Indoor bougainvillea – flowering giantess care

In harsh climates, imposing, lushly blooming bougainvilleas cannot be grown as a garden plant. But on the other hand, bright South American women successfully move into containers and act as a favorite tub – garden-room or indoor. It is impossible to even imagine a more spectacular and full-color exotic. Turning into a dazzling blooming cloud, the indoor bougainvillea looks enchanting. Cool wintering is required. But for the care and regular care of bougainvillea he will thank him with rapid growth and unique bright flowering.

Indoor bougainvillea – beautifully blooming giantess

Description of the plant

This charming plant can be called in different ways – and bougainvillea, and bougainvillea. But the beauty of the exotic does not change at all from whether the transcription of the botanical name is observed exactly.

Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea) is a rare family in indoor culture Nocturnal โ€” Niktaginovs (Nyctaginaceae) In the indoor format, evergreen bougainvilleas often shed their leaves for the winter. Appearing in the house as a compact blooming cloud, it quickly transforms and usually grows very rapidly. The standard height of room-format bougainvilleas is about 1,5 m. If you do not use shaping (haircut or supports), bougainvillea can “stretch” up to more than 3 meters.

The curly shoots of bougainvillea are thin and graceful. The leaves are arranged alternately, they are large, oval-lanceolate, with an even edge, solid, medium green, up to 13 cm in length.

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Blooming bougainvilleas are more like bright clouds in which the leaves are not so easy to see. They usually bloom from July to October, but some hybrids can last from late summer to spring.

The most beautiful in bougainvillea is the bright bracts with their almost triangular-heart-shaped shape, the finest veins and a transparent paper texture. A bright petal-shaped frame distracts attention from three small but beautiful tubular flowers.

Bougainvillea flowers are only white or light cream. But the bracts are painted in the most dazzling shades of pink, purple, red, yellow and purple, although there are some varieties with a snow-white range. As the color fades, the shades change, creating the effect of watercolor transitions.

Types of indoor bougainvillea

For interiors, three types of bougainvillea are usually used, differing in moodiness and flowering.

Bougainvillea nude (Bougainvillea glabra) – a fast-growing large species with curly shoots, during flowering completely hidden under the “paper” flowers, with a large selection of varieties of various colors.

Bougainvillea is wonderful (Bougainvillea spectabilis) Is a bright and capricious, thermophilic species with densely spaced purple flowers, capable of blooming in rooms even in winter, provided there is enough light.

Hybrid varieties are increasingly common today. bougainvillea Booth (Bougainvillea x buttiana) – slow-growing, bushy, changing color to darker as the flowers bloom in very dense inflorescences.

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Bougainvillea glabraBougainvillea nude (Bougainvillea glabra). Farmer kokedamafloresejardins
Bougainvillea spectabilisBougainvillea is wonderful (Bougainvillea spectabilis). Farmer normeliacordeiro
Bougainvillea x ButtianaBougainvillea Booth (Bougainvillea x buttiana). Farmer ๅŠญ ๆฉ ๆŽ

Growing conditions

The closer the conditions are to ideal, the less trouble will arise with the plant. But the extreme photophilousness of bougainvillea makes it difficult to find a comfortable place in the house.

Lighting and placement

Bougainvillea is “accustomed” to long daylight hours and the brightest lighting possible; for them it is worth choosing the brightest window sills. They are not afraid of the direct sun. For flowering bougainvillea need to provide 5-6 hours of direct sun per day and at least 12-hour daylight hours. With a cool winter, supplementary lighting can be dispensed with. Blooming bougainvilleas do not like turning and frequent changes of place.

Temperature control and ventilation

During the period of active growth, bougainvilleas are not afraid of heat and feel great at any room temperature.

Cool wintering is a must. Bougainvillea is kept in winter in the same conditions as most garden tubs – from 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. The liana can withstand a cold snap of up to 5 degrees, and a warming of up to 15 degrees (but not higher than 16 degrees).

It is advisable to grow bougainvillea with a callout in fresh air for the summer. They like airing, but do not like drafts.

It is advisable to grow bougainvillea with a callout in fresh air for the summer.It is advisable to grow bougainvillea with a callout in fresh air for the summer. Farmer Monrovia

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Bougainvillea care at home

Reducing watering in winter and stopping top dressing is the key to flowering bougainvillea. But in order to admire the bright clouds of flowers, you will have to provide unmistakable care during the period of active growth.

Read also our article Winter care for tub bougainvillea.

Watering and air humidity

In the summer, bougainvillea is watered often and abundantly, preventing the water from stagnating, but also not overdrying the substrate. It is better if no more than 4-5 cm of soil will have time to dry out between waterings. For the dormant period, watering should be gradually reduced, maintaining a slight moisture content in the soil in winter and drying it at least to half the depth of the pot. When all the leaves are dropped, watering can be stopped altogether. Water bougainvillea only with soft, slightly lukewarm water.

Bougainvillea likes high humidity. Spraying is permissible only outside the flowering period; to stabilize humidity, it is better to install humidifiers or use fog sprayers.

Top dressing and composition of fertilizers

Bougainvillea is fed only with liquid fertilizers after watering, from the beginning of growth until October, every 2 weeks, with a standard dose. Until the middle of summer, balanced complex fertilizers are more suitable, and from July – preparations for flowering plants. From the end of August, feeding is reduced, if possible, completely excluding nitrogen. From October to February, top dressing is not applied. Additional dressings outside the schedule are applied after each pruning.

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Pruning and shaping bougainvillea

To maintain its shape and compactness, bougainvillea should be regularly guided along the support and tied with a soft natural twine, without pinching the branches too much. Not only universal potted trellises are suitable, but also wire arches or curly supports.

By pruning, you can form low, strict and even standard forms of bougainvillea, but its main task is to achieve more abundant flowering at the ends of the side branches, stimulating branching and renewal of shoots. On bougainvillea, pruning is carried out not only in early spring, but also regularly, with an interval of about 1 month or a little less often, after each wave of flowering.

Trimming the tops from โ…“ the length (leaving 6-8 buds) and pinching stimulates flowering, and regular trimming helps maintain a strict shape. On bougainvilleas, you can not cut off old shoots from 3 years old.

Sanitary cleaning is carried out in the spring, cutting out damaged, dry, weakened, unproductive shoots.

Bougainvillea is transplanted in late February or early MarchBougainvillea is transplanted in late February or early March. Farmer logeesblog

Transplant, containers and substrate

It is worth disturbing the plant only when the substrate is completely filled with roots. Bougainvillea is transplanted at the end of February or at the beginning of March by the transshipment method, with the complete preservation of the earthen coma, with the exception of the upper contaminated layer. The root collar is left at the same level, its deepening is destructive.

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Bougainvillea thrives in a common versatile substrate, although loose and nutritious mixtures are preferred for tubs or beautifully flowering plants. Neutral pH from 5.5 to 6,0, addition of perlite or coarse sand, wood ash will only improve the soil mixture.

Bougainvilleas do not have any special requirements for containers, except for the size “along the rhizome”, a slight increase in diameter (by 2-3 cm), sufficient depth and the presence of good drainage holes. Large-sized drainage with a height of up to โ…“ of the container must be laid at the bottom. After a bougainvillea transplant, shade and protect from high temperatures.

Read also our article Containers for indoor trees – selection criteria.

Diseases, pests and growing problems

Bougainvilleas react very harshly to improper care or conditions, shedding leaves and flowers even without obvious major misses. Sometimes even a slight drying out of the soil is enough for the buds to fall, not to mention a prolonged drought that leaves the plant “naked”.

This beauty reacts in a similar way to insufficient lighting. Plant flowering without proper wintering, bright light, in too spacious containers and with improper feeding cannot be achieved.

Bougainvilleas are often affected by diseases (powdery mildew, rot) and pests (felt, scale insects, whiteflies). In such cases it is not worth delaying action: the sooner treatment with fungicides and insecticides begins, the better.

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Bougainvillea is very easy to propagate using the young branches left over from pruning.Bougainvillea is very easy to propagate using the young branches left over from pruning. Farmer vmersine

Reproduction bougainvillea

This plant is very easy to propagate using the young branches left over from pruning. For rooting, apical cuttings about 20 cm long are used, processing the ends with stimulants. For bougainvillea, you need to maintain a temperature of around 24-25 degrees, typical conditions with bright light and stable light soil moisture. Rooting takes about 2 months.

Bougainvillea can also be grown:

  • from air layers;
  • from seeds (sowing is carried out after treatment with stimulants, to a depth of 5 mm, with bottom heating).

Rare and interesting varieties can be grafted onto the stems of simple plants, creating multi-colored variations. But the effect can be achieved even easier – by planting several varieties in one pot.

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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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