cold walls by at least 30 cm.

Peperomia loves peace and stability of conditions.Peperomia loves peace and stability of conditions.

9. Fast response to diseases and pests

Signs of peperomia infection with pests and diseases:

  • the appearance of deformed leaves with bulges on the surface indicates scab;
  • curvature, leaf fall – on mealybugs;
  • dark spots, gradually covering an increasing area and leading to leaf decay – to damage by rot;
  • coarsening, drying of leaves – for infection with a spider mite, the traces of which with the naked eye on peperomias are not at all easy to notice.
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A simple correction of care for diseased peperomia is indispensable: the plant will need treatment with insecticides (and, if affected by rot and scab, with fungicides).

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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