The best indoor plants with simple flowers

Today the assortment of indoor plants is able to satisfy any – both refined and modest tastes. But the abundance of choice does not make it easier or easier. The more artsy, exotic, unusual, vibrant or outlandish plants appear, the more the soul is drawn to something simpler. Classic flowers with five to six simple petals around a modest eye never go out of style. Such plants give rest to the eyes and mind, offer to admire the surprisingly sweet, but laconic beauty, purity of colors and shapes. In room culture, plants with simple flowers are becoming less and less. But they are all real stars who never go out of style.

Brovallia beautiful (Browallia speciosa). Farmer rastenievod

The simplicity that gives peace is pleasant to everyone, without exception.

Periwinkles, daisies, bells or violets – there are not so many plants with a simple, laconic and expressive flower shape in room culture. They make the same impression on the viewer as a similar structure of flowers in garden culture: unlike plants with more elaborate shapes and many decorative details, such crops are always perceived as something surprisingly noble, pure and bright.

Simple flowers make everyone smile, they remind of childhood and long-forgotten impressions, of the bouquets collected in the grandmother’s garden, and maybe of those first attempts to draw beautiful flowers that all of us made at an early age. After all, all children begin to draw not complex flowers at all, but just modest flowers with 5-6 petals and a small center, the beauty of which remains something surprisingly close to us for life. The nostalgic effect of plants with simple but so cute flowers is perhaps their strongest and most valuable trump card. Such flowers remind everyone of something of their own, but they invariably touch something else, hidden in the depths of the soul.

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But plants with the simplest flowers also have other advantages.

In such cultures, nothing distracts attention from the abundance of their flowers, which turn the bushes into real living bouquets. There are no better accents, festive decorations for interiors or meals. Simple plants with their amazing cheerfulness, optimism, gaiety in small live bouquets allow you to achieve an effect that is beyond the power of even the best bulbous plants. The elegance of plain flower cultures is similar to the perception of bright chintz fabrics and any brightly colored patterns, they seem to affect our emotional and psychological state.

Such cultures give the impression of the best ceremonial, well-groomed, exclusive plants, enliven the interior like a luxurious landscaping of summer terraces and balconies, containers and recreation areas. Fancy, smart and surprisingly cheerful, they always seem summer and temporary. The fact that their beauty seems so fickle and transient is not at all deceiving for most indoor plants with simple flowers: almost all of them are annuals or short-lived perennials that can be grown in a perennial culture only with some effort.

Bellflower (Campanula isophylla)Bellflower (Campanula isophylla). Farmer Payakoff

The only significant drawback of crops with simple flowers is that they achieve the greatest decorativeness only during flowering, and the rest of the year remain inconspicuous, background bushes that do not attract attention to themselves. But on the other hand, those few weeks or even months during which they begin to release pretty flowers are worth any expectation and any effort to find the right conditions for them during a dormant period.

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Let’s take a closer look at the amazing indoor “simpletons” and their cute flowers.

For a list of the best indoor plants with simple flowers, see the next page.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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