Why does not the ficus Ciatistipula grow?

Among the variety of indoor plants, there are real fighters. They are not afraid of uneven watering, shading and sudden temperature changes. So I think the ficus Ciatistipula (goblet-leaf). For the first time I saw him in the corridor near our accounting department. One and a half meter handsome man with large oblong leaves won my heart. I really love tall plants, garden and indoor, and I simply could not pass it by. I went into the office and asked our ladies for scions. So I got an office ficus, which very quickly became a homemade one.

Why isn’t the ficus Ciatistipula growing? Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com gpplantscape

Features of the growth and development of ficus

In a spacious pot and with minimal maintenance ficus Ciatistipula (fICUS) at home grows up to 2 meters. It can often be seen in offices, public institutions, clinics. For his successful growth, special care is not needed, he is surprisingly patient with careless owners who forget to water or feed him.

The homeland of ficus is the tropical part of Angola, Zambia and Tanzania. There, in the open space, under the generous tropical sun, cyatistipula grows up to 8-10 meters. The crown becomes spreading and shady, fruits ripen on time, which are edible, but do not have a particularly remarkable taste.

At home, his size is more modest, and the branches do not diverge so widely from the trunk. Like its wild counterpart, its bark has retained a light brown color, the shape of the crown has become oval, but sometimes it needs pinching to maintain the desired shape.

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The bicolor leaves of this ficus are very beautiful. From the outside, they are dark green with a network of clearly visible veins, and the lower part is lighter, with a convex trail of the cutting.

When I started growing ficus myself, I realized that the plant is really very hardy, but it also has its own “Achilles heel”.

For ficus, the amount of sunlight is not importantFor ficus, the amount of sunlight is not important. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com ysnmn

Requirements for conditions and care

Ficus comes from the tropics, therefore, in memory of his native places, he retained his love for daily moisture. It is uncomfortable for a person to live in conditions of high humidity. To find a compromise, just put a spray bottle near the pot and spray the leaves with warm, settled water once a day.

It is worth considering: until the water droplets on the leaves dry completely, direct sunlight should not be allowed on the plant, you get a sunburn.

Temperature regime and habitat

Ficus easily tolerates a difference of 8-11 degrees. During the summer period, a comfortable temperature for him will be + 23 … + 27 ยฐ ะก. In cold months, it calmly maintains readings of + 16 … + 18 ยฐ ะก, for which we are dearly loved by the technical staff of offices. It does not need to be constantly hidden in a warm corner during seasonal heating shutdowns.

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Moreover, the ficus Tsiatistipula is very categorical about moving, shedding the main part of the leaves, turning into a bald palm tree and abruptly stopping in growth. Seeing my pet at the accounting department in this state, I was slightly taken aback. It turned out that the container with the flower was moved to another window, in addition there was a draft there. The result is such a misunderstanding.

I, too, moved the cyatistipula from one room to another at home, but there were no such catastrophic consequences. The fact is that my windows were in the same direction. In my opinion, the ficus simply did not notice the difference and continued to delight with dense foliage.


In the warm season, it is better to regularly water the goblet-leaf ficus – 2 times a week. And with the onset of September, gradually increase the intervals, bringing the frequency of watering to once every 7 days.

To prevent root decay, “periods of drought” are sometimes carried out until the earthen coma is completely dry. There is also no need to leave water in the sump. If there is still water left 20-30 minutes after watering, then it must be drained or selected with a sponge (if the plant is already large and difficult to lift).

Lighting level

For ficus, the amount of sunlight is not important. It will do just fine with slightly diffused light in the east or west part of the room. It is impossible to completely deprive it of lighting, the trunk will begin to stretch and deform, and the leaves are crushed and lose color saturation. But where the bulk of indoor plants begins to wither, the ficus grows normally, showing no signs of discontent.

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If a corner is chosen where natural light does not reach at all, you can install a small artificial source, for example, an LED or sodium phytolamp of an original design. She, in addition to the benefits for the plant, will also perform an aesthetic task. At my house, this is exactly how the issue with the highlighting of some plants is resolved.

If you do not fertilize the ficus at all and do not transplant, then the plant will stop growing.If you do not fertilize the ficus at all and do not transplant, then the plant will stop growing. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com crocus

Additional fertilizing

Frequency is important in its implementation. If you do not pay attention to the plant at all and do not add useful substances from the outside, then, having used up their supply in the soil mixture, the ficus will stop growing. On average, he adds 20-25 cm per year, increasing the volume of the root system by 3-4 cm. For normal development and preservation of the decorative appearance, one portion of fertilizers every 14-20 days is enough for him.

I use alternately organic and mineral fertilizers. Since we have a summer cottage, it is not difficult for me to bring a glass of wood ash with me. I make an ash solution at the rate of 1 glass per bucket and spill most of the plants with it once every 1 months.

My ficus also fell in love with succinic acid. After feeding, he releases new leaves, the color becomes brighter. Top dressing is carried out once a month with a solution of 1 tablet per liter of water. Can be watered and sprayed, there will be no harm.

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Important: always use freshly prepared solutions and discard unused residues.

In addition, the following can be used as organic feeds for Cyatistipula ficus:

  • compost;
  • yeast;
  • nettle infusion;
  • sleeping tea leaves;
  • coffee grounds.

The remains of tea and coffee must be embedded in the soil. Left on the surface, they quickly become moldy.

As for mineral fertilizers, I settled on the preparations REASIL, Bona Forte, Agricola, and Good Power. They have a balanced content of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and iron. Liquid types are very convenient, they are diluted according to the instructions, applied after watering. Granular options are designed for a longer time, they are used in the summer.

I also heard about fertilizers in the form of sticks that simply stick into the ground and slowly melt from watering, but I have not yet met them in stores. It would be interesting to test them in practice. Intensive feeding ends in autumn and the dormant period begins for the plant until the end of February.


In the first few years, the ficus grows rapidly; it needs an annual replacement of the container with a larger one. Every year the pot increases in diameter by 4-5 cm. If the pot becomes cramped, then the ficus slows down in development, begins to wither, and you can forget about the growth. He lives by analogy with an aquarium turtle, in which the size of the shell corresponds to the area of โ€‹โ€‹the bottom of the aquarium.

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When the container diameter reaches 35-40 cm, the transplant is completed. Instead, at the beginning of spring, part of the land is replaced with a new one, without touching the roots.

The soil mixture for cyanistipula consists of peat, humus and sand in equal proportions. Sometimes I add sod land. A drainage layer is necessary, it provides air circulation and prevents stagnation of water at the roots.

Experienced flower growers consider the end of February or the first half of March to be the best time to move a houseplant to a new pot.

There should not be a complete shadow in the place of growth of the ficus CyatistipulaThere should not be a complete shade in the place of growth of the ficus Cyatistipula. Farmer Burea-Uinsurance.com bakker

Reasons for stopping the growth of ficus

In nature, goblet-leaf ficuses are considered centenarians and can easily live up to 400 years. A houseplant has a lifespan of about 15 years. Intensive growth occurs in the first 4-5 years, then it stretches only a few centimeters per year.

If your ficus has stopped gaining in growth, then it has reached its maximum height or something is desperately lacking for it. This species pays almost no attention to trifles. However, the plant stops developing if:

  • the pot has become small and depresses the root system;
  • not enough fertilizer;
  • there is not enough light;
  • the plant is sick or affected by pests.

How to help the plant?

After observing my ficus for several years, I came to the conclusion that simple techniques help stimulate growth.

  • Annually transplant into a larger pot until the plant is fully mature.
  • Regular feeding from spring to autumn with alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Spraying the leaves of the plant with warm water and holding a contrast shower.
  • Preventive treatment against pests 2 times a year.
  • Providing adequate lighting.
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Ficus doesn’t need anything else for a happy life and a blooming appearance.

Typical mistakes when growing ficus Tsiatistipula

Cyatistipula has several weak points that must be taken into account when growing. She is panicky afraid of drafts, reacting to them by dropping leaves and weakening her immunity.

The plant tolerates accidental overflow calmly, but if waterlogging becomes regular, then root decay begins very quickly. It is safer to keep Ficus in a moisture deficit.

There should not be a complete shadow in the place of its growth. Let it be diffused, but the light should hit the leaves at least in the first or second half of the day.

My ficus stands in the eastern part of the room, giving way to a sunny geranium sill. Watering on schedule. Once every 2 weeks, he receives top dressing and, apparently, is ready to share the cuttings for a neighbor who has been looking at my handsome man for a long time.

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Anna Evans

Author โœ“ Farmer

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