Pilea – variety of species

Ornamental foliage plants can offer a surprisingly rich selection of eye-catching accents for rooms. One of the finest in shape and texture of compact plants is the pilea. They have so many species and varieties that it is sometimes difficult to believe that the bushes belong to the same genus. Not capricious, quite hardy, the saws, although they do not differ in durability, but they do not know equals in the luxury of small foliage. It is not difficult to grow them, as well as to get new plants on your own to replace old, rather short-lived specimens.

Wrapped saw. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Lyubo Gadzhev

An unexpected variety of indoor saws

Among the compact houseplants, pileas occupy a special place. They are really small, modest in volume and very neat-looking crops that are used to decorate rooms with attractive accents. The gorgeous foliage makes the saws look precious and catchy. The pylaea got their name for their ability to spray, or rather scatter pollen over astounding distances. But in room culture, it is impossible to appreciate such talents, unlike the beauty of the leaves.

Chickens (Pilea) – charming perennial and sometimes annual representatives of the nettle family. They are tropical in character and origin and, despite their southern roots, prefer cool growing conditions. The height of the saws is limited to a maximum of 30-40 cm, but most beauties are content with more compact sizes.

Shoots are straight or creeping, thin, branching densely from the base. The leaves sit opposite, depending on the species, they can be tiny, only a few millimeters, and larger, up to several centimeters in length. Even the edge of the leaves can be solid and jagged. Not to mention, lanceolate, oval outlines are just as common as perfect circles. The flowering of the saws is inconspicuous: small, unisexual, collected in clusters of inflorescences located in the leaf axils, the flowers of plants are almost imperceptible.

Saw types

One of the main advantages of saws is variety. Among these beauties there are such original plants that it is impossible to guess about their relationship. Some pili have luxurious velvety leaves, while others have glossy leaves. And the difference in shapes and even sizes can completely confuse anyone.

Velvety beauty thick-leaved saw (pilea crassifolia) Is one of the most popular saws. Reddish-green leaves with a bumpy, embossed surface and light stripes along the edge seem to be luxurious velvet, powdered with light dust, a precious decoration.

Thick-leaved saw (Pilea crassifolia)Thick-leaved saw (Pilea crassifolia). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Reseik

A rare reptile looks like an outlandish chicken Spruce (spruce pile). It grows up to only 20 cm, stands out with folded matte leaves with a basic brown-red color, notches along the edge and longitudinal stripes located between the veins, which, together with the pearlescent sheen of the leaves, give the whole plant a resemblance to the skin of snakes or lizards. Thanks to the bladder outgrowths of this saw, the texture is especially expressive. In addition to the basic type, there is also the original Norfolk variety with drooping shoots, bright color with a silvery-green “mint” base and almost black, purple streaks that emphasize the velvety texture of the wrinkled surface. The reverse side of the leaves of this plant surprises with a rich red color.

Pilea spruce (Pilea spruceana)Пилея Спруса (Pilea spruceana). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com 橋 橋 HQ

Bubbly protrusions on leaves with usually copper, bronze-green or red color conquers wrapped saw (the file involved). She brings metallic effects to interiors. The bushes are limited to 30 cm in height, the shoots are straight, the leaves are oval, up to 7 cm long.The surface of the leaves is somewhat reminiscent of the Byzantine purse because of its strong roughness, but the bright green color, through which the dark brown vein patterns are visible, looks much more original …

Wrapped saw (Pilea involucrata)Wrapped saw (Pilea involucrata). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com John Berndt

Pilea Kadier (the pile of the chair) – one of the strictest in the patterns on the leaves. Between the veins on a green background, there are spectacular silvery stripes that emphasize the oval shape of the leaf. And they are quite large in this saw, reaching 10 cm in length and more than 4 cm in width. Mature leaves bend beautifully, which only emphasizes the glossy color. The height of the bushes reaches 30-40 cm, the shoots are very thin and flexible, at first erect and only gradually curving downward with age. In addition to the basic type, the dwarf sawtooth of the “Minima” variety is also very popular, which seems to be a miniature copy of this magnificent beauty.

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Pilea cadiereiPilea cadierei. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com kaiyanwong223

Peperomium pylaea (pilea peperomioides) Is a miniature miracle that is impossible not to love. This is one of the plants, the flowering of which is very difficult to notice, and it happens extremely rarely in indoor conditions. But the luxurious unusual foliage fully compensates for the lack of flowers. On a greenish-brown, shortened stem, almost perfectly round, coin-like leaves grow as if in a bunch. The long petioles are thin, the surface is perfectly glossy, and the color is deep green, very attractive.

Pilea peperomioides (Pilea peperomioides)Pilea peperomioides (Pilea peperomioides). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Randi J.

Small-leaved saw (pilea microphylla) conquers with countless small leaves on recumbent, drooping shoots. Fleshy and diminutive, the leaves give this pilea an enviable “curliness”, and the highly branched, juicy, spreading shoots only enhance the effect. The color of small-leaved saws is light, bright, the bulge on top enhances the glossy sheen. Today, the most amazing of the dwarf species, formerly known as pilea muscosa, has been included in the series of small-leaved saws. This plant seems to be a mound of moss, slightly different in shape from a small-leaved saw, and a low bush, and the ability to release lateral filiform shoots from the axils of opposite leaves.

Small-leaved saw (Pilea microphylla)Small-leaved saw (Pilea microphylla). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Tina

A similar “curly” bush can boast of a ground cover monofilament saw (pilea nummulariifolia). Unlike the small-leaved saw, its leaves are not oval on the stalks, but rounded, coin-shaped, with the most delicate whitish-green color. The plant is beautifully cuttings, creates a spectacular cascade or a solid, very elegant rug.

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Monofilament saw (Pilea nummulariifolia)Monofilament saw (Pilea nummulariifolia). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com kaiyanwong223

A charming plant – pilea lebanese (breeches libanensis). Graceful drooping shoots, crowned with round leaves not along the entire length, remind of the jungle, only in a mini format. But the main decoration of the pilea is silvery, rounded leaves that look like weightless confetti.

Lebanese pilea (Pilea libanensis)Pilea Lebanese (Pilea libanensis). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Karl Gercens

One of the most spectacular views – sawed down (piss quickly). Her shoots also droop beautifully, the bushes themselves seem to be flattened, squat and curly.

Pressed saw (Pilea depressa)Pressed saw (Pilea depressa). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Jane Young

Small bushes about 25 cm high with creeping shoots and rounded leaves form creeping saw (breeches pens) with glossy leaves up to 2,5 cm long and copper “fluff”.

Creeping saw (Pilea repens)Creeping saw (Pilea repens). Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Krzysztof Ziarnek

Today, hybrid saws are very popular, the main trump card of which is considered to be the color – “Bronze” and “Silver tree” saws (Pilea Bronze, Pilea Silver Tree). Perennials about 30 cm high with oval, opposite leaves up to 7 cm long with a strongly pointed tip and wrinkled surface adorn with a dark, blackish color of the plates and silver or bronze stripes located between the veins.

Caring for the saw at home

Pilea can be called one of the most uncouth indoor beauties with attractive leaves. She is not afraid of short-term drought and unstable care, allows you to build a more flexible schedule for caring for indoor crops. She will not forgive serious mistakes, she almost does not notice accidental mistakes. It can be grown both as a classic indoor plant and as an ampel, equally effective in hanging pots, tall pots or on various stands.

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Saw lighting

Pylaea of ​​all types thrive in any lighting from bright locations to medium penumbra. The greatest decorativeness is always achieved in diffused but bright lighting, with reliable protection from direct sunlight (hybrid varieties are especially light-dependent). In winter, it is advisable to compensate for the seasonal decrease in lighting and move the saws to a brighter place (in the absence of correction of conditions, the plant may lose its characteristic leaf color).

The ideal place in the house for this culture is considered to be the eastern and western windowsills or a place in the interior near the southern windows. Pilea grows well not only in ordinary living rooms, but also in the kitchen, bathroom, because its compact size and attractiveness fit perfectly into the design of these special functional areas.

Peperomium pylaeaPeperomium pylaea. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Randi J.

Comfortable temperature

Pylaeans prefer cool conditions. This plant is most comfortable at an air temperature of 15 to 18 degrees, in winter it can be kept in the range from 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. When kept in normal room conditions, the humidity should be increased. But the maximum permissible temperature for this plant, even p and compensation for care, is better to limit to 25 degrees. If the sawe is grown in room rather than cool temperatures, the winter decrease should be limited to 16 degrees for all pili, except for the Kadier pili, which can winter at 15 degrees of heat and wrapped pilea, which cannot tolerate temperatures below 18 degrees. Lower temperatures are only acceptable when kept cool during the rest of the year. In winter, any drafts are dangerous for the saw, the plant must be protected from air currents.

In the summer, the Pileas will not refuse to move into the open air. Plants can even be planted in containers and stone flower girls in the garden, carefully protecting them from the sun and providing a semi-shaded location.

Watering and air humidity

One of the main advantages of the saw is its ability to grow even in unstable humidity. This culture will easily forgive you a short-term drought, but will not tolerate long pauses between waterings, nor overly diligent procedures. Pilea does not tolerate not only waterlogging and dampness, but also a stable average humidity. To succeed in growing this plant, it is necessary to allow the soil in containers to dry completely between procedures in the upper layer, leaving only the substrate slightly moist at a considerable depth. It is better to drain the water from the pallets immediately. Waterlogging is especially dangerous in winter, when the slightest miscalculations affect the decorative effect of the leaves. For sawing, it is better to use a strategy with more frequent, but modest amount of water, procedures than infrequent heavy watering.

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The need to increase the humidity of the air for this plant arises only when kept in very warm conditions. If you do not grow saws in the cool throughout the year, then the air humidity will have to be increased both in summer and during the operation of heating systems. Moreover, the process of humidifying the air itself is specific. Pylaea do not tolerate spraying, accumulation of even microscopic moisture on wrinkled leaves. Therefore, for the beautiful saws, either special humidifier devices are used, or containers with moss and expanded clay, water are placed, plants are placed on pallets with home humidifiers (of course, the bottom of the saw pots should not touch the water).

Saw feed

The saws need feeding throughout the year. Even when the active growing season is over, the plant does not enter the stage of complete dormancy, and in order to maintain the attractiveness of the leaves, prevent the stretching of shoots and the collapse of bushes, the supply of nutrients in the soil should be regularly replenished. In winter, the saw is fed once a month, from spring to mid-autumn – 1 times a month. For pilea, it is better to use either universal fertilizers or mixtures for ornamental foliage plants, adding them in the standard dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Pilea small-leaved variegatedПилея мелколистная пестролистная. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com hopefulauthor
Saw pressedThe saw is pressed down. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Iva
Pilea KadierПилея Кадье. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Palm Room

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Shrub renewal, transplantation and substrate

The pylaea degenerate rather quickly. Bushes lose their compactness, elongate, the bare bases of the stems gradually increase, leading to the fact that the saw loses its compactness and attractiveness. Most often, the saw is recommended constantly, annually renewing, changing at the traditional time of transplantation to a new plant grown from cuttings of the old one. But it is not at all necessary to carry out an update every year. Focus on the appearance of your saw and rejuvenate when the bushes lose their attractiveness.

Pilea is transplanted at any time in the first half of the year, from early spring to mid-summer. During transplantation, if necessary, the bushes are divided, drainage is laid on the bottom to a height of about 1/3 of the container itself. Before transplanting, the plant is cut off, the tips of all shoots are pinched to maintain the compactness and beauty of the rug of luxurious leaves. This pinching will avoid the need to renew and replace the saw every year.

This plant needs a humus, high-quality soil with a loose texture and a pH of about 5,5-6,0. Either a mixture for ornamental deciduous plants from the number of purchased substrates is considered optimal, or soil prepared from equal parts of humus and leafy soil with half the amount of peat and sand. Pylaea can be grown both hydroponically and in vessels with auto-irrigation.

For these plants, it is better to select containers carefully. The compact root system and the modest size of the plants themselves require the selection of pots and pots no more than 10 cm deep or decorative pallets and unusual vessels. For a saw, whose main stake is on the luxury of leaves, it is imperative to choose decorative, attractive containers that fit well into the interior.

Pilea diseases and pests

Pylaea could be called invulnerable indoor plants, but under uncomfortable conditions, high temperature or low air humidity, they are extremely susceptible to thrips, spider mites, and scale insects. It is especially difficult to notice pests on small-leaved and moss saws, in which traces of damage appear after the plant is practically depleted. The fight should be started as early as possible, not only by adjusting the conditions, but also by actively applying insecticides.

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Common problems in growing sawtooth:

  • loss of leaf color, drying of the tips of the leaves, or shrinking of foliage in poor lighting;
  • wilting and falling of leaves, sluggish stems with excessive moisture in the substrate;
  • wrinkling, drying of leaves at too high, extremely low temperatures or very prolonged drought;
  • the appearance of brown or yellow spots when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • shedding of the lower leaves during natural development, accompanied by the exposure of shoots and the collapse of bushes (a signal for rejuvenation).

Pilea small-leaved variegated formPileya small-leaved variegated form. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Forest & Kim Starr

Propagation of the pilea

This plant is more than easy to propagate with apical cuttings. If you cut off the tops of thin shoots up to 10 cm long with 2-3 pairs of leaves and just put them in water, dig in the sand or plant them 5-6 pieces in a suitable substrate in a small pot, then the sawtooth will quickly take root and create charming bushes into amazing terms. Cuttings can be carried out literally throughout the year, even in winter. After rooting, the plants are gradually accustomed to normal conditions, first placing them in a more shaded and cooler place for 1-2 weeks, and only then rearranging them to their usual location.

Seeds are propagated only by some forks of saws, for example, wrapped. Under indoor conditions, seeds rarely ripen, but are sometimes found on sale. Seeds are germinated under standard conditions – warm, under a hood, slightly covered with a substrate. Dry air and waterlogging are very dangerous for young seedlings.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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