Flower stalk orchids

Flowering of indoor plants is a decorative value. A healthy orchid flower stalk is the key to a large number of buds.

  1. Characteristics of the peduncle
  2. Care during the growth of the peduncle
  3. Damage to the peduncle
  4. Root and peduncle
  5. Orchid stimulation
  6. Drought method
  7. Temperature difference
  8. Orchid propagation using peduncle
  9. Cutting of the stem
  10. Growing in water
  11. Pruning of the peduncle
  12. Causes of lack of peduncle
  13. Humidity level
  14. Indoor light
  15. Watering mode
  16. Temperature <
  17. Pests and illness
  18. Conclusion <

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Orchid flower stalk

Peduncle characteristic

A flower stalk is the shoot of a plant on which buds, buds and seeds are formed. Orchid gives one shoot during flowering. The arrow propagates the flower.

The size of the shoot is from 10 to 30 cm. When the arrow reaches more than 10 cm, it should be tied up. The arrow should not be long. If the peduncle begins to grow more than 40 cm, the top is cut off by 2-3 mm.

The buds grow on the 2nd month from the beginning of the arrow formation.

The peduncle is responsible for flowering.In the process of growing orchids, it is important to follow a number of rules so that the plant releases an arrow.

Care during the period of the flower stalk

Favorable conditions are created for the plant during the period of active growth. Factors that influence growth include:

  1. Illumination. Little light will affect the development of escape.
  2. Watering. After the arrow began to climb, the plant is watered as the soil dries.
  3. Top dressing. Feeding will help increase the number of buds. Orchid fertilizes before the first bud. Fertilizing after flowering begins will cause the flowers to fall.

The flower cannot be transplanted, as this causes stress. If the peduncle has stopped growing, then it is cut. The place of cut should be treated with wood ash.

Damage to the peduncle

The degree of damage is taken into account when the arrow is injured. If the shoot was damaged superficially, then it is treated with a mixture of ash and activated carbon, after which it should be strengthened with additional fixatives.

If the arrow is completely broken off, then the site of breakage is cut and treated with activated carbon. A shoot that breaks off is used for breeding.

Root and peduncle

An orchid may have an air root, which is often confused with an arrow. To recognize the shoot, you need to examine the place of growth. A root appears at the base of the leaf. The pedicel is formed in the leaf sinus.

However, sometimes the growth form interferes with determining the escape. The arrow is able to tear a leaf and grow down. Such cuttings must be removed.

Stimulation of the orchid

Sometimes at home, the orchid does not bloom for a long time. The reason for this is the stable growth conditions.

To make the house orchid produce a flower stalk, the plant is stimulated by stress. Stimulation is carried out in two ways – by the method of drought and temperature difference.

The method of drought

Reducing watering causes the orchid to produce a peduncle. In the hot period, the flower is moistened with 1 p. at 4 days, in the cool – 1 p. per week.

During this period do not spray foliage. 10 days after the reduction of watering, the leaves of the plant become sluggish, and the flower begins to release an arrow. This method will cause the orchid to re-release the buds after a short break in flowering.

Temperature difference

In the wild, the orchid blooms in spring, after cold weather. At home, it is important to create the same temperature.

To do this, put the pot on a loggia or balcony. The temperature difference should be no more than 5 ° C. This method will help achieve flowering from an orchid that has been dormant for a long time.

Orchid propagation using a peduncle

Размножение цветоносом эффективней семян

Peduncle propagation is more effective than seeds

The cut arrow of the plant is used to grow a flower at home. This method is considered more effective than seed propagation. Orchid cultivation using a peduncle is carried out in two ways.

Cuttings of the stem

This procedure is carried out in late spring or early summer. Cuttings are cut in this way:

  1. The lower leaves are cut.
  2. Slices are sterilized with activated carbon.
  3. The plant is fertilized with nitrogen top dressing.
  4. After root formation on the cuttings, the shoot is cut.

After the cut, the peduncle must be planted in the prepared soil. For two days, a young orchid should not be watered so that the plant can be rooted. After 2-3 months, the flower will grow. It is important to ensure that the stalk does not break during the cut.

Cultivation in water

This method is used if the flower has stopped, is sick, or the peduncle has broken off before flowering begins.


  1. The cuttings are placed in a bottle, after cutting the neck by 5 cm.
  2. The container is filled with water with the addition of activated carbon. The shoot should be 4-5 cm in water.
  3. The razor cuts the scales on the arrow to wake up the kidney
  4. The cut is treated with a cytokinin ointment.

If the shoot is broken, the cut is cut off. Ointment is applied every week for a month. The liquid in the bottle is changed once a week. After 3 weeks, the plant has a developed root system, and it can be planted in a pot.

Cutting the flower stalk

After the buds fall, the old arrow is cut to put the orchid in a dormant state . The plant is capable of dropping the peduncle, however, the sooner the arrow is removed, the faster the orchid will bloom again. A frozen shoot will consume the plant’s juice, which is why the orchid will not bloom again.

Pruning is carried out 3-4 days after flowering is completed. There are several rules for the procedure:

  1. For work, use a sharp garden secateurs, which are disinfected with alcohol.
  2. After trimming, a short shoot should remain, about 2-3 cm.
  3. The section of the cut is dried with cotton and treated with activated carbon.

Sometimes the shoot does not stop growing after falling flowers. After some time, new buds form on such an arrow.

On this shoot, children with roots and buds can also form. They are used to grow an orchid by the shoot.

Reasons for the absence of a peduncle

The conditions for keeping an orchid depend on the variety and age of the plant.However, there are general requirements for care, non-compliance with which will lead to a deterioration in the vital signs of the flower. It is important to understand why the plant is not able to release the arrow.

Moisture level

Уровень влажности влияет на появление цветоноса

The level of humidity affects the appearance of the peduncle

Orchids grow at low humidity, but too dry air will prevent the plant from forming a peduncle. Due to lack of moisture, the buds may crumble without opening. The humidity level depends on the orchid variety:

  • Vand bloom occurs at 70-80% moisture in the air during the day and 60% – at night;
  • Dendrobiums and Phlenopsis require 30-40% humidity ;
  • Cattleya produce a peduncle at 40-50% humidity.

The air humidity is lowered when the flower is stimulated by the method of temperature difference. Otherwise, the root system will freeze and the plant will die.

Indoor light

The daylight hours for Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium should be at least 8 hours. In winter, the plant requires additional light sources. For illumination, special phytolamps are used. The amount of light required depends on the plant variety:

  • Cymbidium produces a peduncle under 12-hour light;
  • Paphiopedilum needs light for 14 hours;
  • Katlya grow at daylight at 12 o’clock.

The lack of lighting affects not only the ability of the plant to form an shoot. Without the right amount of light, an arrow will appear, but the plant will not bloom.

Watering mode

The arrow appears after drought stimulation of the plant. But, being long without water, the flower will die. Orchids without moisture drop the arrow, saving water in the foliage and roots. Watering phalaenopsis and dendrobium is carried out by spraying 1 p. in Week. Sympodial varieties need one spray in 10 days. These include:

  • Maxillaria;
  • Ludisia;
  • Wanda.


Temperature is one of the main factors affecting the appearance of an arrow. The temperature difference method is the main way to stimulate orchids. However, at low temperature indicators, the flower resets the peduncle. The heat level depends on the variety:

  • Phalaenopsis will not form an arrow if the room is below 16 ° C;
  • Dendrobium dies at temperatures below 14 ° C;
  • Cattleya and Wanda withstand drops of up to 10 ° C, but the room should be above 12 ° C.

How does the new Orchid flower stalk appear after it is fully trimmed
We cut the peduncle of the orchid so that a new one
How the flower stalk grows in the orchid

Pests and Diseases

Pain . Th plant is not able to form an arrow Among the major diseases affecting the spike, is isolated:.

  1. Powdery Mildew As treatment using the drug Spd or colloidal sulfur solution
  2. Gray mold.. A fungicide will help in the fight against it.
  3. Anthracnose. The disease is treated with Ritomil and Mikasan.

Pests can also cause the lack of an arrow. Common harmful insects are:

  1. Mealybug. The affected plant is treated with soapy water.
  2. Scale. For treatment use Actellik solution.
  3. Thrips.These insects are destroyed using the Fitoverm drug.


The flower stalk of the orchid is the basis for the buds. He is also involved in breeding these plants. A full orchid is grown from the shoot that has come off.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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