Pseudobulb in an orchid: what is it

Almost all types of orchids have the same set of organs: leaves, stem, aerial roots, bulbs (pseudobulbs), flowers. The pseudobulb of the orchid can tell a lot.

  1. Structure and features of the pseudobulbs
  2. Why do we need pseudobulbs
  3. Pseudobulb and diseases
  4. Conclusion <

Псевдобульба у орхидеи: что это такое

Orchid pseudobulb: what this is

The structure and features of the pseudobulb

The pseudobulb is almost always located on the rhizome. From the top there are leaves and peduncles, flowers are located on them. All of them are have the same structure.

Bulbs are formed in different ways: in some ides – from one thickened internode, others – from several. In the direction of growth, they are erect, drooping, curly.

The distinguishing features are the fact that they are located above the ground and have a rich green color. In diameter they have size from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters. Pseudobulbs are 1-2 leaves at the top and several pairs of leaves along the surface. Its inner part is filled with water-retaining cells.

In the shape of a bulb are:

  • elongated: spindle-shaped, bulbous, cylindrical;
  • spherical, flat, resembling cakes.

The shape of the pseudobulb of the same plant changes, depending on the conditions. This is observed in cattleya, dendrobiums.The length of pseudobulbs for dendrobiums and cattleya depends on the level of illumination: the higher it is, the shorter the length.

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The bulb consists of soft tissues and mucus, which is protected from fumes by an epidermis with thick walls. In some orchids in the upper part of the organ there is a cavity with stomata through which gas exchange with the atmosphere takes place.

A pseudobulb develops mainly in epiphytic species, which include phalaenopsis. If it has a purple coating, it means that under natural conditions it received a lot of sun. In orchids, the flowers of which are brightly colored, the pseudobulb is sometimes painted in bright red dots. Indoor orchids, for which there is no bulb, function as a reserve of substances and moisture by leaves. More rarely, plants with a monopodial version of the branching system of shoots are observed in indoor floriculture. Such orchids do not form bulbs.

Why do we need pseudobulbs

Внешний осмотр растения поможет предупредить болезни

External examination of the plant will help prevent diseases

The main function of the body is the accumulation of nutrients. It helps the plant survive in extreme conditions. Its presence indicates that phalaenopsis develops both in arid conditions and in an environment with high humidity. When the plant is well maintained, the functions of the pseudobulbs decrease.

This organ evenly distributes beneficial substances throughout the plant.Its bright green color indicates the promotion of photosynthesis. In indoor orchids that do not have bulbs, fleshy leaves perform the functions of storing substances and moisture of organs.

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When flowering is completed, the pseudobulb cannot be cut on its own: it will still serve as a food source for new young shoots during their active growth. They wait until it dries itself, after which it is carefully cut off the very base. After trimming, the cut is treated with activated carbon.

It happens that the old dried phalaenopsis bulb blooms over time and gives a branch – do not rush to cut it.

Pseudobulb and disease

If the ulba of the orchid looks shriveled, the plant does not have enough moisture and there is a problem with the roots. If it is very dry, the plant has dehydration, and it requires urgent watering. After receiving enough water, it becomes thick, dense, smooth.

If the pseudobulb became unusually thick, acquired a saturated dark green color, cracked along and excreted liquid, the orchid was overfed with fertilizers. If the pseudobulb darkened and began to dry quickly, it was struck by a bacterial disease.

The growths on the pseudobulb indicate that the plant received an infection that started with leaves. The sudden blackening of some sections of the pseudobulb indicates a fungal disease.

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Anna Evans

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