Orchid cultivation brassia

Orchid Brassia belongs to the epiphytic plants of the Orchid family. It is distinguished by the unusual appearance of flowers with elongated sepals. For this culture is called “spider orchid.” In the wild, it grows in the humid forests of the American tropics. It is successfully grown at home. The plant has 34 natural species and 33 artificially bred.

  1. Characteristic of the variety
  2. Growing
  3. Planting <
  4. Care <
  5. Diseases and pests
  6. Pest control
  7. Pest control
  8. Prevention
  9. Conclusion

Characteristics of the variety

The orchid was named after the botanist V. Brass. This is a flowering perennial plant in the middle of which pear-shaped pseudo After the end of development, they die off, new ones appear in their place. The creeping stalk of Brassia is short, so the bulbs are located close to each other, sometimes adjoining. At the top of each there are several oblong-lanceolate leaves. They are rich green, dense, articulated, diverging fan-shaped . The surface is smooth.

The inflorescence is unbranched, developing in the axils of the leaves. Peduncle 15-20 cm long, up to 15 consecutive buds are formed on it. The flowers have narrowed sepals, the length of which reaches 15 cm. Their edges are thin. Petals are short, sometimes crossed. The shape is more rounded. The lip is large, not attached to the column. The color of the flowers is different: white, lemon, purple or brown. Spotted surface.The aroma is saturated, resembles the smell of daffodils.

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The most popular types of this genus are:

  • Brassia Warty (Red);
  • Brassia Summer Dream (Tinto);
  • Tuscany;
  • Mystic Maze-muse;
  • Brassia spotted;
  • Brassia tailed;
  • Brassidium;
  • Royal.


The process involves many steps. In order for the plant to grow and develop correctly, it is provided with all necessary conditions.


The culture is propagated by seeds and division of the bush. To do this, take a transparent plastic pot of small sizes. Holes are drilled in the bottom to remove excess moisture. Foam pieces are laid at the bottom. Top – a layer of bark with fractions of 2.5-3 cm. It is prepared in advance, cut. Pebbles and wood are also taken as drainage.

The substrate is used commercially, especially for orchids. It is also cooked in person. To do this, take:

  • 40% pine bark;
  • 25% sphagnum moss;
  • 25% charcoal;
  • 10 % dry leaves.


Seeds are prepared before planting: they are first decontaminated. For this purpose, a solution of 15 g of lime per 100 ml of water is prepared. It is filtered, after which grains are placed inside for 10 minutes. The liquid is stirred occasionally.

At home, Knudson medium is used for seed germination, which is prepared according to the instructions.Its acidity should ideally be 4.8-5.2 pH. The solution is poured into sterilized vessels to a level of 1.5-2 cm, closed with a stopper and again sterilized. A pressure cooker is great for this. It is also used for sowing seeds: then spores and bacteria do not get into the container.

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A vessel is placed in boiling water. The kernels are transferred using a sterile tube. To evenly distribute the seed, the solution is shaken. The capacity is closed. All actions are performed quickly.

The jars are placed in an environment with a temperature of 18-22 ° C. Crops provide diffused light for 12 hours. Over time, leaves appear on the surface of the liquid, then the roots grow. After a year, the sprouts are planted in the prepared steamed substrate. To do this, they are carefully removed from the can, washed under running water.

Процесс выращивания долог

The process of growing long

By dividing the bush

Less time-consuming process. For planting in spring, the plant is divided into parts. Each of them should contain 2-3 bulbs with white healthy roots. Spoiled and soft remove. The rest are dipped in warm water so that they straighten and clear. Planted in a substrate, placed on the windowsill on the east side. During the week, only spraying is performed, but make sure that water does not get into the center of the outlet.


When growing Brassia at home, she is provided with good illumination for 12-13 hours a day. In winter, plants dovetail. Direct sunlight should not fall on the flower. The optimal temperature for proper development should be at the level of 20-25 ° C during the day and 17-18 ° C at night. The culture does not accept dry air, therefore it is regularly sprayed. It also does not tolerate drafts.

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Watering is done in this way: a pot for 15-30 minutes. dipped in a container with warm, settled water. During this period, the plant will be saturated with moisture. Wrinkles on bulbs indicate excessive moisture. In this case, watering stops for 7 days.

In winter, the dormant period begins for the orchid. To do this, it is placed in an environment with a temperature of 3-5 ° C for 2-3 weeks. The frequency of watering at this time is reduced. Also in May and September, the pot is put up on an unheated balcony.

Care of the crop includes a transplant, which is done once every 2 years. Once again, the procedure is not worth it. To extract the plants, press on the pot or knock on it. Next, pay attention to the roots:

  • separate them with your hands from the old soil, wash;
  • dry and damaged cut with sterile scissors or a knife, capturing the healthy part;
  • places of cuts are treated with charcoal or charcoal;
  • allow to dry for several hours.

The pot is taken 4 cm more in diameter compared to the previous one.It is washed with soapy water and boiled. The plant is planted in the center, not deepening too much, otherwise the shoots will rot. The transplanted brassia is placed under a warm shower (36 ° C). The next watering is carried out in 2-3 days. After transplanting, the plants are shaded, provide them with high humidity. For this purpose, you can put a pot near the aquarium.

Top dressing is done approximately every 10 days with special fertilizer for orchids. They are used according to this principle:

  • from spring to summer they add substances containing more nitrogen;
  • from mid-summer to autumn – with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

This ensures constant flowering and good vegetative development of the orchid. In winter, feeding is stopped.

Diseases and pests

Disease control

The main disease from which the culture suffers is rotting bulb and roots. Because of this, the leaves turn yellow, the plant dies. The development of an ailment can provoke an excess of water and a low temperature, so they stop watering, set the correct temperature regime.

Pest control

Brassia is often affected by a spider mite. To overcome it, the orchid is placed under a hot shower (45 ° C). There is also infection with the scabbard and mealy worm from other indoor plants. All pests are controlled with the help of the preparations “Karbofos”, “Fozalon”, “Actellik”.


To prevent the development of diseases, the culture is provided with proper care and optimal growing conditions. It is important to prevent stagnation of water in the soil, so when planting, be sure to lay drainage. Holes are periodically cleaned. The substrate is disinfected.


The genus of orchids Brassia affects a variety of species. Beginners for growing suitable Brassia Warty. Of all the species, it is the least moody. The plant feels good at home, blooms almost all year round.

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Anna Evans

Author ✓ Farmer

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