Tropical Guest – Care

Homemade pineapple is much tastier and more aromatic than the purchased one. You probably noticed when you eat fruits from the store, your lips burn: before being sent to distant countries, they are plucked unripe. By the way, my fruits grew from half a kilo to one and a half.

In room culture, pineapple is propagated vegetatively: at the base of an adult bush, basal processes 15-20 cm long are broken out or an apical rosette is rooted (suitable only from a ripe, fresh and non-frozen fruit). Once I bought a kilogram of fruit at the end of January and in detail – day after day – wrote down how my pineapple was growing. I’ll tell you about the main thing.

With a sharp, clean blade, I cut off the rosette smoothly, without burrs, and hung it with leaves down in a dark corner in the kitchen so that the cut would dry out, cork, and the rosette did not rot when rooting. After a week, he healed.


Farmer Esskay

He filled a ceramic pot 15 cm high with a mixture of turf and leafy soil, high moor peat, birch sawdust, coarse sand (3: 2: 2: 2: 1). Powdered the cut of the rosette with chopped charcoal and buried it 3 cm into the loose soil for rooting. Immediately poured a pink solution of potassium permanganate (40 °) and covered with a glass jar.

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You can use a plastic bag. The main thing is that the condensation drops that have accumulated on the film or on the walls of the can gradually flow into the soil, and not fall on the leaves!

Then they will not rot, and the natural circulation of water will save you from watering.

The temperature of the substrate should be at least 25 °, but the illumination during rooting does not play a big role, just do not put the pot in direct sunlight. However, the sun rarely peeped out, the windowsill was cold in February, and I tried to let the heat from the radiator heat up the pot with the handle.

Depending on the conditions, the rosette takes one to two months to take root. First, young light green leaves appear from the center, and the old ones fall apart a little to the sides.

Tropical Guest - CarePineapple (Ananas)

By Women’s Day (March 8), the shoot looked fresh, the leaves were slightly spread. At this time, poured a warm (30 °) solution of heteroauxin (a tablet per 1 liter of water).

It is better to replant plants at home in spring and summer, when the soil in the pot on the windowsill is warm, 20-25 °, they take root more easily. On the first day of April, I decided to replant the outlet. I prepared and steamed the mixture in advance: turf soil, dung humus, high peat (pineapple needs acidic soil, pH 4-5) and river coarse sand (3: 2: 3: 1). Some add 2 more pieces of rotten birch wood.

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I got a low but wide tub, because this culture has superficial roots. In such a container, air exchange is better, which is very important. I made several holes in the bottom and poured expanded clay down with a layer of 2 cm.

Carefully, trying to prevent adhering small particles of soil from falling from the roots, I transplanted the rooted rosette. I spread the roots horizontally, sprinkled them with earth. The pineapple does not have a root collar, therefore, for stability, I buried the plant 2-3 cm more than when rooting. In addition, the roots will be more powerful and additional ones will grow.

After transplanting, the plant shed well with a warm (30 °) pink solution of potassium permanganate and first tied it to the pegs, and after 2-3 weeks removed the garter. Young leaves appeared on the first day of summer.

Pineapple grows well on the windowsills of the southern or southeastern windows. And the scorching rays of the sun will not harm him.

Tropical Guest - CarePineapple (Ananas)

Farmer H. Zell

In autumn and winter, I light up pineapple for 8-10 hours a day (one LB-20 lamp is enough for a plant). I do not advise turning it – growth will slow down. In comfortable conditions, large erect leaves with light crimson tips grow. If the windows face north, you have to light up all year round, and in the summer 4-5 hours are enough, otherwise you won’t get fruit.

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In winter, the temperature of the soil in the pot on the windowsill sometimes drops to 13-15 °, and pineapple slows down its growth even at 20 °. Therefore, I stop watering. Once my pineapple was 4 months without watering, and after “waiting out” the cold time, it began to develop well again.

On hot days, I moisten the plant abundantly, but between waterings I let the earth dry out. I stand or boil tap water for a day, slightly acidify it with citric or oxalic acid and heat it even in summer to 30-35 °. In the warm season, a shower is useful for pineapple: it will wash away the dust from the leaves, and the plant will bear fruit better.

Pineapple is constantly in need of enhanced nutrition. Until the green mass grows, nitrogen is mainly required. Twice a month I feed the plant with 1: 8 mullein infusion. And at least once a year I transplant it into fertile soil.

Tropical Guest - CarePineapple (Ananas)

Farmer Tauʻolunga

Possible failures:

  • sometimes a false shield appears; make sure the leaves are clean;

  • in winter, a white bloom sometimes forms on the walls of the pot (these are fungi and bacteria); I wash it off immediately with warm water;

  • if there are central heating batteries under the windowsill, then hot air should not get on the pineapple leaves, otherwise the tips dry out;

  • with abundant watering in winter, root rot develops, and the plant collapses; to save him,

  • you need to cut the trunk to living tissue and root the plant again.

Large, beautiful plants sometimes do not bear fruit. Even at home in America, plantings are sprayed with naphthylacetic acid several times. Moreover, at home, pineapple flowering needs to be stimulated.

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In the “home tropics”, stimulation will be beneficial if the plant is fully formed (the length of the leaves is at least 60-70 cm, the thickness of the trunk at the base is 6-10 cm), not earlier than 3 months after the last nitrogen fertilization and only in the warm season …

In the third year of life, my pet turned into a strong half-meter plant with three dozen leaves. At the end of May, I carried out stimulation: I put 10-15 g of calcium carbide in a liter jar of water. Acetylene began to precipitate rapidly, after which its aqueous solution remained with a small precipitate at the bottom. Poured 20-30 ml of an aqueous solution of acetylene into the outlet. The next day, the reception was repeated using the same solution. Before and after stimulation, the plant was watered moderately and did not give nitrogen fertilization.

There are other ways to stimulate flowering. The plant is covered with a large plastic bag, and a half-liter jar of water is placed under it. And for three days in a row, a piece (5 g) of carbide is immersed in the water. It is necessary that the bag fits snugly against the pot and the released acetylene does not volatilize.

Sometimes pineapple blooms after being fumigated with smoke. But all these methods, in my opinion, are less effective.

Tropical Guest - CarePineapple (Ananas)

Farmer Thierry Caro

After 2 months – on July 25 – an inflorescence rudiment appeared in the center of the pineapple rosette: a pale green circle (6-8 mm), bordered with a crimson ring. A week later, the inflorescence was already clearly visible, on August 10, the peduncle rose, the rudiments of the apical rosette became visible, and after 10 days – the apical rosette and three rows of buds. Measured the temperature of the soil – 25-26 °. All this time he painstakingly looked after the pineapple: moisturized, fed with a set of microelements.

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Pineapple inflorescence consists of more than a hundred strongly fused flowers. The flowers are tubular, dim, change color depending on the illumination from pale blue to dark crimson.

Flowering lasts from 7 to 16 days, depending on the variety and conditions. The smell of flowers is delicate, light, with a characteristic pineapple aroma. Faded, they are tightly pressed against each other and form a seed, collected from many hexagons.

By September 5, all pineapple buds on my windowsill had faded. And I pinched the growth point. Unfortunately, the apical socket grew back, and the pinching had to be repeated.

On the first day of October, I noticed that the fruit production increased. Resumed nitrogen fertilization.

It takes 4-7 months from flowering to full ripeness, and therefore, starting from October 5, pineapple had to be illuminated, and the soil was heated to 22-23 °, directing the air to the pot from the battery under the window.

Only on March 1 of the year following flowering did the fruit acquire an amber-yellow color. The lower leaves of the plant dropped, and it became not so beautiful.

And here are the last entries in my diary: March 8 – the fruit is cut off, the weight of the stem with the apical rosette is 500 g. March 20 – two lateral processes appeared on the trunk. Now you can start all over again.


Farmer Deise Garrido

Author: Jan Salgus

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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