Popular spurge – care

White-veined euphorbia is one of the most common types of euphorbia on our windowsills. It is often called a palm tree for the group of leaves at the top collected in a rosette-like group. They also say that it is a cactus, as it has a fleshy faceted stem with white spots – traces of dead leaves. Euphorbia white-veined, or euphorbia (the Latin name for all milkweed) is very similar to comb euphorbia. The difference is visible during flowering.

White-veined spurge (Euphorbia leuconeura)

Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Frank Vincentz

Milkweed flowers are collected on peduncles up to 5 cm long, and white-veined flowers are located in the axils of the leaves, without long peduncles. Euphorbia white-veined is unpretentious in care and grows quickly, it needs a lot of light, but in spring and summer it should be hidden from direct sunlight so that there are no leaf burns. Watering is plentiful in summer, and infrequent in winter, just to avoid drying out the soil. In winter, the main thing is to prevent waterlogging so that the roots do not rot.

Popular spurge - careWhite-veined spurge (Euphorbia leuconeura)

Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Frank Vincentz

The pot in which the euphorbia is planted should be wide, shallow, with a drainage hole and drainage at the bottom. The root system is poorly developed. The soil mixture is made of leafy soil (peat can be added) and must necessarily contain sand. Plants need to be transplanted every few years, and young plants – annually. Euphorbia is propagated by lateral processes, and more often by seeds. The box with them cracks when ripe, the seeds scatter. They germinate easily when they fall into moist soil and go slightly deeper into it. Euphorbia does not need to be sprayed, it is not afraid of drying out, but it is thermophilic and does not tolerate low temperatures (in winter it should not drop below 15 degrees). Shedding the lower leaves, especially in autumn, is a common biological process. In the spring, new leaves will grow on the top.

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White-veined spurge (Euphorbia leuconeura)

Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Htm

Like other milkweed, it secretes, when damaged, milk juice containing euphorin, a poisonous substance that causes burns and irritation of the mucous membranes. Therefore, it should not be grown in the nursery.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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