Why does Clerodendrum not bloom?

Spectacular, delicate, airy, inimitable – such epithets come to my mind when I admire the flowering of clerodendrum. He has been living with me for 4 years, but I just can’t get used to this miracle. The flower was given by a neighbor when we moved. She did not say anything about him, assuring me that I would figure it out myself. I started looking for information and learned a lot of interesting things. In particular, a very beautiful legend is associated with the flower, and it does not bloom in every home. I hasten to share with you the peculiarities of caring for the “tree of fate”.

Why does clerodendrum not bloom?

Clerodendrum – a flower for a good mood

Interestingly, as an indoor flower, clerodendrum began to grow relatively recently, having acquired the well-deserved love of flower growers. The interior designers also paid attention to this touching and delicate plant. It looks great in winter gardens and interiors with a touch of romance.

They say that the contemplation of its flowers not only brings aesthetic pleasure, but also gives thoughts a positive attitude, relieves stress and excessive irritability. I confirm!

The plant has several popular names, for example, “innocent love” or “volcameria”. At first it seemed strange to me that the nickname “tree of fate” was considered the main one, although in structure my clerodendrum is a pronounced liana. She needs support and space, then flexible branches with dark green embossed leaves can stretch up to 3 meters.

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I’m growing Thompson’s clerodendrum (Clerodendrum thomsoniae), my acquaintances have got accustomed to the Filipino quite well. Interested, I learned that there are still tall species that fully justify the word “tree” in the name:

  • the most beautiful;
  • fragrant;
  • Ugandan.

All types of clerodendrum have a subtle pleasant aroma with a unique hue, which is attributed to antidepressant properties.

The history of the plant goes back to ancient Rome, where clerodendrum was dedicated to Venus, revered and tried to grow in large quantities. Officially, the tropics of Africa, Asia and South America are called its homeland. It is not possible to more accurately determine the origin.

Clerodendrum has several popular names, for example, "innocent love" or "volcameria"Clerodendrum has several popular names, for example, “innocent love” or “volcameria”. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com onlineplantguide

Growing conditions and care

The most important thing for a plant is the correct temperature regime, and it can survive the rest of the shortcomings without much loss. Too long breaks in watering and feeding will lead to a loss of decorative appearance. With its appearance, the clerodendrum tells what it lacks.

In order for it to grow well and bloom profusely, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for the plant:

  • lighting needs diffused, medium intensity;
  • it is better for him to determine his place of residence on the west or east window;
  • the soil is watered as the soil dries up, abundantly, only with settled water at room temperature;
  • fertilization is carried out 2 times a month during the flowering period, from April to September;
  • humidity for clerodendrum requires high, I spray it every day, for which he thanks the long flowering;
  • the temperature difference (cool wintering) is important, imitating the natural cycle and stimulating the laying of flower buds.
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A feature of Thompson’s clerodendrum is the rapid growth of green mass. If you leave things to chance and do not touch the processes, then they stretch up to 3,5 meters, acquiring a very untidy appearance. Pruning is a must for this plant.

I spend it at the end of February. 3 types of crown formation are allowed: ampelous, shrub, standard. I liked the curly version more, for which I hardly touch the length, but I pinch the side shoots and carefully cut out the root shoots.

When clerodendrum sleeps

The dormant period of the flower is in autumn and winter. After the end of flowering, I remove the remains of the peduncles and transfer the flower pot to a cool corridor. Watering is reduced, but it is not worth allowing the earthen coma to completely dry out.

Important: the level of illumination for clerodendrum during the rest period cannot be reduced.

The signal that the “hibernation” is over is the appearance of new tender leaves. So it’s time to transplant the clerodendrum into a larger pot and take it to a warm room.

Clerodendrum Thompson prefers diffused lightThompson’s Clerodendrum prefers diffused light. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com Monocromatico

Breeding methods for clerodendrum

The easiest way is to separate the semi-lignified shoot, process the cut site with Kornevin and plant it in moist soil. I tried putting the twig in the water. Basically, the result is almost the same. In the soil under the hood, the roots form more slowly, but there are no problems with adaptation after transplanting.

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If there is nowhere to take the shoot, but you want to have a “tree of fate” in your house, you can buy seeds. Fuss with them a lot more. For seedlings to appear, it will take 6-9 weeks with constant monitoring of the level of humidity and the quality of lighting.

Important: when sowing, the seeds are not buried in the soil, but simply pressed lightly against it.

The sowing period falls on the end of February-beginning of March. To germinate faster, I build a micro greenhouse on top for most plants. I grew Clerodendrum like this only once at the request of a friend and then swore to bother. Moreover, when blooming, it did not look like the original image, without preserving its parental properties.

Why isn’t Thompson’s clerodendrum blooming?

Various magical properties are attributed to Clerodendrum, explaining the absence of buds with negative energy. But, of course, the reasons are more prosaic and lie in the violation of the rules for caring for the plant.

  • Volcameria will not bloom if it has not spent a dormant period in a cool place. At a constant temperature, the plant has no reason to form peduncles.
  • Dry air is regarded by the flower as unfavorable conditions. Daily hydration is essential to stimulate flowering.
  • A cramped pot depresses the root system, and it is very delicate and vulnerable in clerodendrum. A young plant needs to be replanted annually, increasing the volume of the container by 2-4 cm. With sufficient space, the flower develops harmoniously and is full of strength for a new flowering.
  • Lack of sunlight is also considered a threat and leads to the discarding of already recruited buds.
  • Excess nitrogen in fertilizers redirects nutrients to the growth of green mass, leaving no energy on the buds.
  • The plant loves moisture, remembering at the genetic level about the humid tropics. But regular overflow is not beneficial, but leads to the development of rot of the root collar and damage to the roots. In this case, the clerodendrum is definitely not up to flowering.
  • In the absence or insufficient drainage layer, waterlogging occurs and the plant also refuses to form buds.
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One of the the most important conditions for the flowering of Clerodendrum Thompson can be considered timely pruning at the very beginning of the active growth phase. This is the only way to give volcameria the desired shape, remove excess green mass, redirect life-giving juices to flower buds and save the strength of the plant.

One of the most important conditions for the flowering of Clerodendrum Thompson can be considered timely pruning at the very beginning of the active growth phase.One of the most important conditions for the flowering of Thompson’s Clerodendrum is timely pruning at the very beginning of the active growth phase. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com flora-toskana

Diseases and pests

Pests are rare, but they are found on these houseplants. It is difficult to notice them, but the change in the structure and color of the leaves should alert. A spider mite and whitefly caterpillars may arrive with a new flower from the store.

Diseases with proper care are rare. However, changes in leaf color, shape and size, thinning of leaf blades and deformation of shoots indicate a lack of light and nutrients. But if these conditions are met, then you will have to remove the plant from the pot and inspect the root system.

When rot appears, the damaged part is removed with a sharp disinfected knife, the roots are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate or the preparation “HOM” for 40 minutes, then the flower is transferred to a new pot and fresh substrate. It is no longer possible to use the old soil.

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Dear readers! In practice, I was convinced that clerodendrum is not a capricious flower at all, all the conditions for its care are easy to fulfill and it is quite simple to induce it to bloom. My clerodendrum is once again going into hibernation after abundant flowering. It made me happy for almost 4 months.

It is believed that he is able to bloom almost all year round with a short break for winter rest. So far I have not been able to achieve this, which means that there is something to strive for. If you have your own secrets of growing this amazing plant, share your personal experience, I will be glad.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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