Codiaum “Petra” – the most reliable care among crotons

The most popular of all varieties of codiaums “Petra” has become a kind of legend. Thick light streaks make the green-brown whole leaves brighter. And the branchiness inherent in the plant pleasantly distinguishes this croton against the background of other powerful and tall varieties. A lush and bright, watercolor-autumnal palette is typical for all crotons. But few decorative forms have it so successfully combined with bright and rich green. At the same time, “Petra” is easier than other varieties of codiaums to endure some mistakes in care. Although the plant is more warm and light-requiring.

Codiaum “Petra” – the most reliable among crotons

Description of the plant

“Petra” (Codiaeum variegatum cv. Petra) – one of the oldest, widespread and often unnamed varieties kodieuma motley (Codiaeum variegatum), along with the variety “Perfection” (Excellence). He has several striking features in color and growth character, but in general he retains all the features of his beloved crotons. “Petra” cannot be called an extravagant, unusual cultivar, but it is a reliable, bright, powerful and bushy variety from among the time-tested ones.

The codiaum “Petra” grows rather quickly and readily branches, which allows it to look magnificent and interesting even at a respectable age. In him, just like in other crotons, the shoots are bare from below and stretch out, but, thanks to branching, the variety does not seem like a “stick” all the same. Vigorous bushes and tree-like forms with a height of 1 to 2 m look massive.

The variety “Petra” is characterized by some of the largest (up to 30 cm) and hard whole leaves with an easily recognizable “skeletal” pattern and an almost perfect oval-ovoid shape. Leaves grow densely, which emphasizes the feeling of greater massiveness and density than other crotons. Young leaves are rich bright green, with a warm herbaceous tint. They very slowly and in watercolor are recoloured into brick-brown and almost black (on old sheets).

But even the old Petras look dominantly green and yellow. Light yellow thick stripes thinning towards the border and thickening at the central vein, they easily give out this variety and add rigor to the bushes. The “pattern” also changes shades from milky to pinkish, bright yellow and orange on leaves of different ages and under different conditions. It is better not to allow the flowering of “Petra” croton.

Codiaeum "Petra" (Codiaeum variegatum cv. Petra)Codiaeum “Petra” (Codiaeum variegatum cv. Petra). Farmer Ansel & Ivy

Growing conditions for codiaum “Petra”

Supplementary lighting, completely artificial lighting for offices or a light window sill – “Petre” is good in any place with bright, but soft lighting. He does not tolerate direct sun as well as other varietal crotons. And it almost loses color spots even in partial shade. Intense, interesting shades and compactness of the Petra codiaum are preserved only in bright enough lighting, similar to eastern windows. The cultivar often suffers from stretching, shrinking leaves and loss of color in winter (if the plant is not supplemented or moved to a brighter window).

The more stable the conditions, the better. Leaves age faster in hot conditions; it is not by chance that the temperature of about 20 – 23 degrees is considered ideal. The minimum indicators that the “Petra” codiaum can withstand is 18 degrees (many modern varieties successfully tolerate 16 degrees). “Petra” is afraid of drafts and sudden changes in conditions, it can be taken out into the fresh air only in summer, controlling night temperatures.

This variety of codiaum is best suited for creating groups and floor placement. It grows well in rooms with high humidity, including bathrooms and conservatories.

Read also our article Modern Croton varieties and their cultivation.

Petre is good anywhere with bright but soft lightingPetre is good anywhere with bright but soft lighting. Farmer highmoon

Caring for the codiaum “Petra” at home

To maintain a stable moisture content of the substrate, it is enough to irrigate after 2 to 3 cm of soil in the upper layer has dried out and prevent it from completely drying out. Stagnation of water in the pallets is unacceptable. It is better not to bring the leaves to sagging, loss of turgor in “Petra”, because the lack of moisture accelerates the aging of the plant. Codiaum “Petra” can be watered only with soft, settled water of the same temperature as the substrate.

One of the important points in the cultivation of “Petra” codiaum is the control over the air humidity. This variety prefers medium rates (50-60%), does not like the proximity of any heating devices. But it does not suffer so much in drier air, reacting mainly with dry tips of leaves, and not stretching. Regular spraying or installing a pallet with wet pebbles will only benefit the plants.

During the active growing season, feeding is carried out every 1-2 weeks with fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants, preferably with a combined organo-mineral composition. During the dormant period, from mid-autumn to spring, an abrupt stop of fertilizing can cause dropping of some of the leaves and loss of color. Fertilizers continue to be applied, but at a lower concentration and half as often.

This variety is naturally bushy, although sometimes the multi-stem effect is achieved by planting several plants in one pot. You can pinch the tops of young plants, but usually Petra creates interesting silhouettes with age. For adult crotons, pruning is a lot of stress, but if you want to restrain, rejuvenate, change the codiaum, you can completely remove individual shoots or cut off the top to re-root and stimulate the growth of lateral branches on an old plant. All sections must be carefully processed and dried. The shoots left after pruning are advisable to use for reproduction.

It is possible to cut codiaums only during the first half of the growing season, in spring, in extreme cases – at the beginning of summer. Croton “Petra” is very important to keep clean, regularly wiping the leaves from dust and not forgetting about a warm shower.

For the "Petra" codiaum, it is better to postpone the transfer, or rather the transshipment, until the beginning of springFor the “Petra” codiaum, the transfer, or rather the transshipment, should be postponed until early spring. Farmer natashasplants

Transplant, containers and substrate

For this variety of codiaums, the transplant, or rather the transshipment, should be postponed until the beginning of spring. And it is worth bothering the Petra croton only when the previous capacity has been fully mastered.

When transplanting to the bottom of the pot – a little more than the previous container (by 2-3 cm) – you need to lay at least a middle layer of drainage from large materials. A universal substrate with the addition of perlite or other loosening components is poured onto the drainage from above. “Petra” is rolled over, gently holding on to the shoots, fresh soil is added, keeping the usual planting depth and carrying out light watering.

Coolness and soft lighting with high humidity are the best helpers for quick adaptation of the plant and the resumption of growth.

Reproduction of the codiaum “Petra”

Variety “Petra” can be obtained from an apical cut from an old plant or by rooting an air cut. For successful rooting, a warm environment (temperature about 23 – 26 degrees) and high humidity of the air and soil under the “hood” are required. You should not rush to transfer.

Read also our article How to keep croton in shape?

If you want to rejuvenate the codiaum, you can completely remove individual shootsIf you want to rejuvenate the codiaum, you can completely remove individual shoots. Farmer Brittany Michelle

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Problems in the cultivation of this variety are considered typical, although in the absence of big mistakes in care, “Petra” can surprise with its greater resistance to pests and diseases. Only in very dry air or during overflow does the plant suffer from rot, spider mites, thrips, scale insects. It is not worth delaying with insecticide treatment or correction of care.

Any problems with leaves or growth directly indicate improper housing conditions. It is better to analyze their compliance with the “ideal” in a complex – from lighting to temperature and care.

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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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